
No need to tell others about this(不足爲外人道也)


No need to tell others about this(不足爲外人道也)



During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer named (Tao Yuanming).

His poems and prose have influenced many famous poets and writers in Chinese history.


One of his most famous essays is called (Peach Blossom Spring).

The general idea of the second half of the third paragraph of this essay is as follows.


The fisherman lived in this village for several days, and the villagers here were very hospitable, and every day someone took the initiative to invite him to their home as a guest.


These villagers received him very attentively and carefully prepared a lot of food.


After about half a month, the fisherman wanted to go home.


The fisherman expressed his thoughts to the villagers, and the villagers asked him to stay for a few more days, but he said.

I have been away from home for a long time, and I still have to go back to where I live after all.


I am grateful to all of you for your hospitality these days and will miss you when I leave.

If I have a chance, I will come here to see you again.


Seeing his firm attitude, the villagers told him.

We understand how you miss your home.

Can you promise us a request after you leave?


Asked the fisherman.

What are your requests?


The villagers answered.

We hope that you will not tell anyone about your experience these days.

We don't think it's necessary to tell anyone else about your coming here.


The fisherman granted their request.


The next morning he returned to the cave through which he had come.

After he walked out of the cave, he saw that his boat was still stranded beside the small river.

That afternoon he returned to the city where he lived.


This idiom means that there is no need to tell others about this matter.



Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Would you leave the village if you were him? Do you think he can keep his word?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



He doesn't know the history of China in the past 600 years(不知有漢無論魏晉)

He doesn't know the history of China in the past 600 years(不知有漢無論魏晉)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer named (Tao Yuanming).

His poems and prose have influenced many famous poets and writers in Chinese history.


One of his most famous essays is called (Peach Blossom Spring).

The general idea of the first half of the third paragraph of this essay is as follows.


The villagers in the square looked at the fisherman in amazement, and the fisherman approached the villagers slowly,

These villagers gathered around the fisherman.


After about a minute, an old man who seemed to be the leader asked the fisherman.

Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you come to this place?


The fisherman told the villagers how he came here.


The old man looked at the fisherman after listening.

he said to the fisherman.

You are a very rare guest in our village, it is almost dark now, we invite you to stay in our village tonight.


You can stay at my house and I will be happy to host you.


That night, the old man hosted a grand banquet in honor of him.


All the villagers in the village also heard the news, and all the villagers came to the banquet, and everyone wanted to see the fisherman.


During this dinner, the fisherman talked with the old man and many other villagers.


He finally knew the origin of these people.


The villagers in this village have lived here for about 600 years.

600 years ago, it was the Warring States Period in China. It was a chaotic era, with constant wars between kingdoms, and people's lives were as insignificant as an ant.


The ancestors of these villagers discovered this unknown place. The ancestors of these villagers moved to this valley together in order to allow their descendants to enjoy a free and safe life.

Because the location of this valley is too mysterious, no one has discovered this place for six hundred years.


The fisherman is the village's first visitor in more than 600 years.

In the past 600 years, China has gone from the chaotic Warring States period to the Qin Dynasty to unify the whole of China. After the Qin Dynasty fell, it was followed by the 400-year Han Dynasty, and then China was divided into three kingdoms. The Three Kingdoms Period Then came the present Jin Dynasty.


The fisherman told the villagers about the 600 years of Chinese history, and all the villagers sighed, surprised, laughed and sad when they heard it.



This idiom means to describe a person who has been divorced from reality for a long time and has no knowledge of social conditions.

This idiom can also be used to describe a person's poor knowledge.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Are you familiar with the history of the world over the past 200 years? Will you take the initiative to contact international news from various angles and viewpoints?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



He feels happy and content(怡然自樂)


He feels happy and content(怡然自樂)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer named (Tao Yuanming).

His poems and prose have influenced many famous poets and writers in Chinese history.


One of his most famous essays is called (Peach Blossom Spring).

The general idea of the second half of the second paragraph of this essay is as follows.


The fisherman approached the village slowly, and he saw many young and middle-aged people working hard in the rice fields on both sides of the village.


When he walked into the village, he saw many beautiful and clean houses.

The distance between the houses is very close. When you see these houses, you can feel that the people in this village are very close.


If I lived here, he thought, I should be able to clearly hear the neighbor's dog or rooster crowing.


He saw a small square in front of him. Many old people with yellow hair gathered and chatted together. In addition, there were many young children running around playing games in the square.


The fisherman saw that these people were wearing almost the same style of clothes as he was wearing.

The fisherman saw a contented and serene smile on the faces of everyone here.


When these villagers saw the fisherman approaching them, all the villagers stopped talking and moving, and all the villagers in the square looked at the fisherman in amazement.


This idiom means to describe a person who feels happy and content.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you ever traveled alone to a strange place? How do you think you can live a contented and peaceful life?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.





The scenery in front of me suddenly became open and bright(豁然開朗)

The scenery in front of me suddenly became open and bright(豁然開朗)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer named (Tao Yuanming).

His poems and prose have influenced many famous poets and writers in Chinese history.


One of his most famous essays is called (Peach Blossom Spring).

The general idea of the first half of the second paragraph of this essay is as follows.


After the fisherman drove his boat out of the peach grove, the river gradually narrowed and his boat ran aground.


He got out of the boat and walked on. He still wanted to find the source of the river.


After he walked for dozens of minutes, he finally found the source of the river.


He saw the source of the river flowing from a cave.

The cave is very narrow, only about two meters high and one meter wide.


He looked into the cave, he said to himself.

Why is the end of this cave not dark but glowing with light?

This is so weird, I should just keep exploring.


He couldn't suppress his curiosity, he got into this cave.

He watched the bright light ahead, and he advanced slowly and carefully.


The cave got bigger and bigger the further he went, and the faster he walked.

After a few minutes, he came to the end of the cave, and the scenery opened up and brightened before him.


He passed through this cave and came to another world.

He saw white clouds in the sky and a forest in front of him.

He continued walking slowly along the river.


Ten minutes later, he passed through the woods.

He saw a vast plain.


A small village appeared before his eyes.

There are many neat houses and several small ponds in the village.

He saw many fields full of mature ears of rice.

He saw many mulberry and bamboo trees and many fruit trees planted in this village.



This is an idiom that is often used. This idiom means that the scenery in front of me suddenly becomes open and bright.

This idiom is used to describe a person's state of mind suddenly becomes open and carefree.

This idiom is also used to describe a person who suddenly realizes some kind of truth.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you think there are areas on this earth that humans have not yet discovered? If you were him, would you explore this cave alone?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




A large area of very green and beautiful grass(芳草鮮美) / Many beautiful and blooming flowers(落英繽紛)


A large area of very green and beautiful grass(芳草鮮美)

Many beautiful and blooming flowers(落英繽紛)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer named (Tao Yuanming).

His poems and prose have influenced many famous poets and writers in Chinese history.


One of his most famous essays is called (Peach Blossom Spring).

The gist of the first paragraph of this essay is as follows.


During the reign of the second king of the Jin Dynasty.

There is a county in the north of Hunan Province in today's China. The name of this county is (Wuling).

There is an ordinary fisherman in this place.


One day, he suddenly felt that his ordinary life was very boring.

Standing on his own boat, he looked at the river he fished every day, and suddenly he wondered where the source of the river was.


Immediately he took action, and he sailed up the river in his boat.

He watched the surrounding scenery become more and more unfamiliar, and he quietly admired the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river.


After a few hours, the river gradually became narrower and narrower, and he felt that he was about to find the source of the river.


A large peach forest appeared on both sides of the river.

The peach trees in the peach grove are in full bloom, and many petals are falling and floating in the air.

He saw many peach blossoms falling on the green and beautiful grass, and he was shocked by the beauty in front of him.


He felt that the peach forest was artificially planted, because there were no trees other than peach trees in this forest.


He thought so. Is there anyone living in front?

He continued to row upstream in his boat, and after ten minutes, he had already seen the end of the peach grove in front of him.



The first idiom is used to describe the beauty of a meadow.

The direct translation of the second idiom means that there are many petals floating in the air, and many petals are scattered on the ground.

The second idiom is used to describe the appearance of flowers in full bloom.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you like your current life? What is your definition of travel?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




He faces all the difficulties and challenges in life with a smiling attitude(付之一笑)

He faces all the difficulties and challenges in life with a smiling attitude(付之一笑)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.

He has a student named (Wang Shi).


In 1088 AD, he wrote a poem in a letter to his students. The general idea of the poem is as follows.


Time goes by so fast, how come I have reached this age all of a sudden.

Time passes year by year, and the cycle of winter passing and summer coming continues.

Often just take out the winter clothes, but take out the summer fan again in the blink of an eye.


Our life is the same, there are ups and downs, sometimes we lose and sometimes we gain.

My mood is now indifferent to gains and losses, because I know that if I don't gain, I won't lose


I see that you are very active, you study hard and hope to have the opportunity to display your talents.

But I want to remind you that there are many helplessness in our lives, and some things need to wait for the cooperation of the time to have a chance to succeed.


You study hard alone, and you don't have many friends.

But I am a little worried about your life, I hope you still remember to eat and keep healthy.


I see that your clothes are very old, and the house you live in is very simple.

I hope you face the present predicament with a smile, because none of us know what the Creator has planned for our future.


I trust that your efforts will bear fruit and that you will improve every day morally and intellectually.

I believe that I can see you pass the imperial examination in the near future, and I will congratulate you well then.


This idiom is used to describe a person who faces all the difficulties and challenges in life with a smiling attitude.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

How do you face difficulties and challenges? Can you stay positive and optimistic when you are poor?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




It's the best(首屈一指)



It's the best(首屈一指)


In the Qing Dynasty of China, there was a famous thinker named (Zheng Guanying).

He wrote a book in which he sorted out what he observed about the social conditions in China at that time, and put forward many ideas on how to solve the social problems at that time.


This book is the book with the most editions in modern Chinese publishing history.


A brief summary of a small passage from the book is as follows. '


China has a long history, and many books have been handed down from ancient times to the present, but there has never been a public library mechanism.

In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, after referring to the methods of many Western countries, the king of the Qing Dynasty established China's first official library in the capital.


At that time, many wealthy people in various provinces also followed the example of the king and independently established private libraries.

As far as the author knows, there are at least 9 private libraries with rich collections in Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province in China.


Unfortunately, most of the books in these libraries were lost due to the war.


When the author was writing this book, the largest library he knew was founded by the Lu Shi family in the city of Wuxing. In the era when the author lived, this library had the largest collection of books among all private libraries.


The author sighs that China has a vast territory and a large number of people, and the population is out of proportion to the library.

Therefore, the author suggests that the central government should plan and allocate funds to establish public libraries in each province, so that more people can have the opportunity to read more books.


The direct translation of this idiom means giving a thumbs up to show that a person or a thing is the best.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

How many libraries are there in the city you live in? How long has it been since you went to the library?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




Liu Zhao(劉兆/延世)


Liu Zhao(劉兆)(AD? -AD? )


His surname is (Liu), his parents gave him the name (Zhao), and his friends called him (Yonsei) when he grew up. He was born in Shandong Province, China.


Originally meant a weapon like an axe. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Omen meaning. The number is 1 trillion. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of extension. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Generations mean. The meaning of the world. 30 years mean. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a well-known scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. History books record a story about him.


He was knowledgeable and wise, and his personality was gentle and loyal.

He is an expert in ancient Chinese classics (Chunqiu), so many people come to learn from him, and he has taught thousands of students. .


One day a stranger came to his house, and the stranger said to his servant.

I want to see your master.


Because of the impolite manner of the stranger, the servant did not let him into the house.

The two sides stalemate at the door for dozens of minutes.

He heard a quarrel at the gate in the house, and he went out to see what happened.


He said politely to the stranger after listening to the servant's complaint.

I would love to receive you, please come into my house.


When the stranger entered his house, he found a chair and sat down.


The stranger spoke to him as soon as he sat down.

I heard that he is an expert in the book Chunqiu.

During your research, did you encounter any doubts or difficulties?


He unabashedly and generously told this stranger a few problems he had encountered.


The stranger smiled at him when he heard his question.

Your questions are very simple, and I can answer them for you.


After he listened to the stranger's answer, he thought for a long time, and he asked the stranger back.

Your point of view is very novel but it has a great conflict with my basic point of view so I can't accept it.


the stranger said to him.

We should keep an open mind when studying a subject, and we should respect facts, not our own subjective ideas.


After saying this, the stranger stood up to leave.

He was taken aback by the stranger's behavior, and he hurriedly stopped the stranger.


he said to the stranger.

Please don't leave my house, I think your point of view has inspired me, and I would like to discuss with you some of the difficulties I have encountered.


The stranger smiled at him.

I had a relative who lived in the city and this relative of mine passed away, and I am now rushing to attend the funeral. I will come and visit you again when I have time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you host this stranger? Do you think you are a subjective person or an objective person?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




His life is poor but he is happy because he sticks to the values he agrees with.(安貧樂道)


His life is poor but he is happy because he sticks to the values he agrees with.(安貧樂道)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar named Liu Zhao.

He is a descendant of the nobles of the Han Dynasty.


He was knowledgeable and wise, and his personality was gentle and loyal.


The king at that time hired him as a senior government official three times, but he declined all three times.


Although he is poor, he is content, and he is happy because he sticks to the morals and values he agrees with.


He is a teacher by profession and he is very patient with his students.

He is an expert in ancient Chinese classics (Chunqiu), so many people come to learn from him, and he has taught thousands of students. .


In his spare time teaching, he writes at home

He wrote a lot of books in his life, and the number of words in the books he wrote exceeds one million words. He lived to be 66 years old, and he lived a quiet and contented life.


This idiom is used to describe a person who lives in poverty but is happy because he adheres to high standards of morality and values.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Who is your most respected teacher? What kind of life do you think is successful?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




Retire after success (功成身退)


Retire after success (功成身退)


In the Northern Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar named Zhang Junfang. He edited a set of books in which he recorded in detail the historical origin of Taoism, recorded many famous Taoist priests in history, and also compiled various important scriptures and training methods of Taoism.


In Chapter 56 of this set of books, he recorded a Taoist observation and theory on the relative relationship between nature and the human body.


In this chapter, there is a passage as follows.

We need to maintain and love our bodies, each of us exists because of those countless accidents. Therefore, we must cherish our hard-won life very much.


We should stay away from those who are low moral and ignorant, we should live in moderation, we should be careful about what we eat and what we say, we should keep a clean and simple living environment and avoid conflicts with others Disputes, we have to reflect on whether we have made mistakes every day, we have to remind ourselves every day to correct our shortcomings, and we have to learn the wisdom of how to make ourselves accessible.


We must avoid those evil temptations, and we must keep our hearts pure and simple.


In this chapter, another passage is as follows.

Our souls now live in our bodies, and our souls leave this body after we have done what we are supposed to do in this life.

Our life is short, we should aspire to be immortal, we should aspire to reach a higher state.

We shouldn't waste our time, we should avoid wasting our lives so that we don't die regretting that we didn't do our best to improve ourselves.


The direct translation of this idiom means to retire after success.

This idiom is also used to describe a person who voluntarily resigns after completing a difficult task without nostalgia for power.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you could only accomplish one thing in your life, what would it be? If you were to die today, what would you regret about it?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



Learning is like drilling a well (學如穿井)


Learning is like drilling a well (學如穿井)


In the Northern Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar named Zhang Junfang. He edited a set of books in which he recorded in detail the historical origin of Taoism, recorded many famous Taoist priests in history, and also compiled various important scriptures and training methods of Taoism.


In this set of books, a story of a Taoist priest in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China is recorded. The name of this Taoist priest is (Xu Hui).


He had a mind of his own since he was a child.

His personality is very stable, unlike other children who would run around and play around.


He has a quick mind, whatever job he does gets done quickly, and his work area is kept very clean.


When he became an adult, he had the opportunity to work in a unit of the central government, but he refused.


He left home, and he learned from several famous Taoist priests of the time.


A teacher asked him.

Do you want to practice yourself in a Taoist way so that you can reach the realm of immortality?


He answered firmly.

Yes, this is what I want.


Said the teacher.

This path is very difficult, just like you want to dig a well. When the well is dug deeper, you will encounter greater resistance and challenges.

Therefore, you have to be very firm and persistent in order to be successful.


After hearing these words from the teacher, he nodded firmly.

He answered.

My determination is very firm. I feel that life in the world is very boring. I hope that I can reach the realm of immortality as soon as possible, and I want to leave this world as soon as possible.


He lived in a cave for the last few years of his life, and when he was 30 years old, he realized his dream, and he died smiling in this cave.


The direct translation of this idiom means that learning is as difficult as digging a well.

This idiom is used to remind us that we need continuous persistence and action to be successful.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you remember your childhood dreams? Have you become an expert in some kind of knowledge?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




Ban Chao(班超/仲升)


Ban Chao(班超/仲升) (AD 32-AD 102)

His surname is (Ban), his parents gave him the name (Chao), and his friends called him (Zhongsheng) when he grew up. He was born in Shaanxi Province, China.


A group of people lined up in order. A group of people who form a work or study organization. One of the Chinese surnames.

Beyond the meaning. The meaning of jumping.

The second male among brothers.

The meaning of liter. One of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous and great general in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

History books record a story about him.


He defeated more than 50 kingdoms successively in Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Province in China, as well as parts of Central Asia.

He became the supreme military commander of this vast region.


He officially retired at the age of 71, and the name of the general who replaced him was (Ren Shang)

On the eve of his return to the capital, the two of them had a conversation.


Ren Shang said.

You have served this place for 30 years and I have been called to take your place today.

I feel that my wisdom is not enough, please share your wisdom with me so that I can do this job well.


Ban Chao replied.

I am very old, how stupid I am compared to you, since you asked me, let me share with you a few things that I think you should pay attention to.


Although the kingdoms around our legion respect us very much, they have not completely surrendered to us in their hearts.


Many of these soldiers stationed at the border were sent here because of crimes. Every soldier is very brave but also very reckless.


According to my observations in the past few days, you have a rather anxious personality, and you are very strict in dealing with others.


If you manage these soldiers completely according to the regulations, these soldiers will hate you.


You should interact with these soldiers as friends on weekdays.

When they make small mistakes, you should treat them with mercy.

If they make a really big mistake, you punish them according to the regulations.


You have to use the same attitude to interact with other kingdoms, and these kingdoms will truly trust you.


After Ren Shang heard these words, he despised Ban Chao's words of wisdom.

He didn't follow Ban Chao's advice.


A few years later, all the surrounding kingdoms rebelled against the Han Dynasty, and the soldiers of the legions he led did not obey his orders and commands, so he was dismissed from office and sentenced to death.



Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever underestimated other people's suggestions? How do you get along with your subordinates in the company?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




I miss my hometown(代馬依風)

I miss my hometown(代馬依風)


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous general named (Ban Chao).

History books record a story about him.


He is a great general.

He defeated more than 50 kingdoms successively in Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Province in China, as well as parts of Central Asia.

He became the supreme military commander of this vast region.


At the age of 68, he wrote a letter to the king.


When a fox in the wild is dying, the fox's head is turned in the direction of its birthplace.

When the wind blows from the north, many horses born in the north will make a sad cry.


I am very old, and I may die at any moment, but I dare not look in the direction of the capital, because it would make me very sad.


If I die tomorrow, my soul will remain in this desolate desert.

I am willing to stick to my post until the moment I die.

But please let me retire if you like, I hope to see the scenery of my hometown again before I die.


But because he was too important to the stability of the border, the king did not grant his request.


Two years later, his sister also wrote a letter to the king on his behalf.

My brother has been stationed in that far frontier for the Han Dynasty for 31 years.

It was a dangerous environment. My brother always fought forward in every battle. He was seriously injured several times. He almost died several times.


Those people who went to the border with him at the beginning are all dead, and he is the only one left alive.

He is seventy years old this year. He is old and sick.

His hair was all white, his movements were clumsy, and his judgment had deteriorated.


I haven't seen him for more than 30 years, and I have almost forgotten what he looks like.


He is a very responsible person, but he is really too old. If there is a major war on the border now, although he is willing in his heart, his body can no longer be as strong as when he was young.


He wants to return to China very much and our family misses him very much. We implore the king to arrange a successor for him as soon as possible so that he can return to the capital to reunite with our family.


Let him enjoy the last moments of his life.


The king was moved by the letter.

A few days after the king read the letter, he sent a young general to take his place.


Ban Chao officially retired when he was 71 years old, and he returned to the capital of the Han Dynasty in August of the same year.

In September of that year, he passed away. He died peacefully and contentedly in his hometown.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the horse from the north screams because of the wind blowing from the north.

This idiom is used to describe a person who misses his hometown.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Where is your hometown? If you could choose, where would you want to die?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...