
You are very down to earth(腳踏實地)

I don’t think I’m not the one he scolds. (詬如不聞)

I am very busy but I still find out the time for reading. (三上之功)

You can improve a skill as long as you practice regularly(熟能生巧)

A monkey caught by a man(猢猻入布袋)

All the people present laughed(哄堂大笑)

You should reflect on yourself first. (反求諸己)

He avoided answering this question(顧左右而言他)

You only consider yourself and not others(以鄰為壑)

I am happy when I hear my shortcomings(聞過則喜)

I admire and respect him very much(肅然起敬)

He drinks continuously from morning till night(卜晝卜夜)

This is unfounded slander(含沙射影)

There is a blind man riding a blind horse(盲人騎瞎馬)

This is the most direct and fast method(快刀斬亂麻)

He doesn't love me anymore(遇人不淑)