
He has many scars on his body(膚如刻畫)


He has many scars on his body(膚如刻畫)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Dongwu Kingdom. His name is Zhou Tai.

History books tell a story about him.


In 217 AD, the king of the Dongwu Kingdom ordered him to be the commander-in-chief of a strategically important city.

A few days later, he arrived in the city to take office.


After taking office, he used a gentle attitude to communicate with the young officers stationed in the city.

These young officers felt that he was a weak man because of his behaviour.

These young officers ostensibly respected his orders, but secretly disobeyed them.


The news reached the king's ears, and the king thought about how to change the situation.


A few days later, the king himself came to the city.

The king gave a special dinner for all the officers in the city.


In the middle of the meal, the king picked up the wine glass and said to everyone.

I would like to offer you a glass of Chinese rice wine to thank you for everything you have done to defend the Soochow Kingdom.


After the wine was finished, the king picked up the glass again and said to Zhou Tai

I would like to offer you a glass of Chinese rice wine. I want to thank you for everything you have done to protect me and the Dongwu Kingdom.


After drinking this cup of rice wine, the king said to Zhou Tai

I now order you to take off your clothes.

This order was so strange that all the officers in the banquet hall were very curious.

The whole banquet hall suddenly became very quiet.


After hearing this order, Zhou Tai stood up and took off his clothes.

After he took off his clothes, all the officers in the banquet hall wore surprised expressions.

There were many scars on Zhou Tai's body and limbs.


The king said to all the officers in the banquet hall.

When I was a teenager, the city where I lived was attacked by many powerful thieves.


In that battle, (Zhou Tai) was cut 12 times to protect me.

He bled so much that he was unconscious for days and almost died.


After he recovered, he fought with me and my brother in many battles.

His performance on the battlefield is as brave as a tiger, and he is ready to sacrifice his life for the Soochow Kingdom at any time.

He has suffered many injuries, so there are many scars on his body.


I am so grateful for all that has been done for me and our kingdom.

I am close to him like a brother, and I think he is the hero of our Dongwu Kingdom.


The political situation in the Dongwu Kingdom has been relatively stable in recent years, so I have assigned him some administrative work.

Most of you are young, so you may not know him.


Now that the Cao Wei Kingdom is attacking us again, I'm asking him to come to this city and hold such an important position.


The king of the Dongwu Kingdom cleverly used this method to make the young officers in the city change their minds about (Zhou Tai).


This idiom is used to describe a person who has many scars on his body.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were the king, would you do anything to change the minds of those young generals? If you were Zhou Tai, would you patiently communicate with those young generals?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Huang Gai(黃蓋/公覆)


Huang Gai(黃蓋)(AD? - AD?)


His surname is Huang, his parents named him Gai, and his friends called him Gongfu when he grew up. He was born in Hunan Province, China.


Yellow. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Means to cover. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Fair meaning. Fair meaning. masculine meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Overturned meaning. flip meaning.


He was a famous general of the Dongwu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period in China.

History books record a story about him.


He was appointed as the magistrate of (Shicheng) County. After he took office, he hired two senior administrative officials.

These two administrative officers are mainly responsible for the clerical and administrative aspects of the work.


he said to the two officials.

My expertise lies in military administration and training.

I often need to lead the army to various places to fight.


So I've hired you two to be in charge of assisting me in running this city.

I hope that you can concentrate on your own work and do your duty to supervise and inspect various administrative departments.

If the staff of the administrative department of the county government make mistakes, you have to correct their mistakes according to the law.

You are to be role models for all executive branch workers, and you are to avoid deceit and fraud.

You must dedicate yourself to your duties and do your job well, then I will give you many rewards.

If you don't do your job well, I will judge you by military law.

Remember these words I have spoken.


The two senior administration officials answered.

We will do our part and do our job well.


One month, two months, three months passed.

These two senior administration officials have indeed done their jobs well.



Half a year later, due to (Huang Gai's) long-term campaign in other places, Huang Gai returned to the county government to work for a very short time, so the two administrators began to slack off, and the two administrators began to use their own power to obtain some illegal benefits.


About nine months later, after winning a great war victory, Huang Gai held a banquet.

He invited all the county officials to the banquet.


In the middle of the banquet he said to everyone

The reason we are holding this banquet is to thank all the administrators for their hard work.

But we have rewards and punishments.


Huang Gai showed all the evidence of the two senior administrators' wrongdoing that he had secretly investigated.

After seeing the evidence, the two men were shocked and confessed on the spot.


Huang Gai told the two men

I once told you that if you did not do your job well, I would try you under military law, which is stricter than ordinary law, do you remember?

The two men nodded to indicate that they remembered the incident.


Huang Gai announced in front of everyone that the two men had committed too many crimes, that the circumstances were very serious, and that the two men would be sentenced to death.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

If you were those two administrators, would you make the same mistake? If you were any other administrator in this city, how would you feel after seeing this incident?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Many people are pushing and rushing towards the same goal at the same time(一擁而上)



Many people are pushing and rushing towards the same goal at the same time(一擁而上)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Dongwu Kingdom, his name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


When he was in war, his tactics were very flexible. He would decide whether to attack quickly or to attack slowly, depending on the situation.


In 214 AD, at a military meeting, he said to the king of the Dongwu Kingdom

The Kingdom of Cao Wei is currently occupying a city of great strategic value. The land around this city is very fertile and can produce a lot of rice. The name of this city is (Wancheng).

We should seize the opportunity to conquer this land.

The king agreed with him.


In May of that year, it rained heavily for several days near Wancheng, and the water level of a river flowing through Wancheng rose sharply.


The army of the Dongwu Kingdom is very good at water warfare, so he thinks this is a good time.

Together with the king of the Dongwu Kingdom, he led the army of the Dongwu Kingdom to Wancheng City and surrounded it as quickly as possible.


He said to the king.

I think we should adopt a quick attack strategy, we can't delay.

According to my information, reinforcements from the Kingdom of Cao Wei will arrive in a few days to support them, and by then we will have lost this rare opportunity.


The king supported his opinion and gave him full authorisation.


He immediately summoned all the generals and explained his plan of battle.

Shortly after three o'clock the next morning, he ordered the attack.

The attack was very successful and before breakfast the next day, Wancheng had been taken.


In the early years of the Ming Dynasty in China, there was a novelist named (Luo Guanzhong).

Luo Guanzhong's most famous work is a popular novel based on the history of that era.


In this novel, Luo Guanzhong described it like this.

In this battle, (Lu Meng) stood on the front line and directly commanded all the troops.

The soldiers of the Dongwu Kingdom had a high fighting spirit and advanced bravely. After the city of Wan was breached, the soldiers of the Dongwu Kingdom pushed forward and rushed towards the general of the Cao Wei Kingdom at the same time. The general of the Kingdom of Cao Wei was killed on the spot by soldiers of the Kingdom of Dongwu.


This idiom means that many people are pushing and rushing towards the same goal at the same time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Can you get full permission from your boss at work? Have you read the novels based on these historical events?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




The boat is already parked by the river, so we can get on at any time.(洗腳上船)

The boat is already parked by the river, so we can get on at any time.(洗腳上船)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Dongwu Kingdom, his name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


At that time, the most powerful military power in China was the Kingdom of Cao Wei in the north of the Yangtze River in China.

The Kingdom of Cao Wei always wanted to attack the Kingdom of Dongwu and the Kingdom of Shuhan in the south of the Yangtze River.


In 213 AD, the Kingdom of Cao Wei sent an army of 100,000 men to attack the Kingdom of Dongwu.

The Kingdom of Cao Wei won many victories, and the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei advanced into the territory of today's Anhui Province, China.

Due to the urgency of the war, the King of the Eastern Wu Kingdom and Lu Meng led the troops to the front line of battle.

A few days later, the King of Dongwu held a military meeting with Lu Meng and other generals.

At the meeting, the king spoke to everyone.

We have had many victories in the past few days, we have turned the tide.

I think our next move should be to attack aggressively, do you have a different opinion?


All the other generals nodded in agreement, only Lu Meng disagreed.


The king asked Lu Meng.

Why do you object? Do you have a better suggestion?


Lu Meng said.

I think our priority now is to build a solid camp at this location.


There was a general who objected and expressed his opinion after hearing this sentence.

We should now plan how to have our soldiers board the ship and launch an attack on the Cao Wei Kingdom on the other side.

We have more ships than the theirs, and our ships are better than theirs.

Our boat is parked by the river, and we can board it at any time to attack the Cao Wei army.

Why do we need a strong camp?



Lu Meng replied.

Do you think we can keep winning? Just because we won yesterday doesn't mean we won't lose tomorrow.

The military strength of the Cao Wei Kingdom is far greater than ours. We should not become arrogant just because of a few victories. We should be cautious.

If we fail in the next battle, if the tide of war is reversed, the enemy has already advanced to our river bank.

If we are forced to engage in a land battle with the Cao Wei Kingdom, we must have a strong camp to resist the Cao Wei attack.


After hearing these words, the king thought for a few minutes.

The king said.

I agree with Lu Meng's opinion. We should be more cautious, assume the worst and prepare for it in advance.


This idiom means that our boat is parked by the river and we can get in at any time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were a king, who would you listen to? Would you think of the worst and prepare yourself before doing anything?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




Caring for and helping the elderly(存恤耆老)


Caring for and helping the elderly(存恤耆老)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Dongwu Kingdom, his name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


From 216 AD, he was stationed in (Lukou) City. The city is located on the banks of the Yangtze River.

On the other side of the Yangtze River is (Jiangling) City of the Kingdom of Shuhan. The Kingdom of Shuhan stationed a powerful army in (Jiangling) City.


In 219 AD, due to the war between the Kingdom of Shuhan and the Kingdom of Cao Wei, part of the army in Jiangling City was transferred to the front line for support.


He happened to be ill at the time, and after hearing the news, he took advantage of his illness to plan a surprise attack on Jiangling City.


At his suggestion, the King of the Dongwu Kingdom announced his transfer,

He was sent back to the capital of the Dongwu Kingdom and replaced by another young general.


The general in charge of the Shuhan Kingdom stationed in Jiangling City relaxed his guard against the Dongwu Kingdom after hearing the news.


A few weeks later, he secretly returned to (Lukou) City.

He and an elite team he had trained disguised themselves as ordinary businessmen and successfully deceived the soldiers guarding (Jiangling) City, and they successfully sneaked into Jiangling City with weapons.


One night, a few days after they sneaked into Jiangling City, he led this elite army to quickly occupy and control (Jiangling) City.


After successfully capturing (Jiangling) City, he issued a military order.

He asked all the soldiers not to disturb the lives of the people in the city, and he asked all the soldiers not to take any of the people's personal belongings.


He strictly enforced this rule.

At that time there was a soldier from the Dongwu Kingdom who had known him for a long time.


The soldier took the bamboo hat of a commoner without permission, because he was afraid that the military equipment would be damaged by the rain.

When he heard the news, he sentenced the soldier to death under military law.

It is recorded in the history books that he shed tears as the soldier carried out the execution.



He said to the people of (Jiangling) Town

We have occupied this town, and from now on you will be citizens of the Dongwu Kingdom.

Don't worry, don't be afraid.

We will listen to your needs and ensure the safety of your lives and property.



He has sent soldiers to look after and help the old people in the city.

Give these old people access to medical care if they fall ill.

If these old people have nothing to eat, give them free meals.

If these old people have nothing to wear, provide these old people with warm clothes.



He also treated the captured soldiers of the Shuhan Kingdom and their families in the same way.

The Shuhan soldiers he captured later willingly swore allegiance to the Dongwu Kingdom.



He was 42 years old that year. It was also the last year of his life.

He won the last and greatest victory of his life with the least resources and the least fighting power.


This idiom means to care for and help the elderly.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were to die this year, what would you be doing now? Have you ever wondered how old you will be when you die?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




A fish in a small water squirrel(牛蹄中魚)


A fish in a small water squirrel(牛蹄中魚)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Shuhan whose name was Hao Pu.

History books tell a story about him.


In 215 AD, the army of the Dongwu Kingdom surrounded the city where he was stationed. The name of the city was (Lingling).


He led all the soldiers to resist with all their might, but he could not repel the army of the Dongwu Kingdom.


One day, an old friend of his came to visit him. This old friend was called (Deng Xuan).


Deng Xuan said to him

I have been sent here today to persuade you to surrender.

Please be patient and listen to what I have to say before you make your decision.


He nodded.

I want to hear your arguments.


Deng Xuan said to him.

You are the general trusted by the king of the Shu Han Kingdom, your duty is to defend and guard the city.

But I think you need to be more flexible in these chaotic times.


The Kingdom of Shu Han currently has an army at war with the Kingdom of Cao Wei.

Another army from the Kingdom of Shu Han was recently defeated by the army of the Kingdom of Dongwu.

I believe you have already received this information.

The two main armies of the Shuhan Kingdom will not be able to provide you with the help and support you need in such a short time.


According to the information I have received, the Dongwu Kingdom has sent another army to assist in the attack on (Lingling) City.

The current situation in (Lingling) City is very critical.

I can see that all the people and soldiers in (Lingling) City are very united, but how long can you hold out?

In the current situation, you will not be able to wait for reinforcements and you will not be able to solve the current crisis.


You are like a small fish living in a small pond, and the water in this small pond is about to evaporate completely due to the scorching sun for days. You will soon die of thirst for lack of water.


The army of the Dongwu Kingdom is preparing to launch a powerful attack on (Lingling) City.

If the army of the Dongwu Kingdom captures (Lingling) City, you will definitely be executed. You may feel that you are not ashamed of your heart after you die, but have you ever thought about the fact that you insist on not surrendering? How many innocent and kind people in the whole city will die because of this battle?


I think you should surrender voluntarily, because it will not only save your life, but also save all the people in this town.


After listening to Deng Xuan's advice, he began to think.

He finally made the painful decision to voluntarily surrender to the Dongwu Kingdom.


This idiom means a fish in a small water squirrel.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with his decision? If you see no hope, will you still stick to your idea?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



Lu Meng(呂蒙/子明)


 Lu Meng(呂蒙)(178 AD-220AD)


His surname is (Lu) and his parents gave him the name (Meng) and his friends called him (Zi Ming) when he was growing up. He was born in Anhui Province, China.


It means the spine. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

Deceptive meaning. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means children. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Bright meaning. clear meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Dongwu Kingdom whose name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


At that time, the most powerful military power in China was the Kingdom of Cao Wei in the north of the Yangtze River in China.

The Kingdom of Cao Wei always wanted to attack the Kingdom of Dongwu and the Kingdom of Shuhan in the south of the Yangtze River.

He trained a very brave and disciplined army.


In the face of Cao Wei's repeated attacks, he won many victories.

He seized several pieces of land of great strategic value to the Dongwu Kingdom.


In 214 AD, a group of bandits appeared in the territory of the Dongwu Kingdom, located in the central part of Jiangxi Province in China.

Several generals of the Dongwu Kingdom set out to surround and suppress these bandits, but they were all unsuccessful.

The king of the Dongwu Kingdom ordered him to encircle and suppress this group of stubborn bandits. After a few months, he successfully completed the task.


When he was 42 years old, he fell ill.

The king of the Dongwu Kingdom was very concerned about his condition, so he had him stay in the room next to his bedroom.

The king ordered the best doctors in the country to treat him and also invited many famous Taoist priests to pray for him.


The king wanted to know at all times whether his condition was improving, but was worried that frequent visits to his room would disturb him. So a hole was dug in the wall between them.


The king would observe his condition in silence.

If the king saw that his condition was improving, the king would be very happy.

If the king saw that his condition was getting worse, the king would be so worried that he could not sleep or eat.


Sadly, Lu Meng died a few months later, and these are his last words before he passed away.

After I die, please donate all my property to the Dongwu Kingdom.

After I die, please hold my funeral in the simplest way possible.



Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever thought about when you will die? What kind of funeral would you like to have?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.


















































An ambitious person will improve every day, so every time you meet this ambitious person, you must look at him with fresh eyes.(士別三日刮目相看)


An ambitious person will improve every day, so every time you meet this ambitious person, you must look at him with fresh eyes.(士別三日刮目相看)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom. His name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


He didn't like to study, so he joined the army when he was very young.

After winning many battles, he became a general.


In a conversation, the king of the Soochow Kingdom encouraged him to study more.

From that day on, he used his spare time to study by himself, and his knowledge increased day by day.


One day he was drinking and chatting with another general from the Eastern Kingdom of Wu.

After their conversation, the general said to him with emotion


I haven't seen you for a few months, and you've changed from a person with little knowledge to a person with great connotation and wisdom.

I don't know how you did it, but I admire you very much.


After hearing the general's praise, he smiled and said to the general.

An ambitious person will become better every day, so every time you meet, you must look at that ambitious person with fresh eyes.


Not to mention that we hadn't seen each other for months.


He had many very constructive points of view to share with the General, and the General also humbly accepted his opinions.


According to historical records, the king of the Soochow Kingdom also publicly praised him.

Most people stop studying when they grow up, and only a few people are willing to invest time and energy in studying to improve themselves when they grow up. Lu Meng is one of those few.


After Lu Meng became a general, he already had power, fame and a lot of money, but he was still willing to listen to the advice of others and quickly changed his habits and behaviour.

He strives to improve himself, he loves to learn and takes pleasure in reading, he values truth over worldly money, his behaviour is admirable and worthy of emulation by all, and he is talented enough to be entrusted with important tasks.


This idiom means that a person with ambition will improve every day, so every time we meet, we must look at this person with ambition with new eyes.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

If you were that general, would you be able to humbly accept the opinions of Lu Meng, whom you once looked down upon? Have you given yourself too many reasons and excuses not to study?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




Waiting for something to happen before deciding how to react(臨時施宜)


Waiting for something to happen before deciding how to react(臨時施宜)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom. His name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


He didn't like to study, so he joined the army when he was very young.

After winning many battles, he became a general.


In a conversation, the king of the Soochow Kingdom encouraged him to study more.

From that day on, he used his spare time to study alone, and his knowledge increased day by day.


One day he was drinking and chatting with another general from the Eastern Wu Kingdom.

While chatting, he asked another general

You have recently been ordered to station yourself at the border of the Shuhan Kingdom. Have you anticipated various possible situations and prepared various strategies to deal with them?


Another general replied.

I didn't plan and prepare in advance.

I think it's good to wait until something happens to decide how to react.


He said.

Although we are now in a state of military alliance with the Shuhan Kingdom, I should not relax our vigilance. We should prepare different strategies for different situations.


Asked the other general.

Can you tell me the various possible situations you have in mind?


He thought for a few minutes and said to the other general.

He thought for a few minutes and said to the other general.

I think we can continue to cooperate with the Shuhan Kingdom or we can end the cooperation agreement.

In my opinion, we have at least five different strategies for dealing with each of these two situations.

He then told the other general the five coping strategies he had come up with.


The other general, having heard what he had to say, stood up and spoke to him very respectfully.

You and I have known each other for several years. A few months ago, you were an uninformed person, but I never expected you to become such an intelligent and wise person in just a few months.


I don't know how you did it, but I admire you very much.


This idiom means waiting for something to happen before deciding how to react.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you plan your work or your life in advance? Do you still have the habit of studying?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Throw a piece of meat to the tiger(以肉餵虎)


Throw a piece of meat to the tiger(以肉餵虎)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom, his name was Lu Meng.

History books tell a story about him.


His brother-in-law is a very brave and good at fighting military general.

He admired his brother-in-law very much, and he wanted to go to war with his brother-in-law since he was a child.


When he was 15 years old, his brother-in-law received an urgent order,

His brother-in-law was to immediately lead an army to attack a group of rebels at the junction of today's Fujian and Zhejiang provinces in China.


A few days later, while his brother-in-law was inspecting the army, his brother-in-law suddenly found him in the army.

His brother-in-law was very surprised and shouted at him.

What are you doing here, you are too young to go to war.


He answered his brother-in-law very unconvinced.

I'm almost 16, I'm big and strong, I think I'm ready to fight.


His brother-in-law was very angry and ordered two soldiers to arrest him and keep him under guard.

A few months later, the war ended,

He followed his brother-in-law back to the town where he lived.


His mother said to him when she saw him.

You shouldn't be doing this, and I'm worried about the danger you might be in.


He replied to his mother.

I did it not only for myself, our family is very poor, I think only by serving as a soldier and making military exploits can I improve the economic situation of our family and allow you to live a better life.

Don't worry, I'll have to take a lot of risks if I want to be very successful.


After his mother heard what he said, she knew she could not change his mind, so she agreed to let him join his brother-in-law's army.


After he joined his brother-in-law's army, everyone took special care of him because he was relatively young.


But a Master Chief laughed at him and insulted him.

The Master Chief said to him

You are still a child, you just want to go to the battlefield, you don't know the cruelty of war, I think letting you join the army is like throwing a piece of meat to a tiger, you will be eaten immediately, you will soon die on the battlefield.


After hearing these words, he was very angry, and his anger overwhelmed his rationality.

He pulled out the knife he was carrying and he stabbed the sergeant-chief with the knife, and the knife hit the sergeant-chief's heart, and the sergeant-chief died on the spot.

He was so frightened that he fled the army that day, he fled to a friend's house.


This idiom means to throw a piece of meat to a tiger.

It is used to describe a person who has sacrificed in vain.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Did you do impulsive things when you were a teenager? What kind of behaviour do you think a truly mature person should have?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...