
I don't have the ability to handle this situation(束手無策)

 I don't have the ability to handle this situation(束手無策)


There was a scholar in the Song Dynasty in China whose name was (Li Fang). He collected many materials and records, and compiled a collection of fantasy stories totaling 500 volumes.


There is a story in this book.


There was a general in the Tang Dynasty, and his name was (Wei Shu).

When he was 40 years old, he had a very strange disease.


He didn't have any soreness in his body, but his appetite became poor and he ate less and less every day.


He lost weight day by day, and his body became smaller and smaller.


His family sought many doctors and warlocks hoping to cure him.

But these people said to his family with their hands spread out.

I can't cure him.


In less than a year, his body shrunk to the size of a baby.

He couldn't walk or sit, and he couldn't speak.


His wife and mother hold him every day, and all his family is very sad.


On his birthday, his family invited a monk to pray for him.


His wife made an oath.

He and I don't eat meat from today, and the two of us only eat vegetarian food.

If he can recover, the two of us will eat only vegetarian food for the rest of our lives.


From this day on, his wife began to eat only vegetarian food, and only fed him vegetarian food.


Unexpectedly, after he started to eat only vegetarian food, his appetite became better and better.

He eats more and more every day.


His size, like his appetite, was increasing day by day.

His strange disease was cured without medicine.


Half a year later, his figure returned to what it was before he became ill, and he returned to health.


This idiom is used as a metaphor when faced with a problem and there is no solution.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Are the relatives and friends around you troubled by illness? When you encounter such a problem that you cannot solve, what will you do?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



He knows all the knowledge of ancient and modern(博古通今)


He knows all the knowledge of ancient and modern(博古通今)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, Confucius said to his students.

Lao Tzu was the director of the Zhou Dynasty National Library, and he read a lot of books. He is very wise, he knows all the knowledge of ancient and modern.


He knows the origin of many customs and habits, and he can clearly explain the way people get along with each other.

Compared with his, my knowledge is so shallow.

So I am going to visit him and I am going to learn from him.

Do you want to go together?


Many students happily signed up for this trip.

Confucius took these students to visit abroad.


They arrived at the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, which is now the city of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province, China.


Confucius took these students to visit Laozi.

He also took these students to field trips to the buildings in the capital and to learn the meaning hidden in the details.

They visited the imperial ancestral temple and learned the orthodox etiquette.


On the last day of the visit, Confucius said to all the students.

Our trip abroad this time has been very rewarding for me.


The Zhou Dynasty had a set of very clear etiquette norms for the people to follow. The Zhou Dynasty had a very rich culture and a very lofty moral level.


I finally understand why the Zhou Dynasty can flourish for hundreds of years.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is knowledgeable.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you research the local culture and history before you travel abroad? What do you think a truly worthwhile trip should be like?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Han Kang(韓康/伯休)


Han Kang(韓康)


Han Kang(韓康)(AD? -AD?)


His surname is (Han), his parents gave him the name (Kang), and his friends called him (Bo Xiu) when he grew up. He was born in Shaanxi Province, China.


The original meaning is the fence around the well. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Stable meaning. healthy meaning. rich meaning. It is also one of the surnames of Chinese people.

It means the oldest of the brothers. . It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Meaning to rest. Meaning to stop. Can also be used to describe black.


There are some relatively few but highly respected people in China's long history.

These people have good knowledge and a high moral level.


But they refused the king's appointment, and they did not serve as high-ranking officials in the government.

They choose to live in seclusion in the city or in the mountains.


The mavericks of these people have made them gain a high reputation.


In the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a person called (Han Kang). He is that type of person.


The king at that time wanted to hire him as an important adviser to the central government, so the king sent some messengers to visit him, but he refused.


The king had to write an edict.

This edict says, I earnestly ask you to serve our kingdom, and you must agree to my request.


When the messenger came to his house again, he saw that the king was going to give him those very expensive gifts and the highest standard of carriages and this edict.


He said.

The king takes me so seriously, I should not turn down his invitation any more.


The messenger told him very happily.

Take this carriage, please. Shall we set off at once.


he told the messenger.

I'm not used to riding your tall carriage, so I'd better take my cattle cart.


The messenger could not resist him, so he agreed to his request.


Said the messenger.

I'll go back and report the good news to the king, and then I'll turn back to meet you.


After the messenger left, he packed some of the most important items in his home. The next day, he drove his cattle cart and slowly headed towards the capital.


A few days later, he passed an outpost.


The stationmaster was building a road, and the stationmaster, seeing him in shabby clothes, told him.

Your cattle have been requisitioned by the state and you must keep your cattle here.


He said yes, and then he handed the cattle to the stationmaster.


Just as he handed over his cattle to the station master, the messenger who had returned to greet him happened to arrive at this outpost.


When the messenger saw this, he was very angry and said to the stationmaster.

Do you know why I ordered you to build roads.


Said the stationmaster.

There is an important person to pass by.


The messenger said.

You stupid,

This old gentleman is that important person. How dare you take away his cattle.

You made a serious mistake and I'm going to kill you.


The stationmaster trembled with fright when he heard this.


After Han Kang heard this, he said to the messenger.

He didn't rob my cattle, I took the initiative to give it to him. Please don't punish him.


The webmaster looked at (Han Kang) gratefully and kept thanking him.


But he did not reach the capital in the end, and he fled halfway.

It is said that he lived deep in the mountains and that he lived a long life.

No one knows where he lives, but sometimes some people meet him.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you despise someone because of their clothing? Has anything happened to you that nearly killed you?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The price is fixed(口不二價)


The price is fixed(口不二價)


There are some relatively few but highly respected people in China's long history.

These people have good knowledge and a high moral level.

But they refused the king's appointment, and they did not serve as high-ranking officials in the government.

They choose to live in seclusion in the city or in the mountains.


The mavericks of these people have made them gain a high reputation.


In the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a person called (Han Kang). He is that type of person.


He was born into a famous family, and he received a good education from an early age.

He can easily gain fame and power and money if he wants to.


But he doesn't care about these things, he thinks the best state of a person is not to depend on others and not to be depended on by others.


His profession is very special. With his professional knowledge, he goes to the mountains to pick some Chinese herbs and sell them in the market.


He lived a simple and self-sufficient life.


He does business with a principle that he only makes a reasonable profit, so his pricing strategy is simple.


After he sets a price that he thinks is suitable, he sells it according to this price.

He doesn't let people bargain.


He has been selling Chinese herbal medicine for more than 30 years and has always adhered to this principle.


One day, as usual, he was selling Chinese herbal medicines in the market.

A young girl came to his stall and wanted to buy some Chinese herbs from him.


The girl bargained with him.

He insisted that the price was fixed.


The girl bargained several times in a row but he still insisted very much, so the girl said angrily.

Boss. I heard that there is a famous person named (Han Kang) who insists that his prices are fixed when he does business.

I find this guy very inflexible and I didn't expect anyone to be like him.


He was startled when he heard this.

He thought to himself.


I don't like being famous very much, I want to be a very ordinary person and live a very simple life.

I think that being famous is not necessarily a good thing, whether it is good or bad fame is not good.


I thought I was pretty low-key, but I didn't expect even a girl to have heard of me.


I'm in middle age and it looks like it's time for me to retire.

The next day, he moved to the mountains to live in seclusion.


This idiom means that the commodity has no two prices, and the price of the commodity is fixed.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you like to bargain when you buy things? Do you think that being famous must be a good thing?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The deceased's moral level is very high. (葬近要離)

The deceased's moral level is very high. (葬近要離)


China's Eastern Han Dynasty had a famous poet, he was also a famous hermit, his name was (Liang Hong).


He wrote a poem that reflected the luxury of the royal family and the poverty of the common people at that time.

The king was very unhappy when he saw the poem, and ordered him and his wife to be arrested.


The content of the poem is as follows.

I climbed to the top of Pak Mong Mountain next to the capital, and I looked down the mountain and overlooked the whole city.

I saw that the palace where the king lived was very magnificent, and I saw that the people's life was very hard.

I can't help but lament, when will these poor people live a good life.


He and his wife fled from Shaanxi province to Shandong province. It was discovered a few years later, so they fled from Shandong Province to Jiangsu Province again.


He spent the last few years of his life living in the home of a wealthy local.

The rich man became good friends with him.


He said to the rich man before he died.

Thank you for your kindness over the years, I am dying.

I have one last wish I would like you to fulfill for me.


The rich man said with red eyes.

Please say. I will do my best to fulfill your last wish.


He said.

I want to be buried here.


The rich man said suspiciously.

According to custom, your son should transport you back to your hometown for burial.


He said.

I don't think it makes a difference to be buried there, my soul is everywhere.


The rich man agreed to his request.


After his death, the rich man tried very hard to find a suitable cemetery for him.

The tycoon ended up burying him next to the tomb of a famous assassin in the Spring and Autumn Period of China.


The rich man said when he paid his respects.


(Yi Li) is a famous hero who sacrificed for justice. You are a person with a high moral level, so I will bury your grave near his grave. I think you will like this arrangement very much.


The usage of this idiom is quite special and is used to mourn the deceased. There is a high moral level in praising the deceased.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How would you like to be buried when you die? Have you drawn up a will in advance?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




She treats her husband very respectfully(舉案齊眉)


She treats her husband very respectfully(舉案齊眉)


China's Eastern Han Dynasty had a famous poet, he was also a famous hermit, his name was (Liang Hong).


He wrote a poem that reflected the luxury of the royal family and the poverty of the common people at that time.

The king was very unhappy when he saw the poem, so he ordered him and his wife to be arrested.


He and his wife fled from Shaanxi province to Shandong province. It was discovered a few years later, so they fled from Shandong Province to Jiangsu Province again.


In order to make a living, he helped out with rough work in a rich family in Jiangsu Province.

He lives with his wife in a small room in a remote corner of the rich man's home.


One day at five o'clock in the afternoon, the rich man happened to pass by the room where they lived.

The rich man saw a very strange sight.


His wife put the prepared dinner on a small wooden plate and handed it politely to him.

His wife said.

Thank you, you worked hard today, this is the dinner I prepared for you, you can eat it first.


He replied with a smile.

Thank you, you worked so hard today, thank you for preparing a delicious dinner for me.


The rich man thought to himself.

The connotation of this couple is manifested in the details of their daily life, and they are completely different from the rest. I dig deep into the backgrounds of both of them.


The rich man later found out that he was an intellectual with rich knowledge and a high moral level.


The rich man quickly arranged for him to live in his home and treated him as a VIP from then on.


The direct translation of this idiom means that she respectfully handed the plate containing the meal to her husband.

Used to describe a couple who maintain mutual respect and courtesy.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you polite to strangers but rude to your closest family members? How do you think an educated person should behave?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Liang Hong(梁鴻/伯鸞)


Liang Hong(梁鴻)


Liang Hong(梁鴻) (AD? - AD? )


His surname is (Liang), his parents gave him the name (Hong), and his friends called him (Bo Luan) when he grew up. He was born in Shaanxi Province, China.


The beams that support the roof. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

A very large water bird.

It means the oldest of the brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

A kind of bird in the legend


He was a famous poet and also a famous hermit.

He lived in the Eastern Han Dynasty in China.


His story is recorded in the history books.


His father died when he was very young.


His family was poor but he was very ambitious.

He studied hard, and when he grew up, he became a very learned person.


He does not like to flatter others, he pursues his own independent personality.

He is respected by many in his hometown.


Many rich people want to marry their daughters to him.

But he has his own mate selection conditions.

He thinks these rich girls are too superficial, and these rich girls only want to pursue flashy material pleasures, so he refuses them all.


In his 30s, he heard about a woman in the same state who was also 30 years old.


The woman was ugly, fat, dark-skinned, and very strong.

But this woman has her own opinion.

said the woman. My principle of choosing a mate is very simple. This person does not have to be rich, but he must have a high life pursuit, and he must have a lofty moral level.


He thought this woman was the right wife for him.

He asked a matchmaker to match, and the woman agreed, so the two of them got married.



After they got married, he was disappointed.

Because he saw his wife wearing gorgeous clothes and dressing up beautifully every day, he regretted it in his heart.


He thought.

I originally thought she was an assertive and not vulgar person, but I didn't expect her to be as vain as other rich girls.


His inner disappointment was manifested in his behavior, his indifference to his new wife.


After a few days, his wife asked him.

Why are you so cold to me. Are you because I'm too ugly.


He was honest with his wife.

I don't care about a person's appearance, I value a person's inner more.

I thought you would be my soul mate.

But I see you wearing these very impractical but gorgeous clothes every day, and I think there may be a huge gap in our values.


His wife laughed when she heard his answer.

His wife said.


I don't usually wear these clothes at all. I like to wear simple clothes. I feel awkward wearing these gorgeous clothes these days.


His wife went back to the room and changed into her usual coarse clothes.


His wife returned to the living room.

His wife told him.

This is what I'm most comfortable wearing, and if you feel good about it, I'll dress like this in the future.


He was very happy.

He hugs his wife for the first time since he was married.

He said.

It was really good that I made the right decision, both of us have the same taste. I am so happy.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you choose a mate, what are those conditions? Do you think that condition is the most important to you?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Zhang Hua (張華/茂先)

Zhang Hua (張華/茂先)

Zhang Hua (張華)(232 AD - 300 AD)


His surname is (Zhang), his parents gave him the name (Hua), and his friends called him (Maoxian) when he grew up. He was born in Hebei Province, China.


Means to open. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Flower meaning. gorgeous meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means that the plant is very thriving.

Previous meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He is a well-known poet and a well-known writer, and he has edited an interesting book that compiles myths, history, geography and some fantastic stories he has heard.


One of the stories is as follows.


There is a famous winemaker who makes delicious rice wine.

There is a person who likes to drink very much, his name is (Liu Xuanshi).


He often buys rice wine from this winemaker.

The two of them became good friends.


One day he was chatting with the winemaker.

The winemaker said to him.


I am brewing a very special rice wine with a special process that is secretly passed down by my family.

Anyone who drinks this kind of rice wine will get drunk, and the drinker will be drunk for almost a thousand days.


He was so excited when he heard it, he told the winemaker.


I want to drink this rice wine too, can you sell it to me?


The winemaker said.

My rice wine is not fully fermented, so I can't sell it to you yet.


He said to the winemaker.

Please, I really want to drink, please sell me a drink and let me have a drink.

I don't care that the rice wine is not fully fermented.


The winemaker did not agree at first, but because of his repeated pleas, the winemaker finally reluctantly agreed.


After he finished this cup of rice wine, he walked home.

Feeling a little drunk when he got home, he went back to his room and lay on the bed, he fell asleep.


When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to see many people around him.


After he sat up, he looked around, he wasn't sleeping on the bed, he was sitting in a cemetery. His family and winemakers surround him.


He said to the winemaker.

This special rice wine you brewed is really good, I went home and fell asleep after drinking it.


Then he said to his wife.

Why am I here and what happened.


His wife cried and answered.

It turns out that you really didn't die, which is really great.

Three years ago, when you got home that day, you went straight back to your room to sleep.

We couldn't wake you up that night, we thought you were dead. So we buried you.


This morning, this winemaker came to our house to look for you, and he insisted that you were not dead, you were just drunk from the rice wine he made.


We didn't believe it at first, but his attitude was very firm, so we came to the cemetery to dig out your coffin.


It's incredible that you actually woke up.


His wife wiped her tears and said to him with a smile.

If you had told me this three years ago before going to bed, our whole family would not have had to cry so many tears for you.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is the best wine you've ever had in your life? If there is such a wine, would you like to try it?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The poems are in the same style(千篇一律)


The poems are in the same style(千篇一律)


In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a minister in the Nanliang Kingdom, whose name was (Zhong Rong).

He is also a well-known literary critic.


He once wrote a book that commented on 122 poets from the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties.


In this book, he commented on a famous poet named (Zhang Hua) in the Jin Dynasty.


His poems mainly imitated the style of another poet whose name was (Wang Can). ,


He likes to write poetry with beautiful words. But his poems do not have very deep meanings.

The words he used in his poems were very particular. I personally think the words he uses are overly ornate.


He is very famous, but many people with higher taste will feel that his works have a fatal flaw.

The poems he writes are all about personal feelings, and his vision and realm are too small.


The poems he writes are below average in my opinion. .


Another famous poet (Xie Lingyun) once commented on his poems.


He has written many, many works, but they are all in the same style.


This idiom means that a person has a lot of works but they are all in the same style.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Which is your favorite poem? Who is your favorite poet?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.







During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous monk whose real name no one knew.


He lived in seclusion in Tiantai Mountain, and people at that time called him Master (Hanshan).


He wrote many poems to teach followers to understand the truth of Buddhism.


The gist of one of the poems is as follows.


According to the Buddhist worldview, each of us enters reincarnation after death.


We will enter one of the six realms of samsara because of our actions and virtues in this life.


We are like an ant, we can only keep moving forward.


We are constantly looping through the six realms of reincarnation, and we can never rest.


In each cycle, we take on new faces and become different identities, but our inner essence is the same.


We should avoid ourselves falling into hell in the next reincarnation.


If we understand the darkness and horrors of hell, we will not be overwhelmed by emotions and desires in our daily lives.


We will practice well in this short life to improve our moral level.



The original meaning of this idiom is that although a person's appearance has changed, his inner soul has not changed.

This idiom is now used to describe a person who gets rid of old bad habits and becomes a completely different person.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Do you have a bad habit you want to break? What kind of person do you want to inspire yourself to be?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.








The imperial examination is an important political system in Chinese history.

This system had a huge impact on Chinese society and culture,


Many people with no prominent background and many very poor people changed their social class and destiny through the imperial examinations.

Because they pass this exam, they can serve as important officials of the central government.


The content and methods of the imperial examinations were slightly different for each dynasty.

We use the simplest way to understand the rules of this exam. The imperial examination is divided into three levels.


The location of the first-level examination is located in the provincial capital, and those who pass the examination can take the second-level examination.

The location of the second-level examination is located in the capital, and those who pass the examination can enter the third-level examination.

The third-level exam was invigilated by the king himself, and the exam took place in the palace.


In (Jing) state, since the imperial examinations were held for more than 50 years, no one has passed the second-level examination.

So many people in other states laugh at people in this state.

This place where you live is a wild place.


850 AD

There is a candidate named (Liu Tui) in (Jing) prefecture who passed the second level exam.


The news came back to his hometown, and everyone in his hometown was ecstatic.

Everyone said happily.

The spell was finally broken. Our place will no longer be called the Wilderness.


When he returned to his hometown, the governor wanted to give him a large bonus.


But he declined.

He said.

No one has passed Level 2 in fifty years because none of us have worked hard enough.

We have proved with actions that (Jing) state is only 1,000 kilometers away from the capital, and our side is not a barren land.

This sense of honor and achievement is more valuable to me than this high bonus.


This idiom is used to describe something that never happened.

The direct translation of this idiom means that this place has entered civilization from the wild since today.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were (Liu Tui), would you accept this huge bonus? When others think you can't realize your dreams, do you still insist on working hard towards your own dreams?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...