
He feels that he is better than others(好為人師)

This marriage is made by God's will(天作之合)

He is very careful and cautious(小心翼翼)

He owes a lot of debts(債台高築)

We paid a lot of labor but didn't get any results(徒勞無功)

He often said this sentence(口頭禪)

A mole needs only a little water(鼴鼠飲水) / You don't replace a chef to cook(越俎代庖)

He didn't concentrate on doing what he thought was important.(飽食終日無所用心)

If I stand on that high platform built by the lake(近水樓台)

Whether he gains or loses, he feels anxious(患得患失)

These pearls reappear in this sea again (合浦珠還)

Why are these people tough on the outside but fragile on the inside? (色厲內荏)

He spread the news he heard without checking.(道聽塗說)

I show my poor work in front of a master(班門弄斧)

Some advantages of reading poems(興觀群怨)

His status makes his life difficult.(孤臣孽子)