
He feels that he is better than others(好為人師)

 He feels that he is better than others(好為人師)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).

There is a story in his book.


One day, he saw one of his students talking with others.

He stood by and observed.


After the conversation, he told the student in private.

I want to share one thing with you.


He said.

The main purpose of our learning knowledge should be to enrich ourselves.

We should not make comments lightly, and we should treat our opinions very carefully.


We must bear in mind that what each of us knows is extremely limited.

We should maintain a humble attitude.


You are a smart student, you can quickly absorb new knowledge after you learn it, and you are willing to share it with others, which is a good advantage.


But you should not have the mentality to guide others in doing things.


The premise for you to guide others is that you think you are better than him, and only your method is right, so you guide him.

But there is not only one solution for all things. You should keep your mind open.


You also need to be humble. You should not think that you are better than others.

A proud heart will hinder your progress.


The result will bring you great disaster.


The student said with embarrassment.

Thanks. I will remember these words you said.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who likes to think of himself as a teacher and likes to guide others in doing things.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think you are better than others? Do you often like to criticize or guide others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



This marriage is made by God's will(天作之合)

 This marriage is made by God's will(天作之合)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


This idiom is a paragraph from one of the poems.


God stands high in the sky and monitors our world.


The name of the founder of our Zhou Dynasty is (Ji Chang).

He obeyed the destiny to become the king of our kingdom.

He obeyed God's order and built the capital of Zhou Kingdom.


He met a beautiful girl who lived in the north of the Weishui River.

He liked this girl very much, but he still sought God's will first.

He learned through the divination that this marriage was arranged and blessed by God before he married this beautiful girl.


There are too many boats he sent to meet the bride. If all these boats are connected, they can be connected to form a bridge on the Weishui River.

This is a grand and solemn wedding.


The two of them were combined in obedience to God's will, and they founded our Zhou Dynasty.


Their eldest son passed away when he was young, and this was also out of God's will.

God let their brave second son inherit them, and their second son's name is (Ji Fa).


(Ji Fa) led us to resist and overthrow the tyrannical king of the Shang Dynasty.



This idiom is a congratulatory word often spoken by Chinese people when attending weddings. It means that the marriage of a couple is based on the will of God.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you believe in love? What do you think is the most important factor in a happy marriage?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He is very careful and cautious(小心翼翼)

 He is very careful and cautious(小心翼翼)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


This idiom is a paragraph from one of the poems.


God illuminates the world with great brilliance, and God stands high in the sky.

His thoughts and commands we humans cannot imagine or guess.

He can make a person a king or make a king lose his throne.


A girl came to our place from the distant Shang Dynasty. She married our leader.

The two of them are the father and mother of the founder of our Zhou Dynasty.

The two of them govern us with tolerance and compassion.



The name of the founder of our Zhou Dynasty is (Ji Chang).

When he grows up, he inherits his father's throne and becomes our king

He followed the example of his father and mother, and he governed us very carefully.


He maintains a respectful heart towards God, and because of his good deeds, God blessed us the Kingdom of Zhou.


This idiom describes a person's very respectful and cautious attitude


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you believe in God? How did your parents influence you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He owes a lot of debts(債台高築)

 He owes a lot of debts(債台高築)


The last king of China's Zhou Dynasty, his name was (Ji Yan).


At that time, the king of the Zhou Dynasty was less and less powerful and all the vassal kingdoms were more and more powerful.


All the vassal kingdoms do not listen to the command of the Zhou Dynasty. .


All the vassal kingdoms only respect him on the surface as the common king of all the vassal kingdoms, but they despise him in their hearts.


These vassal kingdoms originally would regularly pay tribute to him.


However, because the vassal kingdoms often fight with each other, each vassal kingdom has spent huge military expenditures.

Therefore, all vassal kingdoms no longer contribute money.


At that time, only a small piece of land could be controlled by the Zhou Dynasty, and the tax collected could not meet the huge expenditures of the entire royal family.


He had to borrow money from some rich people to maintain the huge expenditure of the entire royal family.


But the borrowed money will eventually need to be repaid.

Later, because he had been in arrears and did not repay, these wealthy people united to ask him for this huge loan.


In order to escape these creditors, he hid on a high platform in his palace, and he refused to meet everyone.



This idiom is used to describe a person who owes a lot of money.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you avoid falling into a crisis of debt? What are your financial plans? If you were him, what would you do?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




We paid a lot of labor but didn't get any results(徒勞無功)

We paid a lot of labor but didn't get any results(徒勞無功)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the Qi Kingdom had an outstanding politician. His name is (Guan Zhong).

He is known as one of the most capable prime ministers in Chinese history.


After he passed away, his students wrote a book which recorded his thoughts and philosophy.

There is a paragraph in the book as follows.


You observe the crows in the wild. Although the crows gather in a large group, these crows are not close to each other.


You think about all your friends. The friends you make casually, although the relationship with each other looks very strong, it is actually very easy to untie.


So I warn you, you must be very cautious when dealing with others.


When you want to make friends, you must first see if the person is reliable, and then you decide whether to make friends with him.


When you want to assign work, you must first see whether this person is worthy of entrustment, and then you decide whether to hand over the work to him.


When you want to communicate with someone, you must first see if the person is sensible, and then you decide how to communicate with him.


If we do not grasp this point, we will make some unreliable friends.

We will give the work to people who are not worthy of entrustment, and we will not have good communication.


We will put a lot of effort into it, but we can't produce results at all.


This idiom is used to describe that we spend a lot of effort to do a thing, but it is completely ineffective.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with his point of view? Do you think it is easy to change a person or to let this person use his talents?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He often said this sentence(口頭禪)

 He often said this sentence(口頭禪)


There was a man from the Song Dynasty in China, and his name was (Wang Mao).


He is very filial, he rarely travels, he is a very ordinary person.


He likes to read very much, and he spent a lot of time researching some ancient Chinese articles. He felt that this incident brought him a lot of fun.


He wrote a poem before he died.

The content of this poem is as follows


In my whole life, I take everything in life very seriously.


I never just say what I want to do, I actually take action to do it.


The ideal personality I pursue is to be as open-minded as the vast sky.


I know that I am about to die.

My feeling at the moment is like I am wearing light clothes and I am waiting for the sunrise. .


My feeling at the moment is like I am sitting in a boat, I am waiting for the wind.

When the wind comes, I will set sail immediately.


This idiom is used to describe a word that a person often uses verbally but has no practical meaning.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think you really want to pursue in your life? If you are going to die today, would you feel relaxed or regret?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




A mole needs only a little water(鼴鼠飲水) / You don't replace a chef to cook(越俎代庖)

A mole needs only a little water(鼴鼠飲水)

You don't replace a chef to cook(越俎代庖)


In the ancient times of China, there was a famous emperor whose name was Yao.

He has ruled China for many years, and he is very old. He wants to find a successor.


But he did not let his son inherit the throne. He hoped to pass the throne to a virtuous person.


He inquired around and found that there was a person with a good reputation, and many people respected him. This person's name is (Xu You).


After he had a deep understanding, he thought (Xu You) was a very suitable successor, so he went to visit (Xu You).

He said to (Xu You).

Compared with the sun and the moon, how faint the light of a torch is.

Compared with the rain in the sky, there is so little water in a small pond.


Compared with you, how bad my moral height and work ability are.


I am about to retire, so I hope that the entire country will be handed over to you. Please accept my request.


(Xu You) replied.

I am very grateful for your kindness, but

You have your position, but I have my ideas.

I personally think that you have governed this kingdom very well, so I think you should continue to serve as the emperor.


And I personally feel that all reputations are false, and only my inner abundance is real.


I am like a little sparrow, as long as there is a small tree for me to build a birdhouse, I feel very satisfied.

I'm like a little mole, my stomach is small, I only need a little water and I'm full.


I don't want to have the power to manage the entire country. Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to accept it.


He said.

Please agree to my request, I really think you are the best successor to the throne.


(Xu You) replied.

I am satisfied with my current life and I will not change my decision.

Please don't force me, I am like the cook of a festival, and you are the chief priest of this festival.


The two of us have their own responsibilities. You can't cook for me, and I won't preside over the festival for you.


There are two idioms in this story. The first idiom means to describe a person who doesn't ask for much.

The second idiom means to describe a person who goes beyond his own responsibility to do what others should do.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How would you decide if you were allowed? Would you go beyond your authority to do what others should do?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He didn't concentrate on doing what he thought was important.(飽食終日無所用心)

He didn't concentrate on doing what he thought was important.(飽食終日無所用心)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) records a story about Confucius.


One day a student asked him.

How can we improve the height of our soul?


He replied.

We must concentrate on doing what we think is important.


The student answered.

That's easy to do


He replied.

The truth is simple, but it is not easy to do it.


Because most people only pay attention to three meals a day, they habitually focus on how to make money.


You see these people living in a hurry every day, but if you observe carefully, these people are not really focused on doing what they think is important.


The student asked him.

That’s right, I thought for a moment that my friends around me and myself did have this situation.


The student said again,

Can I improve my moral character if I concentrate on playing games and chess?


He replied.

Of course it can.

Although this is a trivial matter, it is very important to you and you have done it intently. At the level of the soul, you have already beaten those who only eat and sleep.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who does not concentrate on doing what he thinks is important.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you do that makes you particularly attentive? Do you have any positive hobbies besides daily work?

I hope this story will give you some new gains


If I stand on that high platform built by the lake(近水樓台)


If I stand on that high platform built by the lake(近水樓台)


There was a famous writer, military strategist and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty. His name is (Fan Zhongyan).

He is a well-known government official with integrity and strong working ability in Chinese history.


When he was 60 years old, he was assigned to Hangzhou to hold the position equivalent to the current mayor.


One day, a subordinate named (Su Lin) came to report his work progress.


(Su Lin)'s job is mainly to do local service, so he rarely appears in the central office building.

After listening to the report, he expressed his satisfaction with (Su Lin)'s work performance.


When chatting after the meeting, (Su Lin) suddenly said to him.

You are very accomplished in literature, so I want to ask you a question about writing poetry.


He said happily.

No problem, please speak.


(Su Lin) said.

I wrote a poem but only half of it. I don't know how to end it. So I want to ask your opinion.


He said.

Okay, show me this unfinished poem.


(Su Lin) Take out the poem he wrote.


If I stand on a high platform by the lake, because there are no trees blocking it, I can see the projection of the moon in the lake more clearly.

If I were a tree facing the sun, I would be more likely to sprout and grow because I can be fully illuminated by the sun.


He thought to himself when he saw this unfinished poem. This is a very ordinary poem, why did he come here in particular to ask my opinion.


He is very wise, he thought about it deeply.


It suddenly occurred to him that among the staff of the city government, all those who came in at the same time with (Su Lin) had already been promoted, but he was the only one who had been ignored because he was doing local service.


(Su Lin) is still serving as the lowest-level civil servant.


He smiled and said to (Su Lin).

This poem is really not easy to write. You go back. I will seriously think about how to finish the second half of this poem.


After half a month, he issued a new personnel order. Su Lin was promoted to a new important job position.


This idiom is a commonly used idiom. It is used to describe a person who can get a certain benefit first because of the advantage of his position.



Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

How do you think a good leader should discover talents? If you were Su Lin, how would you seek promotion from the chief?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Whether he gains or loses, he feels anxious(患得患失)

 Whether he gains or loses, he feels anxious(患得患失)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


One person asked Confucius.

In your experience, what kind of people would you not work with?


Confucius replied.

I will not work with despicable people.


The person asked.

How do you judge whether he is a despicable person?


Confucius replied.

Some people have strong desires, and they want to get a lot of things, and they think about how to satisfy their desires every day. So he fell into anxiety.


When he finally satisfied his desire, he had really got this thing, he was thinking about how to not lose these things every day. So he still fell into anxiety.


These people's eyes are focused on these things, they have never paid attention to their inner morality.


So they have no bottom line. They do everything to avoid losing what they have now.


Confucius paused and continued.

If it were you, would you like to work with this kind of person?


This idiom means to describe a person who is equally anxious whether he gains or loses something.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you want? What are you afraid of losing? Do you think these things can be taken away after you die?

I hope this story will give you some new gains





These pearls reappear in this sea again (合浦珠還)

These pearls reappear in this sea again (合浦珠還)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Mengchang).


He is a very upright official. He was once appointed as the governor of Guangdong Province.


This area is close to the sea, so most residents rely on fisheries for their livelihoods.

The local area is a famous pearl producing area, and the quality of the pearls is large and good.


But when he arrived there, he found a phenomenon. The local residents were very poor, and many people were malnourished and even starved to death.


He went to visit the people, he wanted to know what happened.

He discovered that this place was originally rich in pearls, so everyone was very wealthy.


But the former governor was very greedy and kept raising taxes, so all the fishermen had to desperately mine pearls.


Because pearls were over-exploited, the output of pearls continued to decrease a few years ago, and this year it was even impossible to harvest them at all.


He took two actions.

He first lowered the taxes of the people.

He then communicated with all the people.


We over-exploited pearls a few years ago, which led to the fact that the pearls are almost extinct now.

We should stop this behavior so that nature has time to return to its original state.


All the people agreed with his approach and cooperated.


One year later, traces of pearls began to appear in this sea area. A few years later, this sea area was restored to be able to harvest many pearls.


Because of his great contribution to this place, the local residents love him very much.


When he was later transferred, all the people took the initiative to line up on both sides of the road to bid him farewell.

Many people cried and pulled his car, and all the people hoped that he would not leave.



This idiom is used to describe something that is lost and regained or a person returns after leaving.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you also paying attention to the current ecological situation of the earth? What do you think is the difference between politicians and politicians?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Why are these people tough on the outside but fragile on the inside? (色厲內荏)

 Why are these people tough on the outside but fragile on the inside? (色厲內荏)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) was not written by Confucius himself.

It was the students of Confucius who wrote down what he said to the students and compiled them into a book.


The time when Confucius lived was about 2500 years ago, when there was no paper.

So these students can only engrave the characters on the thin bamboo.


Because it is very difficult to engrave these characters, when Confucius students record these words taught by Confucius, they often only engrave the most important points that they consider to be the most important.


Therefore, when future generations of scholars read these words, they often have different interpretations of these words because of their different personal life experiences.


There is a passage in this book.


Some scholars believe that the meaning of this passage is that you observe whether there is such a person around you. This kind of person looks harsh on the outside, but is very fragile on the inside.

These people didn't steal, but they were uneasy inside, just like a thief was afraid of being discovered by others.


There are different interpretations of this sentence.

Some scholars think that the meaning of this passage is why some people look harsh on the outside, but are very fragile on the inside.

This is because these people have an attempt to steal. So they will be afraid.


There are different interpretations of this sentence.

Some scholars think that the meaning of this passage is to look at those who only care about immediate interests and not for the sake of others. These people usually behave justly on the outside, but on the inside they are thinking about how to do something stealing.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who is stern on the outside and cowardly on the inside.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you know this type of person? What do you think of this type of person?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



He spread the news he heard without checking.(道聽塗說)


He spread the news he heard without checking.(道聽塗說)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) was not written by Confucius himself.

It was the students of Confucius who wrote down what he said to the students and compiled them into a book.


The time when Confucius lived was about 2500 years ago, when there was no paper.

So these students must condense these words that Confucius said into short sentences, and then engrave them on thin bamboo.


There is a passage in this book.

Confucius said to the students,

If a person hears the truth but does not practice it, then that person has lost an opportunity to improve his character.


But there are several scholars in future generations. Disagree with this interpretation of this sentence.

These scholars said.

The first Chinese character of this sentence is (Tao).

This Chinese character also means road.


So I think what Confucius wanted to express was that after someone heard something unfounded on the road, the person spread the news without verifying it. The character of this man is low.


In addition, some scholars believe that these two explanations are incorrect.

These scholars believed that what Confucius wanted to express was that when a person saw someone else make a mistake, that person should remind himself not to make the same mistake instead of spreading it around when he saw someone else make a mistake.


This idiom is used to describe some unproven and unfounded words.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Which view do you agree with? When you read, do you think about what the author wants to express and put forward your own views?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




I show my poor work in front of a master(班門弄斧)

I show my poor work in front of a master(班門弄斧)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer whose name was (Liu Zongyuan).

He has two good friends, these two are brothers.


The brothers co-wrote a book of poems, so he was invited to write a preface to the book of poems.

The main points of this preface are as follows.


I have a deep friendship with their brothers, we are like family.

I am very familiar with the background of their family.


Several elders in their family were famous literati, and all served as senior officials of the central government.

They have demanded themselves based on the moral standards of Confucian culture since they were young.


Recently they came to the capital and they are going to publish a collection of poems co-authored by two people.

After I read this collection of poems, I think this is really a great book.


The poems in this collection of poems are simple, elegant and very charming.

When I read the poems in this collection of poems, I feel very alive.

The poems written by the two of them feel complementary when read together.


I read this book of poems as if a cool wind was blowing on me, and I felt very comfortable.

I think that only people who have been very dedicated to writing for many years can write such good works.


Looking at this beautiful collection of poems, I feel embarrassed when I write this preface. I am very cheeky.

I feel like I am an apprentice, and I show my poor work in front of a master.


This idiom is used to describe a poorly skilled person showing his poor skills in front of a master. And this person feels that his skills are very good.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you an expert in any aspect? Do you think that no one is more professional than you, so you look down on others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Some advantages of reading poems(興觀群怨)


Some advantages of reading poems(興觀群怨)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


A student asked Confucius in class.

If we ask you to recommend us a book, which book would you recommend us to read?


Confucius said.

I recommend you to read (The Book of Songs), the earliest compilation of poems in China.


The student asked.

Why would you suggest that we read this book?


Confucius said.

This book has collected folk poems from all over China for a long period of time.

My own feelings about reading this book have four advantages.


The first point is that reading these poems allows me to see the happiness and interest of others.

The second point is that reading these poems allows me to see different customs in different places.

The third point is that reading these poems allows me to see the humanities of various kingdoms.

The fourth point is that reading these poems allows me to see the complaints and resentments of others.


After I read these poems, I realized that I should get along with everyone around me in a tolerant attitude.

I use the wisdom I have learned in my family, so I am more filial. I use it in my life, so I remain humble and respectful.


By the way, there is another benefit. Reading these poems also made me know a lot of birds, insects, trees, and plants that I didn't know before. This makes my life more interesting.


This idiom is used to describe the various influences a good poem can bring to society.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What is your favorite poem? If you can only read one book this year, which book would you read?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



His status makes his life difficult.(孤臣孽子)


His status makes his life difficult.(孤臣孽子)


There is an important scholar in Confucianism whose name is (Meng Ke).

There is a story in his book.


A young man asked him.

Why are there so many difficulties and challenges in my life? I feel that my luck is worse than others? What should I do?


He answered with a smile.

Do you think these difficulties and challenges are bad? Contrary to your opinion, I think these things have positive significance to you.


I observe that there are some people around me who are noble and knowledgeable.


I found that the reason why they can keep their minds clear and understand the truth, and they can maintain harmony with others, has a lot to do with their life background.


Almost all of them live in an unstable environment.


History books also record some ministers who were alienated by the king and some children from bad backgrounds.


Their considerations and worries about the future are usually far-reaching than ordinary people.


They constantly hone and improve their will and morals in their lives.

Therefore, these people tend to be more benevolent than ordinary people in dealing with people and things they encounter in life.


So I suggest that you should change your perspective of looking at things and look at your current situation positively.


The direct translation of this idiom means a minister and a concubine's child who is not taken seriously. It is used to describe some people who live in distress.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you view the difficulties and tribulations you have encountered in your life? Do you think that a bad thing will also have a positive meaning for us?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...