
Yang Hu (羊祜/叔子)



Yang Hu (羊祜)(221 AD - 278 AD)


His surname is (Yang), his parents gave him the name (Hu), and when he grew up his friends called him (Shuzi). He was born in Shandong Province, China.


It means sheep. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means blessing.

The third of several brothers.

It means little children. It is also a Chinese surname.



He was a famous general in the Jin Dynasty of China. There is a story about him in the history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shuhan, and the Kingdom of Shuhan was destroyed.

In 266 AD, a minister from the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.


Yang Hu lived in such a turbulent time with frequent wars.


His father died when he was very young.

When he came of age, one day a man took the initiative to visit him at his home.

The stranger said to him

I am a Feng Shui master who travels around. When I passed this place today, I saw a grave with very good Feng Shui. The descendants of the person buried in this tomb will have the opportunity to build their own kingdom.

After asking the people who live near this tomb, they told me that your father is buried in this tomb.

So I have come to congratulate you and to remind you to take good care of this tomb.


He laughed and replied to the Feng Shui master.

Thank you for your kind reminder.


One day, a few years later, the feng shui master came to his house again.

The Feng Shui master said to him.

I have been travelling for several years, and I happened to come back to this town today. I remembered that the feng shui of your father's grave was very good, so I went to your father's grave to have a look.

But today I discovered that the hill behind your father's grave is being reclaimed.

The Feng Shui of your father's grave has been destroyed, and it is no longer possible for you to build your own kingdom.

According to the current feng shui of this tomb that I have observed, you will become a prime minister-level official in a kingdom in the future.


He laughed and said to the Feng Shui master.

It's okay not to have the chance to build a kingdom, and it's okay to be a prime minister.

I don't think it's so important to be a king who builds a kingdom and has a lot of power.

I think the most important thing is to be a person of integrity and honesty, a person who contributes to society and a person who can be remembered by others after his death.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you read any books on Feng Shui? Do you believe that Feng Shui can affect a person's destiny?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





This crane cannot dance(不舞之鶴)


This crane cannot dance(不舞之鶴)


There was a famous general in China's Jin Kingdom, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He has a very special pet, which is a crane.

The feathers of this crane are very beautiful, and the rhythm of its body is like dancing.

He liked the crane very much.


One day, he was chatting with a good friend of his, and during the chat he mentioned this crane.

his friend said to him.

You said that the body movement of your crane is very graceful, as if it is dancing. I really want to see it. Can you let me see this crane?


He happily said there was no problem.

He immediately ordered his soldiers to lead the crane into the room where they were chatting.


After the crane came to this room, it stood there feeling very lethargic, with its two wings hanging weakly beside its body.


The guest was disappointed not to see the beautiful movement of the crane's body.

Yang Hu also felt a little embarrassed because of the crane's behavior.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the crane cannot dance.

The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who is very famous but actually has poor working ability.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What pets have you ever had? Have you ever seen a crane?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




We miss him very much. He was a very good official(甘棠遺愛)


We miss him very much. He was a very good official(甘棠遺愛)


(The Book of Songs) is China's earliest collection of poetry.

There are 305 poems in the book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poetry from different parts of China at that time.

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty, which ruled China at that time.

The third category is the sacrificial poems used by the royal family and nobles of the Zhou dynasty.


Among them is a folk poem from that period, which consists of only nine short sentences.

The content of this poem is as follows.


The thick and shady Gantang Tree! Never cut off its branches or cut it down, for (Zhao Bo) will rest under this tree that year.

The thick and shady Gantang Tree! Never cut off its branches or cut it down, for (Zhao Bo) will rest under the tree that year.

The thick and shady Gantang Tree! Never cut off the branches or cut it down, for (Zhao Bo) will rest under this tree that year.


The character (Zhao Bo) in this poem is the king of this kingdom. He often sits under a gantang tree and chats with the people of the kingdom.

He will listen to the people's voices during the conversation. If the people make mistakes, he will punish them according to fairness and justice. If the people behave well, he will reward them generously. The people of this kingdom respected him and liked him very much.


After his death, the people of the kingdom wrote this poem in his memory.

These people miss him very much, so they take good care of this Gantang tree. Just like when he was alive, these people often gather under this Gantang tree.


The literal translation of this idiom is that we should take care of this Gantang tree.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is a good official and who is still missed by many people after he leaves his post.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are there any officials in your country that you miss? How do you think a good civil servant should behave?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



His deeds were buried, no one remembers him(湮沒無聞)


His deeds were buried, no one remembers him(湮沒無聞)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He liked nature very much, and he often used his free time to go hiking with his good friends.

The name of the mountain he visited most often was (Xian Mountain). This mountain is located in the present-day Hubei province of China.

He and some of his close friends would have picnics on the mountain, and he and some of his close friends would write poems and have happy conversations on the mountain.

He and his close friends often spent whole days in the mountains.


Once he and his good friends went hiking again. They had a picnic, wrote poems and chatted on the mountain as usual.

He looked at the scenery at the bottom of the mountain and suddenly felt sentimental. He said to his friend.

This mountain has been there since the beginning of the universe.

There must be many people who have climbed this mountain before us, and there must be many people who enjoy the natural scenery here as much as we do.

In addition to ordinary people, there must be many famous people among those who have climbed this mountain.

But where are these famous people now? They are dead, their deeds buried, and no one remembers them.

I suddenly felt very sad. We are having such a happy meeting here today, but we will all die in a few years, and after our deaths we will be forgotten by the world, just like those people.

I suddenly had an idea: if my soul will not perish after I die, then I hope my soul will have the opportunity to return to this mountain after I die.


His friend said to him after hearing his words.

You have a good character and a famous reputation. I believe that even after your death, your name will be remembered by future generations.

As for me, my moral character and reputation are far below yours. My name will probably be forgotten by the world soon after my death, as you said.


Yang Hu has been stationed on the border between the Jin and Soochow Kingdoms for a long time. Yang Hu takes good care of all the local people, so the local people like and respect him.


After Yang Hu died, the local people felt very sad, so they erected a stone tablet on Xian Mountain to commemorate Yang Hu. Yang Hu's life story was engraved on the stone tablet.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person whose deeds have been buried and no one remembers that person.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you think will remember you when you die? Have you ever had a similar feeling to Yang Hu's?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




You only see this side of things, you don't see the other side of things. (知其一不知其二)


You only see this side of things, you don't see the other side of things. (知其一不知其二)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very humble man with a good moral character, so all the ministers in the central government respect him.

He handles things very fairly, and he's very good at thinking.

Whenever the King of the Jin Kingdom faced a difficult problem, the King would ask him for advice, and he would come up with good solutions to the problems the King raised.


He is an upright and honest man.

One day he was talking to his son and son-in-law.

His son-in-law said to him

Your life is very simple and you have almost no fixed assets.

You are very old and about to retire.

You should plan for your old age.


After a few minutes of silence, he turned to his son and son-in-law.

You only see this side of things, you don't see the other side of things.

My goal in life is to be a good minister and I hope to improve our kingdom through my abilities.

I don't think it bothers me that I don't have any fixed assets. I think having too many assets would prevent me from being a good minister.


This idiom means that you only see this side of the matter, but you do not see the other side of the matter.

It is used to describe a person who does not understand things thoroughly enough.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How much money do you think you need to save before you can retire with peace of mind? What is your most important goal in life?

I hope this story has given you some new insights.





Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations. (天下不如意,恒十居七八。)


Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations. (天下不如意,恒十居七八。)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shuhan, and the Kingdom of Shuhan was destroyed.

In 266 AD, a minister from the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.


In 276 AD, at a military gathering, Yang Hu said to the king of the Kingdom of Jin

I think the time has come for us to unite all of China.

Now is the best time for us to attack the Soochow Kingdom and fulfil our dream of unifying China.

After listening to Yang Hu's analysis, the king strongly agreed with Yang Hu's views.

The king announced that Yang Hu would lead the army to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


After the king announced this very important appointment, many of the ministers of the Jin Dynasty felt very unhappy.

Because the king trusted Yang Hu so much and allowed Yang Hu to take on such an important task, these ministers were very jealous of Yang Hu, and these ministers said to the king.

We think Yang Hu's opinion is very bad, and we should not follow Yang Hu's suggestion.

The Jin Dynasty is currently at war with the Xianbei Kingdom on the northern border, and we should not disperse our forces.

We should defeat the Xianbei Kingdom and then concentrate our forces to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


After listening to the proposals of these ministers, the King felt that the opinions of these ministers were reasonable, so the King said to Yang Hu.

I think these ministers' proposals are very good. We should attack the Xianbei Kingdom first and then send our troops to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


Yang Hu replied after listening to the king.

I think our main goal now should be to defeat the Soochow Kingdom, because the Soochow Kingdom has fertile land and many resources.

If we defeat the Soochow Kingdom and get all of its resources, the Xianbei Kingdom will naturally be defeated by us.


After listening to Yang Hu, the king fell silent. The king could not make up his mind. The king felt that both sides were reasonable.


When Yang Hu saw that the king could not make a decision, he said to the king

I think that in each of our lives we will encounter many things and make many decisions.

Let's say we have ten things to deal with, I think on average there will be seven or eight things that will not meet our expectations and make it difficult for us to make a decision.


I think when we get into that situation, we still have to make a decision as quickly as possible based on the situation at that time.

After making a decision, we must act immediately and without hesitation, and then reflect and review based on the results of the action.

Only then can we avoid regretting things that didn't work out because of our indecision.


The meaning of this idiom is that of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70-80% will make us feel that they do not meet our expectations.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you deal with all the things you encounter in life that do not meet your expectations? Have you ever lost an opportunity to act because of indecision?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The terrain of this place is dangerous, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.(一夫荷戟千人莫當)



The terrain of this place is dangerous, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.(一夫荷戟千人莫當)


There was a famous general in China's Jin Kingdom, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


There was a general in the Kingdom of Soochow who had been responsible for border defense for a long time. This general's name was Lu Kang.

In 269 AD, the king of the Jin Kingdom assigned Yang Hu to garrison at the border between the Jin Kingdom and the Soochow Kingdom. After observing the situation on the border, Yang Hu found that under the leadership of Lu Kang, the border defense of the Soochow Kingdom was very strong.

Therefore, Yang Hu adopted a strategy of maintaining peace with the Soochow Kingdom.


In 274 AD, Lu Kang died of illness.

In 276 AD, he told the king of the Jin Kingdom at a military meeting.

Thirteen years ago, the Jin Kingdom defeated the Shuhan Kingdom.

The Shuhan Kingdom is surrounded by many high mountains, and the road to the Shuhan Kingdom is very dangerous and narrow.

The Shuhan Kingdom's troops stationed on the border occupied a very advantageous strategic position.

On those narrow roads leading to the Shuhan Kingdom, there are places where only one person can pass at a time. In these places, the Shuhan Kingdom can resist more than 1,000 of our soldiers by placing a very brave and strong soldier guarding it with weapons.

But we still won in the end.

When our army attacked the Shuhan Kingdom, we did not encounter strong resistance. Our army quickly advanced the front line, and we captured the capital of the Shuhan Kingdom in a short period of time.

I think we won so quickly at that time because the king of the Shuhan Kingdom was very stupid at that time, the people of the Shuhan Kingdom were living in pain, the Shuhan Kingdom's army was very lacking in war preparation materials, and the Shuhan Kingdom's army was loosely managed. .

Compared with the Shuhan Kingdom, we have obvious advantages over the Shuhan Kingdom in all aspects.


Based on my observations on the front line, I think the current situation in the Soochow Kingdom is just like the situation before the Shuhan Kingdom was destroyed by us.

The current king of the Soochow Kingdom is very tyrannical, and under his rule the people of the Soochow Kingdom are living in poverty. Most of the people who hold power in the central government of the Soochow Kingdom are ministers who can only flatter themselves. The loyal and brave ministers of the Soochow Kingdom are either dead or dismissed by the king.

So I think the time has come for us to unify all of China.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the terrain of this place is so dangerous that as long as one soldier guarding this place with a weapon can withstand more than 1,000 soldiers.

This idiom is used to describe a place with difficult terrain, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What phenomena do you think will happen before a country is about to perish? Have you ever been to places with dangerous terrain?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He Corrupted Social mores(敗俗傷化)


He Corrupted Social mores(敗俗傷化)


In the Jin Kingdom of China, there was a famous general whose name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very righteous person. He does not like those who are treacherous and evil.

He has a good eye for people, and he can tell a person's character by their words and actions.


When he was old, he once had a conversation at a party with a young official in the political circles of the Jin Kingdom. This official later became a very important minister in the Jin Dynasty. The official's name was (Wang Yan).


Wang Yan is very handsome, very intelligent, and very eloquent.

During the conversation, he expressed his disagreement with Wang Yan's opinions on some issues, and Wang Yan got up and left angrily.


After Wang Yan left, he said to some friends who were attending the party at the time.

I think the king should not allow Wang Yan to hold a very important position in the central government.

Based on my observations, I think Wang Yan's character is not good.


Because Wang Yan was young and clever, the king valued him highly and let him hold such an important position in the central government.

As far as I know, Wang Yan is very famous now, and many young people admire him and imitate his words and actions.


I think he would corrupt social mores.


History books prove that his judgement was correct.

Wang Yan became the Prime Minister of the Jin Dynasty a few years later, but Wang Yan did not focus on how to help the King govern the Jin Dynasty.

When Wang Yan makes decisions, his first priority is how to protect the interests of himself and his family.

Wang Yan was good at talking, but poor at actually getting the job done. Wang Yan arranged for his relatives to hold some important positions in the central government. Wang Yan's behaviour corrupted the atmosphere in the central government of the Jin Dynasty.


This idiom means that he will corrupt social mores.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you know someone who is very good at talking, but poor at actually working? Would you value a person's morality or intelligence more?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




When I will be born and when I will die are both determined by fate(生死有命)


When I will be born and when I will die are both determined by fate(生死有命)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He was in charge of defending the border between the Jin Kingdom and the Soochow Kingdom for a long time.

The King of the Jin Kingdom once said to all his ministers.

Yang Hu has contributed the most to the Jin Kingdom's ability to accomplish the difficult task of destroying the Soochow Kingdom and unifying all of China.


When he was assigned to garrison the border between the Jin and Soochow kingdoms, he first analysed the fighting power of the Soochow kingdom.

He believed that the Soochow Kingdom was very powerful at that time, so if he wanted to defeat the Soochow Kingdom, he had to be prepared for a long battle.

He promoted several reform measures.


The first point.

He found that the food reserves of the army in this area were very low, so he divided the soldiers in the army into two halves. Half of the soldiers were responsible for the military tasks of patrolling and guarding the border, and the other half of the soldiers were responsible for cultivating and tilling the fields.

After a few years, his soldiers had cultivated more than 800 hectares of fields, and his army's food reserves were large enough to feed his army for at least ten consecutive years.


Second point.

He requires his soldiers to obey the laws and regulations of the military. He asks these soldiers not to harass the people living on the border. He requires these soldiers to protect these people so that these people can live safely.


Point three.

He built schools and promoted local educational activities. He trained a lot of knowledgeable young people, many of whom joined his army when they grew up.


He also reformed a bad custom in the army at the time.

When he took office, his military staff said to him

Because the general who was originally stationed at the border died during his tenure, it will bring you bad luck if you continue to live in this official residence.

We should demolish the existing official residence and build another new and beautiful official residence for you to live in.

He laughed and said to the military officer.

When I will be born and when I will die are both determined by fate, and I do not think that living in this house will bring me bad luck.


This idiom means that that when I will be born and when I will die are both determined by fate.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think that when a person is born and when they die is fated? Are you a superstitious person?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Lu Xun(陸遜/伯言)


Lu Xun(陸遜) (183 AD-245 AD)


His surname is (Lu), his parents gave him the name (Xun) and when he was growing up his friends called him (Boyan). He was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


It means land. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means humility. It means to give in.

It means the eldest among several brothers. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means to speak. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous military strategist and politician in the Soochow Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period in China. There are several stories about him recorded in history books.


During his tenure as Prime Minister, the King of Soochow trusted him very much.

Every time there was an important document between the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shuhan, the King would discuss with him how to handle it.

The king respected his opinion a lot. When he suggested that there were parts of these documents that needed to be changed, the king would change them exactly as he saw fit.


Even though he had such a good relationship with the king, something happened that caused a huge change in their relationship.


The king's eldest son and second son died. The king had different opinions from Lu Xun about the succession, so the relationship between Lu Xun and the king became very bad.

In 245 AD, Lu Xun died of illness. Before his death, the relationship between Lu Xun and the king was not repaired.


In 251 AD, the King of the Soochow Kingdom suddenly said to Lu Xun's son during a meeting.

Your father is my best assistant, and he can also be considered my best friend.

In the years before your father was alive, he and I had different ideas about the crown prince. At that time, some people around me spoke ill of your father to me. I believed their words and distanced myself from your father.


Your father died a few years ago, but I still think about him a lot. I feel very indebted to him.

He has always been very loyal to me, ever since he followed me as a young man.

I regret that I misunderstood him and I regret that I did not repair our relationship before his death.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had a misunderstanding with a good friend? If you could live your life over again, what regret would you most like to make up for?

I hope this story has given you some new insights.



He wears light, warm and loose fur(輕裘緩帶)



He wears light, warm and loose fur(輕裘緩帶)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very knowledgeable person, he is also a good writer, and his eloquence is also very good.

His behaviour is very elegant and he looks very delicate.


He has long been in charge of defending the border between the Jin Kingdom and the Soochow Kingdom.

The King of the Jin Kingdom once said to all his ministers.

Yang Hu has contributed the most to the Jin Kingdom's ability to accomplish the difficult task of destroying the Soochow Kingdom and unifying all of China.


While stationed on the border between the Jin and Soochow kingdoms, he led the army very well.

He likes to wear warm and loose furs. He didn't like to wear bulky armour.


He also has a hobby. He often uses his free time after work to go fishing and hunting.

One day, he decided to go hunting in the middle of the night.

Wearing a simple fur coat, he rode alone on a horse and wanted to leave the barracks to go hunting.


One of his subordinates, who was in charge of guarding the barracks gate that day, said to him.

I don't think you should leave the barracks alone at this time. I must do my duty and prevent you from leaving the barracks.

The King has given you a great responsibility. You are responsible for administering this vast area at the junction of the Jin and Soochow Kingdoms.

I think your attitude is too frivolous and you don't realise that your identity is very important.

If you have an accident today when you leave the barracks to go hunting alone, it will be a great loss to our kingdom.

You should realise that you have a special status and a great responsibility, and you should be careful about your actions.


After listening to this subordinate, he said to this subordinate very seriously

I think what you have said makes sense. I was indeed too rash, I didn't think carefully enough, and I didn't think about my safety.

I will take your advice to heart and from now on avoid putting myself in unsafe situations.


The direct translation of this idiom is that he is wearing light, warm and loose fur.

This idiom is used to describe the attitude of a person who is relaxed and comfortable.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What kind of clothes do you like to wear most? If you were him, would you be able to humbly accept this subordinate's opinion?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Lu Kang (陸抗/幼節)


Lu Kang (陸抗)(226 AD - 274 AD)

His surname is Lu. His parents gave him the name Kang. As he grew up, his friends called him Youjie. He was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


It means land. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means resistance. It means confrontation.

It means young. It means little children.

It means the place where the bamboo is segmented. This word has many meanings, but only one meaning is listed here. .


He was a famous general in the Kingdom of Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period in China. His story is recorded in history books.


In 266 AD, a minister of the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized military control of the Kingdom of Cao Wei. The minister announced the establishment of his own kingdom, which became the Kingdom of Jin, which later unified all of China.

Lu Kang lived during this period.


He led the army that guarded the border between the Soochow Kingdom and the Jin Dynasty for many years.

The name of the general stationed at the border between the two kingdoms during the Jin Dynasty was (Yang Hu).

Although he and Yang Hu were enemies, they treated each other with integrity.


Once Lu Kang fell ill. He was very sick.

When Yang Hu heard the news that Lu Kang was ill, he sent a messenger to Lu Kang's camp.

The envoy said to Lu Kang after seeing him.

Yang Hu is very concerned about your condition. He has asked a very powerful Chinese medicine practitioner in our kingdom to prepare some Chinese medicine.

Yang Hu has ordered me to give you this Chinese medicine. Yang Hu hopes that your body will recover quickly.


After Yang Hu's envoy left, Lu Kang immediately ordered his soldiers to prepare some Chinese medicine for him.

At this time, several military staff officers under Lu Kang raised objections.

The military staff said

Yang Hu is our enemy, and we think you should not take the traditional Chinese medicine he gives you.


After listening to the words of these military officials, he replied immediately.

Although Yang Hu is our enemy, I know his personality very well. I think he is a very upright person, not a despicable and treacherous person.

I think he really wanted my illness to be cured quickly, so he sent me these Chinese medicines.

I believe in his character and I think the Chinese medicine he gave me will be of great help in improving my condition.


These Chinese medicines were indeed very helpful in improving Lu Kang's condition. Soon after Lu Kang took the Chinese medicine, his illness was cured.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Lu Kang, would you dare to take this traditional Chinese medicine? Do you have an enemy like Xiang Yanghu whom you respect?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Friendship between Yang and Lu (羊陸之交)


Friendship between Yang and Lu (羊陸之交)


During the Three Kingdoms era in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom, his name was (Lu Kang).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 266 AD, a minister of the Cao Wei Kingdom took military control of the Cao Wei Kingdom. The minister announced the establishment of his own kingdom, which became the Kingdom of Jin, which later unified all of China.

Lu Kang lived during this period.


He led the army that guarded the border between the Soochow Kingdom and the Jin Dynasty for many years.

The name of the general stationed at the border between the two kingdoms during the Jin Dynasty was (Yang Hu).


(Yang Hu) is different from other generals in that he has a very upright character and handles the relationship between the two kingdoms in a very gentle way.

(Yang Hu)'s army ran out of food on several occasions because the logistical supply of food could not be provided.

(Yang Hu) took out silk, which was very valuable at that time, and exchanged rice with the farmers of the Soochow Kingdom.

(Yang Hu) did not rely on the mighty power of the Jin Kingdom to take away the agricultural products of the Soochow Kingdom's farmers.


(Yang Hu) restrained the troops of the Jin Kingdom from provoking disputes, and (Yang Hu) ordered his soldiers not to hunt at will in the territory of the Soochow Kingdom.


In the face of (Yang Hu's) actions, (Lu Kang) said to his soldiers

Yang Hu treats us kindly, so we should also treat them kindly.

We can live in harmony with them on this land.


In view of (Yang Hu's) actions, (Lu Kang) said to the king of the Soochow Kingdom at that time.

People should treat each other with justice and honesty, shouldn't kingdoms do the same?

(Yang Hu) treat us with justice and integrity. If we do not treat them in the same way, all the people in our kingdom will turn to the Jin Kingdom because of our injustice and dishonesty.


The direct translation of this idiom means the friendship between Yang and Lu.

This idiom means that even though they are enemies, they still treat each other with integrity.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Does your country have harmonious relations with its neighbours? Do you treat your friends with justice and integrity?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...