
Don't underestimate yourself(妄自菲薄)

Don't underestimate yourself(妄自菲薄)


During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the king of the Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death, his throne was inherited by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


In the next few years of the Kingdom of Shuhan, the person who really held the power of the whole country was the prime minister (Zhuge Liang).


Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the content of this letter is as follows.


Your father died young, and our entire kingdom was in a critical situation after your father's death.


But fortunately, people in our entire kingdom are very grateful to your father for taking care of us during his lifetime.


In the past few years, all officials in our kingdom have worked very hard, and all soldiers are willing to sacrifice for the defense of our kingdom.


So we can get through this difficult time.


Now that you have grown up, you will take on more and more responsibilities. The rise and fall of the entire kingdom depends on you.


Don't underestimate yourself too much.


You have to learn from your father.

You should listen to everyone's opinions before making a major decision.

You should humbly accept the advice of others.


You must maintain the principle of fairness and justice when rewarding and punishing.


You must give important positions to those honest and competent officials who were your father's right-hand man.


If you do this, then our kingdom can definitely prosper.



The meaning of this idiom is that you should not underestimate yourself too much.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How old are you? Are your parents still alive? Do your parents have those advantages that are worth learning from you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He treats others in an honest, open and fair manner. (開誠布公)


He treats others in an honest, open and fair manner. (開誠布公)


During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the prime minister of the Shuhan Kingdom was called (Zhuge Liang). A few years before his death, he also served as the highest military commander of the Shuhan Kingdom.


After he died, historians commented on his life in this way.


He treats everyone honestly. He is fair and unselfish.


The government under his leadership is very clean and organized, and the personnel are very streamlined.


He treats fair and objective standards to reward and punish his subordinates.

He is willing to forgive those who sincerely reflect.


He likes integrity, he hates falsehood.


The people of the whole kingdom love him, and all people respect him.

He treats everyone with fairness and justice, and he will not change his principles because of a person's status.


Although he is not an outstanding military general, no one is perfect.

He is one of the best prime ministers.



This idiom is used to describe a person who treats others in an honest, open and fair manner.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you expect others to evaluate you after you die? What are the most important principles in your life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



開誠布公(He treats others in an honest, open and fair manner. )


































Su Che(蘇轍/子由)

Su Che(蘇轍/子由)

Su Che (1039 A.D.-1112 A.D.)

His last name is (Su), his parents gave him the name (Zhe), when he grew up, his friends called him (Ziyou), and he was born in Sichuan Province, China.


The meaning of basil. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The traces of the wheels on the ground when the ancient Chinese carriage passed by

The meaning of a child. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of the reason also has the meaning of the way. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He, his father and brother are very outstanding writers. The three of them, father and son, are also well-known politicians in the Song Dynasty. .


Once, he passed by (Mianchi) this place alone.

He recalled that he had passed by here with his brother a few years ago.

He wrote a poem to his brother.


A few years ago, we came to this place together,

I am back here again. But you are not with me this time, you are far away.


A few years ago, in the temple room where we stayed, the poems written by the two of us were still on the wall.


A few years ago, I was assigned to this place. But people here should have forgotten me.


I think of the day we parted, we encouraged each other to face the difficulties in life bravely.

I haven't seen you for a long time, I feel very lonely. Do you feel the same as mine.


I feel very confused recently.

I feel like a horse that has walked very tired and is panting.

I am not sure of my future direction.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Who do you think of when you feel lonely? Have you ever felt at a loss for the future?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



If our heart is a castle, then desire is like those enemies who want to take our castle.(防意如城)

If our heart is a castle, then desire is like those enemies who want to take our castle.(防意如城)


In the Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous monk called (Shi Faju). He has translated a classic book of Buddhism.


There are many Buddhist verses in this book. There is a Buddhist verse as follows.


How long can our bodies exist? We will all die.

The day we die, our soul will leave.

We only live in our bodies briefly.


What is the benefit of everything we crave?

How long will the happiness we feel now last?

The happiness in our lives is so short and uncontrollable.


What do we think in our minds?

We think of many evil things.

Our evil thoughts will bring us many disasters.


We are responsible for our own thoughts,

We should not pass the responsibility of life to our parents.


We should remind ourselves to do the right thing.

Our lives are so precious.


We should guard our five senses and our own thoughts.

We should treat our own desires as cautiously as we guard against an enemy attacking a castle.


Only when we keep this cautious attitude can our wisdom shine, and we can overcome evil ideas and stay away from evil.



The meaning of this idiom is to remind us that we should treat our own desires as cautiously as guarding against the enemy's attack on a castle.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you reflect on your own behavior every day? How do you think a person should avoid the evil mentality from slowly affecting oneself?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He is neither a donkey nor a horse(非驢非馬)


He is neither a donkey nor a horse(非驢非馬)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a neighboring kingdom called (Youci).

The king of this kingdom married the princess of Wusun Kingdom as his wife.


They all like the culture of the Han Dynasty, and they also have close contacts with the Han Dynasty.

The kings of the Han Dynasty are as close to them as a family.


They visited the capital of the Han Dynasty, and they lived here for a year.

On the day they were leaving, the king of the Han Dynasty gave them a lot of silk and jewelry.


After they returned to their country, they added the features of the Han Dynasty that they liked to some of the buildings in the palace.


They imitated the etiquette norms of the Han Dynasty.

They improved their traditional clothing and added many elements of the Han Dynasty.


They later visited the Han Dynasty many times. After their death, their son succeeded the king, and their son also maintained good interaction with the Han Dynasty.


At that time, some people from other kingdoms commented on them like this.

These people said.


They can neither fully replicate the etiquette of the Han Dynasty.

They have lost their original characteristics.


They are like a mule. They are not donkeys or horses.


This idiom means that a person is nondescript. This is a derogatory phrase.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you particularly like the culture of that country? How much do you know the culture of your own country?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Small bad things can grow into great disasters.(防微杜漸)

 Small bad things can grow into great disasters.(防微杜漸)


In the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister. His name is (Ding Hong),


There is a story about him in history books.


He wanted to give his advice to the king, but he didn't make it rashly.


One day a solar eclipse.

The ancient Chinese solar eclipse was regarded as a warning from the gods, and the gods used this phenomenon to remind the king that he must stop his bad behavior.


He took advantage of this opportunity to write a letter to the king.

There is a paragraph in the letter.


There is a passage in the ancient Chinese classics.


We must fear God, we must be cautious, we must not do bad things, and we must avoid Gods anger.


We should reflect on ourselves. When there are small mistakes in our personal morality, we should immediately review and improve.


If we do this, we can avoid catastrophes.


Only then can we be blessed.


You see that small stream can destroy rocks, and you see that small seeds can grow into big trees.


It is easy to improve small mistakes, but it is difficult to change deep-rooted bad habits.


We should keep this truth in mind.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should stop mistakes or bad things in time and prevent them from developing.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have any bad habits? Have you ever wanted to change this bad habit? Have you successfully quit this bad habit?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You have to collect the opinions of everyone before making a decision(集思廣益)


You have to collect the opinions of everyone before making a decision(集思廣益)


During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The prime minister of the Shuhan Kingdom is called (Zhuge Liang).

A few years before his death, he also served as the highest military general in the Kingdom of Shuhan.


His story is recorded in history books.


He often shared his ideas with important officials in the kingdom.

He said.


You should combine the wisdom of the people, and you should listen to the opinions of the people widely.


Many people are afraid to put forward different opinions because they are afraid of offending others.

You should encourage everyone to express their own opinions and make everyone willing to put forward their own opinions.


You have to collect the opinions of the people before making a decision.


Remember, a person’s wisdom is limited.

Take myself as an example.


There are several important friends and colleagues in my life.

My first good friend is (Cui Zhouping). He will directly point out some of my mistakes.

My second good friend is (Xu Yuanzhi), and his opinions often give me a lot of inspiration and guidance.

My third good friend is (Dong Youzai), and he will directly express his views that are different from mine.

My fourth good friend is (Hu Weidu), he will remind me when he sees my shortcomings.


They provide me with these suggestions and criticisms, maybe I can't fully accept them.


But I know that their starting point is good, and they put forward these opinions on the basis of making the whole kingdom better.

So we can all maintain a very friendly relationship.


This idiom is used to describe when a leader is able to collect opinions from everyone when doing something, and then put together a good plan of action.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Is there such a good friend in your life who is willing to sincerely make suggestions to you? How would you react when you hear others criticize you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




My heart is not at peace(方寸已亂)

 My heart is not at peace(方寸已亂)


During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


These three kingdoms all want to be the final victor in the unification of the entire China.

Therefore, the competition for talent between these three kingdoms is also quite fierce.


There is a famous strategist in the Kingdom of Shuhan, his name is (Xu Shu).


One year, there was a war between the Kingdom of Shuhan and the Kingdom of Wei. The Shuhan Kingdom was defeated in this war.


(Xu Shu)'s mother was captured by the Wei Kingdom.


The king of the Wei Kingdom sent an emissary to find him.


The emissary told him.

If you want to save your mother's life, you have to leave the Kingdom of Shuhan, and you have to join the camp of the Kingdom of Wei.


The king of the Wei Kingdom thinks you are a great strategist.

If you join the Wei Kingdom's faction, he will definitely put you in an important position.


He didn't know how to choose, he thought about it for several days.


A few days later, he decided to honestly explain the situation to the king of the Kingdom of Shuhan.


He said to the king.

My mother was captured by the Wei Kingdom. The king of the Wei Kingdom told me that if I did not join his camp, my mother would definitely die.


He pointed to his heart at this time.

He said to the king.


I agree with your ideas and I believe you can unify the whole of China, so I have served as your strategic consultant for a long time.

But now this unexpected situation makes me have to make the decision to leave.


If I don't leave the Kingdom of Shuhan, I will continue to work for you.

But because Wei Kingdom can use my mother to threaten me at any time, my heart cannot be as calm and objective as before.


I will no longer be a tactician worthy of your trust.


Therefore, I beg you, let me leave safely and let me go to the Wei Kingdom. I want to save my mother's life.


The king was moved by his filial piety.


Said the king.

I understand, you can leave. I promise you that you can leave the Kingdom of Shuhan safely.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is upset and that person is not at peace.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you are the king, will you let him go safely? If you are him, do you think your mother's life is important or your own career is important?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He finally saw the person he wanted to visit during his third visit(三顧草廬)

He finally saw the person he wanted to visit during his third visit(三顧草廬)


During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


These three kingdoms all want to be the final victor in the unification of the entire China.

Therefore, the competition for talent between these three kingdoms is also quite fierce.


There is a famous strategist in the Kingdom of Shuhan, his name is (Xu Shu).


one day. He talked with the king of Shuhan Kingdom.

He said.


I am very grateful that you have assigned me to such an important position. , but if we are to achieve our goals, we need more talent.


I recommend a good friend of mine to you. His name is (Zhuge Liang).

I think he is the best strategist in China.


The king said happily.

Great, please call him over to our kingdom quickly.


He looked at the king in a dilemma.


The king asked him.

Why are you in a dilemma.


He said.

He is such an excellent strategist, he is almost the best talent in China.

So I think you should visit him in person so that you can show your sincerity and enthusiasm.


The king replied after thinking for a few minutes.

What you said makes sense, I will do it this way.


A few days later, the king personally led his subordinates to (Zhuge Liang)'s home to visit him.

This time he did not meet (Zhuge Liang).


A few days later, the king once again personally led his subordinates to (Zhuge Liang)'s home to visit him.

This time he still didn't meet (Zhuge Liang).


About twenty days later. For the third time, the king led his subordinates to (Zhuge Liang)'s home to visit him.

This time he finally saw (Zhuge Liang).


The two of them had a very important conversation.


(Zhuge Liang) was moved by the king's enthusiasm.

He left his home that same day, and he followed the king back to the Kingdom of Shuhan.

Until he died of old age. He never left the Kingdom of Shuhan.


Decades later, he served as the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shuhan. A few years before his death, he also served as the highest military commander of the Kingdom of Shuhan.



This idiom is used to describe a person who respects talents very much. Very sincerely visit this talent again and again.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were a king, would you be willing to visit (Zhu Geliang) in person? If you were willing to visit (Zhu Geliang) in person, but you did not meet (Zhu Geliang), would you continue to go again until you saw (Zhu Geliang)?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Red tape (繁文縟節)

Red tape (繁文縟節)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister. He is also a famous poet, and his name is (Yuan Zhen).


One day, the king said to him.


I will hold a grand ceremony next year. I want to worship and thank God on behalf of everyone, and at the same time I want to worship my ancestors.


This grand ceremony has many complicated etiquettes and regulations, and these complicated etiquettes and regulations have standard operating procedures.


I think if the whole ceremony is to be held perfectly. I need to arrange a very experienced person as the general person in charge of this project.


He must arrange all the details of this ceremony, and he also needs to train a group of staff specifically for this ceremony.


This task is very important, so I want to arrange (Wang Yong), an elderly minister, to perform this task.


You draft this personnel order first.

By the way, you have to encourage him in this personnel order and ask him to do his best to complete this work.


(Yuan Zhen) drafted this personnel order.

After the king approved, the personnel order was officially announced.

This idiom comes from this personnel order.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe red tape.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever participated in a ceremony with a complicated ceremony? Have you executed any important projects?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




The environment I live in has changed drastically(天翻地覆)

The environment I live in has changed drastically(天翻地覆)


In the last years of the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous female writer named (Cai Wenji).


At that time, China was very turbulent, and warlords were everywhere.

So for a while, she was taken into captivity to the Xiongnu Kingdom in northern China.


The Tang Dynasty sometimes had a famous poet whose name was (Liu Shang).

(Liu Shang) wrote a poem based on her legendary life.


In the sixth paragraph of this poem, (Liu Shang) describes how she felt when she first arrived in the Xiongnu Kingdom.


Spring in this place is very short.

All the plants here are completely different from where I grew up.


The shape of the Big Dipper that I used to see when I looked up at night is completely reversed.

The environment in which I live has changed dramatically.


I can't understand what the people in this place are saying. I can't understand the words they use.

I had to keep silent every day.


When I must communicate with them, I can only rely on gestures to let them know what I mean.


This idiom is used to describe a person's environment has changed a lot.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Do you have any experience of living alone in a foreign country? Do you think there are other ways to communicate with people besides language and writing?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Suddenly from sunny to rainy (翻雲覆雨)

Suddenly from sunny to rainy (翻雲覆雨)


There was a famous poet during the Tang Dynasty in China, and his name was (Du Fu).


He wrote a poem describing the social phenomena he observed at that time.


My palms face up and then turn to palms down. This is fast and very short.


I have many friends, and so does their relationship with me.


They were very close to me not long ago, but suddenly they turned their backs on me because they could no longer get more benefits from me.


There are so many such people, I don't know how many there are.


They gave me the feeling like it was a summer afternoon when it was sunny a few minutes ago but suddenly it rained heavily.


There was a pair of good friends in ancient China, they were (Guan Zhong) and (Bao Shuya).


They will not change their friendship because of each other's wealth and poverty.


Their steadfast friendship was valued by people in previous generations, but they are despised and made fun of by people in this generation.


This idiom is relatively negative and is used to describe a person who changes his position quickly in order to achieve a specific purpose.

This idiom is also used by some people to describe two people having sex.



Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Have you ever been turned away by your friends? What are your principles for making friends?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




These blooming chrysanthemums will wither tomorrow(明日黃花)

These blooming chrysanthemums will wither tomorrow(明日黃花)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.


There is an important festival in China, which is on the 9th day of the lunar calendar every year. This festival is called Double Ninth Festival.


One year, he and his good friends got together on this rare day. They drank to the heart's content and chatted happily together. The name of this good friend is (Wang Gong)


He felt sentimental when the party was about to end, so he wrote a poem for (Wang Gong).


I think I'm almost drunk, I'm already sleepy.

How do you feel now?


It makes me feel very satisfied to be with you again this time.


It's been a long time since we got together again.

I feel sad because I found that both of us have more and more white hair.

I feel ashamed, because I found that your knowledge has improved a lot than before, and I have fallen behind you very much.


My good friend, you said that you are about to retire, and you plan to live in seclusion.

Please promise me.

If you have a chance, please allow me to visit you in your secluded place.


It's a rare meeting for us today, I think you shouldn't go home too early.


The chrysanthemum is still in full bloom today, but it will begin to wither after tomorrow.

Time flies, we should grasp today.

Can you go home later? Can you stay longer?



Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

What kind of life do you want to live after you retire? Do you cherish the time to be with the people you love?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He is like a human-shaped bag, this bag only contains wine and food.(酒囊飯袋)

 He is like a human-shaped bag, this bag only contains wine and food.(酒囊飯袋)


In the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous philosopher. His name is (Wang Chong).

There is a story in the book he wrote.


Confucius was sick, he was lying on the bed, and he was going to die.

One of his students was standing in front of his bed with a sad expression on his face. His name was Zimu.


Confucius smiled and said to Zimu.

Can you help me get the book I am reading.


Zimu said sadly.

Why do you ask me to take the book? Are you still in the mood for reading?


Confucius smiled and said to Zimu.

I ask you to bring me the book, of course because I want to read it.

Even if my life will end at noon, then my life will have many hours left.

In my few hours, what do you think I can do to improve my own soul?


Wang Chong commented on this matter. He said.

The biggest difference between us humans and other animals is that we can learn and we want to pursue the truth.


But most of the people around us just think about what to eat and what to drink every day.

These people are like a human-shaped bag, which only contains wine and food.

If a person does not pursue the improvement of knowledge and morality, then this person is no different from other animals.


This idiom is used to describe a person who just thinks about what to eat and drink all day long. This person is very mediocre.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you can know that you will die that day, what will you do on the last day of your life? How much effort do you put into your dreams every day?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



酒囊飯袋(He is like a human-shaped bag, this bag only contains wine and food.)




































    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...