
He spent a lot of time and energy to complete this thing(嘔心瀝血)


He spent a lot of time and energy to complete this thing(嘔心瀝血)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous poet whose name was (Li He).


There is a story about him in history books.


His figure is thin. The eyebrows on his left and right are almost joined together.

His fingers are very long, and he showed amazing intelligence when he was very young.


When he was seven years old, an important literary leader heard about his genius, so he especially visited his home.

The name of this literary leader is (Han Yu).


(Han Yu) came up with a topic and asked him to write an article on the spot.

After hearing the topic, he picked up a pen and wrote without hesitation.

After finishing this article, (Han Yu) praised that its structure and arguments were clear and methodical.


After he grew up, he had a special habit.

As long as he goes out, he is used to riding a bad horse so that he can walk slowly.

He will also bring a servant.


He is walking on the road, if there are some special scenery or events that inspire him,

He would immediately write these inspirations on a small piece of paper.


After writing it, he gave it to the servant. The servant would throw the paper into a worn-out small bag.


When he got home that day, he would carefully review these small pieces of paper one by one.

The materials he created will be accumulated bit by bit in this way.


Once, his mother happened to see him doing this.

His mother saw him sitting at the desk, and there were countless pieces of paper all over the table.


His mother said to him.

You like writing so much, and each of your poems is conceived with great care.

You have collected so many topics today, and I am worried that your over-zealousness will affect your health.


This idiom is composed of four Chinese characters.

The meaning of the first two Chinese characters, the direct translation is to spit out the heart,

The meaning of the last two Chinese characters is directly translated as using blood as ink.


This idiom is used to describe a person who uses a lot of mental and physical energy to create a work or do a thing.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Does your job require you to be creative? Do you think that if a person is very smart, he can succeed. Or does he need to add other qualities?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Our external conditions are really good(山河之固)


Our external conditions are really good(山河之固)


During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Wei Kingdom passed away and his young son succeeded to the throne.


After the young king took office, his first thing was to inspect the entire kingdom with a famous general.

The general's name is (Wu Qi).


This day. They sailed along the Yellow River in a boat.

The two of them stood on the bow, enjoying the scenery along the way.


The king turned his head and looked at (Wu Qi), and he said to (Wu Qi).

Based on the inspection results over the past few days, I think the geographical conditions of our Wei Kingdom are really great.

There are many mountains and rivers in our kingdom that can be our best barriers.


So I have confidence.

I will be able to fulfill my father's wish.

I will be able to grow our kingdom.


(Wu Qi) After hearing these words, he said to the king.


My king, I also believe that you can grow our kingdom.

But based on the historical records, I want to share some of my insights with you.


The Xia Dynasty in ancient China also had the Shang Dynasty.

The geographical environment of these two dynasties is better than our kingdom.

Both dynasties were very strong, but they all perished in the end.


When we analyze the reasons for their demise, we can find that the last kings of these two dynasties only care about their own enjoyment. They are very harsh on the people.


So I think.

Whether or not a country can expect to grow, the key is not how good the kingdoms external conditions are.


The real key element is that a king sincerely cares for all the people in the kingdom, and all the people in these kingdoms support the king.


This is the strongest barrier of a kingdom.


After hearing this, the king said to (Wu Qi).

Thanks for your reminder. What you said is right, I will remember what you said.


This idiom is used to describe the geographical conditions of a place is very good.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with (Wu Qi)'s point of view? Although we are not kings, do you think this concept can also be applied to a family or a business?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



That praying mantis definitely wants to hunt that cicada. (螳螂捕蟬)


That praying mantis definitely wants to hunt that cicada. (螳螂捕蟬)


The praying mantis catches the cicada (the praying mantis is about to hunt the cicada)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.


One day, he went on an outing to relax.

He saw the natural scenery around him, and his mood became better.


Suddenly, he saw a bird he had never seen flying past. This is a very special bird.


He saw the bird resting on a tree in a chestnut forest ahead.


He slowly approached the bird, he wanted to take a closer look.


Wow. The feathers of this bird are really beautiful.


He saw the bird resting on the tree, so he squatted down and picked up a round stone.


He wanted to shoot down the bird. Then take it home to raise.


He suddenly felt puzzled at this moment. Why does this bird remain still?


He followed the bird's sight.

He saw a praying mantis on the branch. The bird definitely wanted to hunt that praying mantis.


The praying mantis also stood still.

He found a small black spot on the trunk in front of that praying mantis, and he took a closer look.

The black spot turned out to be a cicada.


Oh. That praying mantis definitely wants to hunt that cicada.


He suddenly figured out a truth at this moment.

All species are related to each other, and the nature of animals is that they are often confused by the immediate benefits, but overlook the hidden dangers behind them.


He suddenly felt that he was so ignorant. He threw away the stone and turned to leave the woods.


Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, the owner of this chestnut forest would stand not far from him. He hadn't noticed it at all just now.


The owner of this chestnut forest asked him loudly.

Why did you run into my chestnut forest without permission? You want to steal my chestnuts, right?


This idiom is used to remind us not to only covet the immediate benefits and ignore the hidden dangers behind it.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you feel that you are connected to everything in this world? Do you think it is absolutely good for a person to focus too much on pursuing one's own goals?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You are like that wooden doll.(木梗之患)


You are like that wooden doll.(木梗之患)


During the Warring States Period in China, there was a nobleman in the Qi Kingdom whose name was (Tian Wen).

He has made many friends, so he has a nickname, (Meng Changjun).


The king of the Qin Kingdom wants to hire him as the prime minister of the Qin Kingdom.


He was tempted, and he was ready to accept the position.

Many friends advised him not to accept this position.


On this day, a good friend of his came to him, and his name was (Su Qin).

He said to (Su Qin).


I know why you came to me. Many people have already advised me not to go to the Kingdom of Qin.

But I have made up my mind.


Then he smiled and said.

Unless you can find a ghost to advise me, otherwise I will not change my decision.


Su Qin answered.

I did encounter a very strange thing, and I want to share it with you.


(Tian Wen) answered curiously.

Please say.


(Su Qin) answered.


On my way here, I passed a river.

I saw a clay doll and a wooden doll standing by the river.

The two dolls are chatting.


Said the wooden doll.

Although both of us are dolls, I am better than you.

You made it with clay from the river.

In summer, if there is a big flood, you will be destroyed.

But I will be fine.


The clay doll replied.

You are right, if there is a flood, I will be destroyed.

But I will just return to the original state, I am still the clay by the river.


Your raw material is wood cut from trees by the river.

In summer, if there is a big flood, you will be washed away without knowing where to go.

And I can predict that you will never be able to return to the side of this river, to your hometown again.


(Su Qin)paused and continued.

The king of the Qin Kingdom is a powerful man, he is like an unpredictable flood.


(Tian Wen) fell silent after hearing this story.

He later cancelled his decision to go to the Kingdom of Qin.


This idiom is used to describe a person who had an accident when he was out and died in a foreign land.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When you see the benefits of something, do you think of the dangers hidden behind the benefits? If you were Tian Wen, would you go to the Kingdom of Qin?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





Why are my customers dwindling(酒酸不售)

 Why are my customers dwindling(酒酸不售)



During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Han Fei), he wrote a story.


There is a man in the Song Kingdom who has been working in a brewery since he was young.

He studied very hard. After several years, he has developed great winemaking skills.


He felt that the time was ripe and he opened a shop on his own.

The decoration of his shop is very beautiful, and he hangs the signs very high and conspicuously.


When it first opened, business was very good, because his wine was good, he was very polite and sincere.

But after a month passed, his business was getting worse and worse.


He was very upset, he didn't know where the problem was.

His business is very poor, his customers are few, and all the wines he brewed are overdue.


So he had to ask an old man who had lived there for a long time.

The old man felt very puzzled when he heard his question.

The old man went to his shop and actually observed it for a week.


A week later, the old man said to him.

I finally found the reason for your bad business.


He answered happily.

That's great, where is the problem.


Said the old man.

The problem lies with the dogs you have.


He was very puzzled.

What does my dog ​​have to do with bad business?


The old man said with a smile.


Your winemaking skills are very good, but you know too little about your customers.


Many of your customers are sending his servants to buy wine.

When these servants arrived at your shop, the dogs barked at him, so these servants went to another shop to buy wine.


Many of your customers are ordering his children to buy wine.

When these children arrive at your store, the dogs bark at him, so these children go to another store to buy wine.


This is why your business is getting worse and worse.



This idiom is used to describe a person who is not good at running a company.

This idiom also reminds us that in addition to our own ability to succeed, there are many external reasons that we have to consider.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Do you think that as long as a single element is established, one thing can succeed? Have you ever thought that among your customers, the real decision-maker and the executor may be two different people?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.




Why did you wear this fur upside down(反裘負芻)


Why did you wear this fur upside down(反裘負芻)



During the Warring States Period in China, one day, the king of the Wei Kingdom was walking on the road.


It was cold, and a man was walking in front of him.

This man is carrying a pile of forage on his back.


Suddenly the king saw that this man was wearing a piece of fur upside down.

The king asked him why.


He replied.

Because I cherish this fur very much, I am worried that animal hair will fall off.


The king said to him with a smile.

Do you think you are smart doing this,


The way you wear it, the animal skin will wear out and crack in about a year.

When the animal hair has no place to cling to, the result will get worse.


The end of that year.

At the meeting, officials from all over the country reported on the taxes received during the year.


In one place, newly appointed officials charge ten times more taxes than the previous year.


All the officials admire that this new official can receive so much tax.

But the king said at the meeting.


The land in this place has not increased, and the population has not increased.

In the absence of any changes in the conditions, the tax was collected ten times more than in previous years.


This must be because the new official has collected a lot of taxes that shouldn't be collected.

He is like the man who wears fur upside down.


I will punish him.


This idiom is used to remind us to pay attention to the causality of a thing, short-term benefits may cause greater losses.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you observe the behavior of the people a


round you in your life? Why would the king think this new official is like the one who wears fur upside down?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Why is the mouth of this bronze statue stuck with three seals(三緘其口)


Why is the mouth of this bronze statue stuck with three seals(三緘其口)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, Confucius took his students to travel to the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

They arrived in front of a house, which was the ancestral temple of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty.


They saw a human-shaped bronze statue the size of a normal person on the right front of the gate before entering the ancestral temple.


But the strange thing is that the mouth of this bronze statue is stuck with three seals.

Everyone watched around the bronze statue.


Suddenly a student shouted.

There is an article carved on the back of this bronze statue.


This article turned out to be some proverbs left by an ancient wise man to his descendants.


You have to be careful with your words, because what you say may cause you trouble.

You must pay attention to your own behavior, because what you do may bring you suffering.


You should pay attention when you are happy, because disasters are likely to follow.

A little flame can cause a forest fire, and a few trickles can converge into a big river.


You have to remain humble, you should learn to endure and give in.

Don't do what everyone does, don't go where everyone goes.


Finally, I want to remind you that you must always remind yourself to maintain a kind heart.

If you do all these things, then you should be able to avoid harm.


Confucius told the students after reading this article.


The truth is very simple, but it is not easy to do it.

You should keep these words in your heart and remind yourself every day.


This idiom is used to remind us to speak carefully.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you consider the feelings of others before you speak? Do you think simple truths are still useful in this age?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I will answer you based on your question.( 外舉不隱仇 內舉不避親)

 I will answer you based on your question.( 外舉不隱仇 內舉不避親)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Jin Kingdom was in conversation with an elderly minister. The minister's name is (Qi Huangyang).


Said the king.

In our kingdom, there is now an important county without a county head. Which one do you think is qualified for this position?


(Qi Huangyang) answered.

I think among all ministers, (Xie hu) is the most suitable for this position.


The king said in surprise.

Do you recommend (Xie hu)? Didn't you just clashed with him a few days ago?


(Qi Huangyang) answered.

The question you just asked me is who can be the governor of this important county; you are not asking who I dont like.


The king nodded.

The king arranged for (Xie hu) to take up this position.


A year later, the king saw that he managed the county very well.


A few more months passed. The king asked ((Qi Huangyang) a question again.


Said the king.

In our kingdom, there is now an important military position. Which one do you think can be qualified for this position?


(Qi Huangyang) answered.

I think (Qi Wu) among all ministers is the most suitable for this position.


The king said in surprise.

Do you recommend (Qi Wu)? The person you recommend is your son, right?


(Qi Huangyang) answered.

The question you just asked me is who can be qualified for this important military position; you are not asking me who my son is.


The king nodded.

The king arranged for (Qi Wu) to take up this position. After another year, (Qi Wu) played his talents in this position. He did this job very well.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is very fair and unselfish.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you are the management of the company, will you affect your attitude towards a person due to personal emotional factors? How do you discover the advantages of the person you hate?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


Just a good person is not enough(一傅眾咻)


Just a good person is not enough(一傅眾咻.)


During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Mencius) had a conversation with one of his friends. The name of this friend is (Dai Busheng).


He was an important minister of the Song Kingdom. His main job is to manage the personnel in the palace.


He said.

There was a vacancy for the king's personal guard, and I arranged for a kind and upright person to take this position.


I hope that the king can be influenced by him.


(Mencius) replied.

This is a very good arrangement, but I think the result is not optimistic.


he asks.

Why do you think so.


(Mencius) answered.

If your son is about to start learning the language of Qi Kingdom.If you can choose, you should find someone from the Qi Kingdom to teach your son, not from the Song Kingdom to teach your son.

Is my speculation correct?


He replied.

I do think so. I will find someone from Qi Kingdom to be my son's teacher.


Mencius said.

We extend this question.

If you can choose, you can let your son stay in our kingdom to learn the language of the Qi Kingdom, or you can let your son go to the Qi Kingdom to learn the language of the Qi Kingdom.


Which kind of learning effect do you think will be better?


He replied.

It should be better to study abroad.

In that place, everyone around him spoke the language of the Qi Kingdom.

He has to use the language of the Qi Kingdom every day, so he will make rapid progress.


(Mencius) said.

That's right, you look at the situation in the palace now.

All the ministers, guards, and servants around the king were dishonest and deceitful.


So I think if he is the only person who is kind and upright, he has absolutely no way to influence the king.



This idiom is used to remind us that a person's environment has a huge impact on him.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

You recall your own life experience, have you been affected by the environment? Are these effects good or bad?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





You have to concentrate on one thing(專心致志)

You have to concentrate on one thing(專心致志)


During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Mencius) was talking with one of his friends. The name of this friend is (Gaozi).


(Gaozi ) Ask him.

You go to many kingdoms to promote your own political ideas, hoping that these kings will govern their kingdoms with a kind heart, but so far, all kings have not accepted your opinions.


What do you think is the problem?


(Mencius) answered.

Do you know how to play Go? Do you think the rules of the game of Go are simple.


(Gaozi) said.

I know how to play Go. I think the rules of Go are simple.


(Mencius) answered.

I agree with you.

There is a Go master in the Lu Kingdom, his name is (Yiqiu). He is teaching two students how to play Go well.


The first student listened attentively during class, and spent a lot of time reviewing after class.

The second student looked out of the window during class, thinking in his heart that he would go out to play after class.


Which student do you think will have a better learning effect?


(Gaozi) said.

Of course it is the first student.


(Mencius) answered.

In fact, most of us have similar IQs, but the difference in learning attitudes can be huge.

These kings are not interested in the idea of ​​how to govern their kingdoms with a benevolent heart. I think this is the biggest problem.


This idiom is used to describe a person doing something very attentively.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What are you most interested in? Is the work you are doing now what you are most interested in?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




How do you grow flowers(一曝十寒)


How do you grow flowers(一曝十寒)



During the Warring States Period, China split into more than 20 kingdoms.


At that time, there were many outstanding thinkers in China, and these thinkers went to various kingdoms to promote their own political ideas. (Mencius) is one of them.


Once, he had a conversation with a friend whose name was (Gaozi).


(Gaozi) Ask him.

You go to many kingdoms to promote your political ideas, but so far, all kings have not adopted your opinions.

What do you think is the reason?


(Mencius) said.

Suppose you want to plant a flower. After you put fertile soil in the pot, you then bury the seeds in the soil.

You take this flowerpot outside to let the sun shine, and you take the flowerpot back indoors at night.


Then for nine consecutive days, you did not move this flowerpot outside again.

On the tenth day, do you think this seed will germinate?


(Gaozi) replied.

It should not sprout.


(Mencius) said.

This is what happened to me.


I can only talk to the king once a week.

The king spends most of his time with people who flatter him.

So he did not adopt my opinion.


This idiom is used to remind us that if our work and play time are out of proportion, it will be difficult for us to achieve good results.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think you have perseverance? If you were (Mencius), would you be discouraged and give up your ideals?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





The words you said are of no use at all.(老生常談)

The words you said are of no use at all.(老生常談)

During China's Three Kingdoms era, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


There is a famous fortune teller in the Wei Kingdom, his name is (Guan Lu).

Once, he was invited to a banquet. The host of the banquet is an important official whose name is (He Yan).


In the banquet, (He Yan) said to him.

I invite you to dinner because I want to ask you two questions.


The first question is, I want to know if I can be promoted.

The second problem is that I often have the same strange dream recently. I have dreamed that many flies have been flying by my side.


He listened to these two questions. He answered.


Since you asked me these two questions, I will answer you honestly. I will not hide anything.

These two issues are actually the same thing. I will answer together.


Flies like to fly around rancid food, which means you should have some corrupt behavior, you did not take care of your subordinates, you just want to curry favor with your chief.

As long as you stop your corrupt behavior, these flies will no longer appear in your dreams.


Your current position is very important, so you must remember that you must be dedicated to your duties and you must be fair and honest.

If you are careful to do your current job well, you will be promoted.


(He Yan) Hearing this, he said to him unhappily.


Your answer is not helpful to me at all. Real life is not as simple as it is written in books.

What you said is only suitable for elementary school teachers to tell elementary students.


The dinner party ended unhappily.


His uncle told him after hearing the content of the dialogue between him and (He Yan).

You have offended (He Yan), and I am worried that he will retaliate.


He smiled and answered his uncle.

I am not worried, because there is no way for a dead person to retaliate.


Half a month later, the king discovered (He Yan)'s corruption. The king was very angry and executed him.


This idiom is used to describe something that we have heard from childhood.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever consulted a fortune teller? Do you think the basic morality and character written in the book are useful or not?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



My professional skill is to kill dragons(屠龍之技)


My professional skill is to kill dragons(屠龍之技)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


There is a person whose name is (Zhu Pingman).

His father said to him.


I give you all my property

You should use the money to learn a skill.

As long as you have the skills˙, you can be self-sufficient for the rest of your life.


He nodded.


He went everywhere looking for skills he was interested in.

He feels that many skills are common.


A few months later, he heard that a master had a particularly powerful skill,

This person's skill is to kill dragons.


He thought to himself.


Wow, this skill is really cool, barber, chef, winemaker. These skills are very common.

I want to learn this skill.

Only in this way can others feel that I am special.


He spent a lot of energy to find this master.

He asked this master to accept him as his apprentice.


The master saw his sincere attitude, so he agreed.

He followed the master intently for three years. He paid all his money to the master as tuition fees.


Three years later, he learned all the skills of killing dragons very well.

The master said to him, you have learned all my skills about killing dragons, and you can leave me.


He returned to the city happily.

But he encountered a fatal trouble.


He couldn't find a real dragon at all. All the skills he learned did not have the opportunity to use at all.


This idiom describes a person with a very special skill, but this skill is not practical at all.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think the skills you are learning are ordinary? Have you ever seen some ordinary people who have won the respect of everyone because they have achieved the ultimate in a simple thing?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...