
Yang Hu (羊祜/叔子)

This crane cannot dance(不舞之鶴)

We miss him very much. He was a very good official(甘棠遺愛)

His deeds were buried, no one remembers him(湮沒無聞)

You only see this side of things, you don't see the other side of things. (知其一不知其二)

Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations. (天下不如意,恒十居七八。)

The terrain of this place is dangerous, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.(一夫荷戟千人莫當)

He Corrupted Social mores(敗俗傷化)

When I will be born and when I will die are both determined by fate(生死有命)

Lu Xun(陸遜/伯言)

He wears light, warm and loose fur(輕裘緩帶)

Lu Kang (陸抗/幼節)

Friendship between Yang and Lu (羊陸之交)