
You are very down to earth(腳踏實地)


You are very down to earth(腳踏實地)


There was a famous minister in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Sima Guang).


He is also a famous historian, he edited a set of history books.

This set of history books has 294 volumes with more than 3 million words


This set of history books records the history of China from 403 BC to 959 AD, a total of 1362 years.

It took him 19 years to complete this set of books.


Since writing this set of books took a lot of his energy, he passed away two years after finishing this set of books.


When he edited this set of books, he lived in Luoyang, Henan Province, China.


Here, he met a good friend who was 8 years older than him. The name of this good friend was (Shao Yong).

The two of them often trip together and often share their life insights together.


(Shao Yong) once said to him.


When you write this set of books, you are very attentive and carefully researching.

You are very down to earth. You can definitely complete this difficult task.


This idiom means a person is down to earth.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Is your job something you love? Is there anything you think you must accomplish in your life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I don’t think I’m not the one he scolds. (詬如不聞)



I don’t think I’m not the one he scolds. (詬如不聞)


There was a famous minister in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Fu Bi).


There is a story about him in the history book.



One day, a friend said to him.


I heard that another friend of ours said bad things about you in private. '


He shook his head and answered.


I think you have misunderstood, he will not do this.


Said the friend.

I'm pretty sure he said bad things about you in private, because he said your name very clearly.


He answered with a smile.

There are many people with the same name and the same surname. Although he said the name (富弼), how can you be sure that he is talking about me?


After he said this, he took the initiative to leave this friend.


This idiom is used to describe a person who will not affect his mood just because others scold him.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think someone is really saying bad things about him or this friend is instigating discord? Do you easily believe what others say?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


I am very busy but I still find out the time for reading. (三上之功)


I am very busy but I still find out the time for reading. (三上之功)


There was a famous writer in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Ouyang Xiu).

He wrote a story.


There was a famous minister in the Song Dynasty, his name was (Qian Weiyan).

His family background is very good, and he has liked reading since he was a child.


His friends knew that he would sit at his desk and read history books whenever he was free.

He will read novels before going to bed.

He will read some short essays and poems when he goes to the bathroom.


He is so fond of reading.


There was a famous historian in the Song Dynasty, his name was (Song Shou).

He also likes to read.


He has a very interesting habit. He will bring a book whenever he goes to the bathroom.

He often stays in the toilet for a long time, and the sound of reading these books aloud can even be heard outside the toilet.


Once, (Ouyang Xiu) said to his good friend.

I can understand why the two of them should read in the toilet.


I am very busy with my work every day.

When I ride the carriage every day, when I go to bed, and when I go to the bathroom, these three times are the quietest time when I am not disturbed by others.


I will organize my reading notes and record my daily feelings during these three periods.


If I don't have this habit, I think I might not be able to write these articles.


This idiom is used to encourage us. As long as we want, we can definitely have time to read.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How long have you not read a book? Do you have the habit of recording your own thoughts and feelings regularly?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You can improve a skill as long as you practice regularly(熟能生巧)


You can improve a skill as long as you practice regularly(熟能生巧)


There was a famous writer in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Ouyang Xiu).

He wrote a story.


There was a minister in the Song Dynasty who was very good at archery. His name was (Chen Yaozi).


One day, he was practicing archery in the yard of his home.

He shot ten arrows and nine of them hit the bullseye. He is very happy.


He suddenly felt that someone was watching him.

He looked back and saw an old man standing outside the fence.


He asks.

Do you know how to archery.


The old man answered.

I will not.


He asks.

Do you think my archery skills are good?


The old man replied.

I think it's very ordinary.


He asks.

Why do you think my archery skills are ordinary?


The old man answered.

I think anyone can achieve the same results as you if they practice regularly.


He says.

I don't agree with you.


Said the old man.

My job is to sell sesame oil, I take myself as an example, you will understand what I mean.


The old man took out a bottle from a basket, put it on the ground, and put a copper coin on the bottle.


There is a square hole in the middle of ancient Chinese copper coins. The length and width of the hole are about 8 mm each.


Then the old man took out a big ladle, and he scooped a ladle full of sesame oil.


Said the old man.

I am going to pour the sesame oil from this ladle into this bottle now.


After saying this, the old man began to act.


The old man's hands are very stable. Sesame oil is like a thin thread, slowly passing through the small hole in the coin and flowing into the bottle.


A few minutes later, the sesame oil from this ladle was poured into the bottle. There is no leakage at all.


The old man looked at him with a smile.

He also laughed.

He said to the old man, thank you for sharing, and then went into his house.


This idiom is used to encourage us. As long as we practice regularly, we can become proficient in a skill.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with this old man's point of view? Do you think regular practice helps a person's learning effectiveness?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




A monkey caught by a man(猢猻入布袋)


A monkey caught by a man(猢猻入布袋)


There was a famous poet in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Mei Shengyu).

There is a story about him in the history book.


He is a very talented person and an excellent poet.

When he was about fifty years old, he was selected by the king at the time and asked him to help compile an important history book.


He was very happy. He looked up information diligently every day, and he spent a lot of effort on this difficult task.


One day, his wife said to him.

You finally have the opportunity to fulfill your dream, and I can understand that you want to do this job well.


But I still want to remind you that a person's health is the most important thing, and you should not be overworked.


He smiled and said to his wife.

I'm just like a monkey who was caught and lost his freedom.

The responsibility of writing this set of books is too great, and I am forced to work so hard.


His wife answered him with a smile.

So far in your life, your career has not been smooth.

Today, you can finally give full play to your talents.

I don't think you are like a monkey.

You are like a turtle.


You are attracted by the bait on the fisherman's bamboo pole, so you bite on the bait. And you are not willing to let go of this bait.


This idiom is used to describe a person's loss of freedom.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think (Mei Shengyu) feels happy or pressured? Have you ever had this experience, others think that doing something is a burden, but you think it is a kind of enjoyment?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




All the people present laughed(哄堂大笑)


All the people present laughed(哄堂大笑)


During the period from 907 A.D. to 960 A.D., China was very turbulent for more than 50 years.


Many kingdoms rose up quickly, and many kingdoms quickly died out. This period is called the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.


There was a famous writer in the Song Dynasty. His name is (Ouyang Xiu). (A.D. 1007-A.D. 1072).


In the book he wrote, a story that happened during this period is recorded.


There are two important government officials, one is (Feng Dao) and the other is (He Ning).

One day, (He Ning) invited (Feng Dao) to his home for a banquet.


(He Ning) See (Feng Dao)'s shoes. He said to (Feng Dao).

Wow. You are newly bought shoes. Your shoes are so beautiful.


I also bought a pair of shoes the other day.


The pair of shoes I bought are almost exactly the same as yours.

How much do you buy for this pair of shoes?


(Feng Dao) Slowly raised his left foot and answered.

900 yuan.


When (He Ning) heard this answer, he turned his head angrily and said to his housekeeper.


Could you please explain, why did you ask for 1,800 yuan for the pair of shoes you bought for me a few days ago?

Why are those shoes so expensive.


The housekeeper answered in horror.

I don't know why the price difference is so much. The price of this pair of shoes is 1,800 yuan, so I spent 1,800 yuan to buy it.


The atmosphere at the scene became very tense.


At this time, (Feng Dao) slowly raised his right foot and said.

This is also 900 yuan.

The atmosphere eased suddenly, and everyone at the scene laughed.


This idiom was used to describe that all the people present laughed.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think (Feng Dao) is telling the truth? When you face a problem, do you delay judgment to avoid getting angry on the spot?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You should reflect on yourself first. (反求諸己)


You should reflect on yourself first. (反求諸己)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).

His book records many conversations between him and other people.


Someone asked him a few questions.

He replied.


If you love someone very much, but you can't get his closeness to you, then what you should do is not to blame the person.

You should reflect on yourself first, and you should ask yourself whether your love is pure.


If there is a king, when he discovers that he has not governed his kingdom well.

This king should reflect on himself first. He should ask himself if he manages his kingdom in a wise manner.


This is like when you want your child to comply with the norms but he does not follow your suggestions. You should first reflect on whether your behavior complies with the norms.


If your behavior cannot produce the results you want, all you should do is to reflect on yourself first.


You cannot change others, but you can change yourself. You change yourself first, and then others may change.



This idiom means that if a person's actions do not produce the expected results, he should first review himself rather than others.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you want to change the world and the people around you? Which one do you think is easier to change?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He avoided answering this question(顧左右而言他)


He avoided answering this question(顧左右而言他)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).


There is a story in his book.


He is talking with the king of Qi Kingdom.


He asks.

If you are going to other countries for several months, ask a friend of yours to help take care of your family before you leave.


After a few months, you came back. You find that your friend has not kept his promise. How would you treat your friend?


Said the king.

If this happens, I will renounce this friendship.


He asked again.

If there is an official in our kingdom who cannot manage his officials well, how would you treat this official?


Said the king.

If this happens, I will dismiss him.


He asked again.

If there is a king of a kingdom who manages his country very badly, he does not take good care of his people, and he does not manage all the officials in the kingdom, then how do you think about this king?


The king did not know how to answer.

The king said to him.

This topic is very boring, let's talk about something else interesting.


This idiom means that one does not want to face other people's questions. He changed the topic to another topic.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were a king, how would you respond? When others pointed out your shortcomings, how would you respond?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



You only consider yourself and not others(以鄰為壑)


You only consider yourself and not others(以鄰為壑)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).

There is a story in his book.


During the Warring States Period in China, the Wei Kingdom had a famous minister named (Bai Gui).

He took (Meng Ke) to visit a magnificent embankment.


He said to (Meng Ke).

The embankment I designed uses the most advanced construction methods.

Starting today, the Wei Kingdom will no longer be threatened by floods.


I think my achievements in flood control have far surpassed that of the famous ancient flood control expert (Yu).


(Meng Ke) answered with a smile.

My opinion is contrary to yours.


He said angrily.

Why do you say that, you say to see why.


(Meng Ke) answered very seriously.

When (Yu) was carrying out flood prevention projects, he first observed it from a macro perspective.

He would dig trenches to lead water into the river, and the water would follow the river into the sea.


When you are working on flood prevention projects, you only observe from the perspective of the Wei Kingdom.

The trenches you dig will lead water into the surrounding kingdoms.


Your selfish behavior will cause great floods in the surrounding kingdoms.

So I say your approach is wrong.


The meaning of this idiom is to transfer the bad things you should have suffered to others.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you only consider yourself when you do things? How do you avoid causing damage to others due to your own factors?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



I am happy when I hear my shortcomings(聞過則喜)


I am happy when I hear my shortcomings(聞過則喜)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).

He wrote in his book.


Confucius has a student, his name is (Zilu), and he has an advantage.

When he hears others point out his shortcomings, he will be very happy.


But there was an ancient king named (Yu) whose behavior is more worthy of our imitation than (Zilu).


When he hears others point out his shortcomings, he will be very happy and express his gratitude.


There is another ancient king called (Shun).

His realm is higher, he will look at things from the perspective of others, and he will not stick to his own ideas.

So he can see his own shortcomings from the perspective of others, and then he will improve himself.


We can see this characteristic from his life experience.


He constantly resets himself with the eyes of others, and he does not stop optimizing his behavior.

He has always used objective standards to make himself better.


This is what a virtuous person should have.


This idiom means that I am happy when I hear my shortcomings

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Can you accept criticism from others? Do you think you can judge yourself objectively and improve yourself?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I admire and respect him very much(肅然起敬)


I admire and respect him very much(肅然起敬)



The Jin Dynasty in China. There is a famous monk. His name is (Shi Huiyuan).


There is a story about him in history books.


When he was old, he still explained Buddhist classics to his students every day.


Once, he saw that some students' learning attitudes had gradually become lazy.


He said to all students.

I am like the sunset in the evening, and the light and heat that I radiate has begun to fade away.


But you are different from me. You are like the morning sun. I hope you can study hard and let your light and heat strengthen day by day.


Then he looked firm and continued to teach with passion and vitality.


All the students were moved by his enthusiasm and sincerity.


All the students cheer up and study more seriously.


This idiom is used to describe respect and admiration for a person.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have the habit of maintaining continuous learning? Who is the person you respect most?

I hope this story will help you produce some new gains.





He drinks continuously from morning till night(卜晝卜夜)



He drinks continuously from morning till night(卜晝卜夜)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the Chen Kingdom had a prince whose name was (Chen Wan).

He fled to the Qi Kingdom because of political factors.


The name of the king of the Qi Kingdom is (Jiang Xiaobai).

The two of them are similar in age. They soon became very good friends.


One day, the king went to his house to drink and chat with him.

The atmosphere was very pleasant, and the two of them suddenly realized that it was already night.


Said the king.

Today is a really happy day, you quickly order your servant to light the oil lamp.

We continue to drink and chat.


He answered with a smile.

We have been drinking and chatting all afternoon,

I still have some work to complete at night.

I suggest that we end this gathering now.

Please understand my persistence.


The king was very unhappy when he heard this answer.

But after a few minutes, he changed his mind.


He knows (Chen Wan) is a man of principle.

He knows (Chen Wan) is a temperate person.

So he respects this good friend more.


This idiom is used to describe a person who drinks continuously from morning to night.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were him, would you refuse the king's request? What do you think a person must do to win the respect of others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



This is unfounded slander(含沙射影)


This is unfounded slander(含沙射影)


During the Eastern Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous Taoist scholar whose name was (Ge Hong).


He wrote a book. This book records his life and what he saw and heard.

This book also records his experience in studying Taoist classics.


This idiom comes from this book.


There is a famous river in China, this river is the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River Basin has a warm and humid subtropical monsoon climate, so there are many peculiar poisonous insects.


There is a common poisonous insect, the name of this poisonous insect is (Yu).

((Yu) Living in a place with water, it looks like a cicada. It is not big, it has wings and can fly.


Its eyes are underdeveloped, and it mainly uses hearing to perceive things around it.

The mouth of this poisonous insect is shaped like a crossbow.


If a person passes by it, in order to defend itself, it will eject a poisonous liquid from its mouth.

If a person's skin is contaminated with this poisonous liquid, it will cause sores.


This toxic liquid is very volatile, so even if you dont come into direct contact with the venom, your skin may get sores.


If contaminated with these venoms, some people's skin will not develop sores immediately, so it will delay the time of treatment.


These people will be very painful when they have sores, and they will also have some symptoms similar to viral infections.

If this symptom appears, the person will die within ten days.


This is an idiom that means to slander others without facts.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you been this kind of experience? How would you deal with unfounded slander from others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



There is a blind man riding a blind horse(盲人騎瞎馬)


There is a blind man riding a blind horse(盲人騎瞎馬)


During the Eastern Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous painter named (Gu Kaizhi).


One day, he chatted with two good friends. The names of these two good friends are (Huanxuan) and (Yin Zhongkan)


(Gu Kaizhi) said.

Let's play a game. Let's each give an example. This example must be able to express the feeling of ending.

Let me give an example first.

An unquenchable fire broke out in a grassland.


(Huan Xuan) said.

There is a funeral in progress. .


(Yin Zhongkan) said.

A man released a bird.


The three people laughed after hearing these examples.


(Gu Kaizhi) said.

We continue to play, this time we give an example each, this example must be able to express the feeling of danger.


This time (Huan Xuan) first give an example.


(Huan Xuan) said.

There was a woman cooking, but there were several knives in the kitchen that were not put away after being used.


(Yin Zhongkan) said.

A 100-year-old man is climbing a tree that has withered.


(Gu Kaizhi) said.

There was a baby sleeping next to the well, and her mother forgot to take her home.


At this moment, a friend who hadn't participated in the game suddenly made a sound.


There was a blind man riding a blind horse out at night.


(Yin Zhongkan) Hearing this answer, he patted his chest.

He says.


One of my eyes is blind, so I can fully understand it.

This situation is really too dangerous.


This idiom is used to describe a very dangerous situation, and the person involved does not know it.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What is the most dangerous situation you have encountered in your life? What games do you like to play?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




This is the most direct and fast method(快刀斬亂麻)

This is the most direct and fast method(快刀斬亂麻)


During the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister whose name was Fang Chu.


One day, the king announced in the meeting.

Clerical officer, please stand on the left

Military officials, please stand on the right.


All the officials in the meeting went to the left and right according to their positions.

But he stood still.


The king asked.

Why don't you act.


He replied.

I have both talents at the same time, so I stand in the middle.


The king said with a smile.

Are you sure?

Let me give a question to see if you have both talents at the same time.


Five minutes later, the king ordered a guard to take out a messed up ball of yarn and hand it to him.

The king said to him.

You help me loose this ball of yarn, the sooner the better.


He says.

No problem.

Then he drew out the sword he was wearing and slashed three times at the ball of yarn.

The ball of yarn became loose immediately.


He went on to say.

To do something, we should first confirm the result we want to achieve, and then use a decisive way to solve the problem. Instead of getting stuck in a problem.


The king said with a laugh.

You really have both talents at the same time.


This idiom is used to describe a person who uses decisive and quick means to solve complex problems.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have a problem that cannot be solved? Have you ever wondered why this problem occurred?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He doesn't love me anymore(遇人不淑)


He doesn't love me anymore(遇人不淑)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.


There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


This idiom is derived from one of the poems.


The weather has been dry recently, and it has not rained for a long time.

That motherwort in the valley has dried up.


There was a woman who was abandoned by her lover, and she sighed with emotion. She sighed with emotion.


Because her lover no longer loves her, she feels tormented in her heart.


The weather has been dry recently, and it has not rained for a long time.

That motherwort in the valley has dried up.


There was a woman who was abandoned by her lover, she called very sadly, she called very sadly.

Because her lover no longer loves her, she feels distressed in her heart.



The weather has been dry recently, and it has not rained for a long time. That motherwort in the valley has dried up.


There was a woman who was abandoned by her lover, she was crying choked up, she was crying choked up.

Now her lover doesn't love her anymore. So her crying is meaningless.


This idiom is used to describe a woman who marries a bad husband.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think this poem is positive or negative? If you have been heartbroken, have you now walked out of the shadow of it?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.






    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...