
Nine out of ten houses are unoccupied(十室九空)


Nine out of ten houses are unoccupied(十室九空)


During the Eastern Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous Taoist scholar called Ge Hong.

He wrote a book. This book is a record of his life and experiences.

This book also records his insights from studying history and learning Taoist knowledge.


There is one passage in this book.


In China's Warring States period there were seven major kingdoms, one of which was the Qin Kingdom.

There were several very capable kings in the history of the Qin Kingdom.


These very capable kings established clear standards of reward and punishment and ruled all the people with strict laws. These kings made the Qin Kingdom very prosperous, and the military and economic strength of the Qin Kingdom became very strong.


The name of the first emperor in Chinese history who founded the Qin dynasty was Ying Zheng. He led the Qin army to defeat and destroy the other six kingdoms and unite all of China.




After Ying Zheng unified China, he began to become proud and arrogant, and his life became luxurious and wasteful.


He didn't care if the people were safe and happy. He ordered the people to build his palace and mausoleum. He ordered the troops of the Qin Dynasty to fight against other kingdoms around China.




Because war and construction cost a lot of money, the people had to pay high taxes and do hard labour. During his reign, the lives of the Chinese people became very painful and difficult.


At that time, almost every family in China had someone who died in the war, and many people were separated from their families for a long time because they took part in the war.


The fields are uncultivated, about nine out of ten houses are uninhabited, and the land of China is littered with the graves of the dead whose names cannot be found.


After Qin Shihuang's death, his son succeeded him. His son believed the words of those who were dishonest. Under his son's rule, people's lives became doubly painful.


People across China rose up in revolution after revolution, and the mighty Qin dynasty was overthrown 15 years after its establishment.This idiom means that nine out of ten houses are unoccupied.


This idiom is used to describe a place where the population is very small because of a disaster or war. This place makes people feel very desolate.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been to a country at war? Do you think your present life makes you unhappy or happy?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



十室九空(Nine out of ten houses are unoccupied)













































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