
Don't underestimate yourself(妄自菲薄)

He treats others in an honest, open and fair manner. (開誠布公)

Su Che(蘇轍/子由)

If our heart is a castle, then desire is like those enemies who want to take our castle.(防意如城)

He is neither a donkey nor a horse(非驢非馬)

Small bad things can grow into great disasters.(防微杜漸)

You have to collect the opinions of everyone before making a decision(集思廣益)

My heart is not at peace(方寸已亂)

He finally saw the person he wanted to visit during his third visit(三顧草廬)

Red tape (繁文縟節)

The environment I live in has changed drastically(天翻地覆)

Suddenly from sunny to rainy (翻雲覆雨)

These blooming chrysanthemums will wither tomorrow(明日黃花)

He is like a human-shaped bag, this bag only contains wine and food.(酒囊飯袋)