
I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.(今朝有酒今朝醉)



I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.(今朝有酒今朝醉)


In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there was a famous playwright called Wang Ye.


He wrote a play. The summary of the story of this play is that there is a woman who knows Taoist magic. This woman is called (Peach Blossom Girl). The story between her and another man named (Zhou Qian) who is very familiar with Taoist magic.


Part of that story follows.


There is a small village. There is a fortune teller in this village, and he opens a fortune telling parlour. His name is Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qian knows the I Ching. In the 30 years since he opened his shop, Zhou Qian has never made a mistake, so he is proud of himself.


But he has just made his first mistake in his life, and he is very frustrated.

A worker in charge of cleaning Zhou Qian's shop said to him

We all make mistakes, and you shouldn't be discouraged by them.

You should remember the lessons of this failure and be more careful the next time you tell other people's fortunes.

You should continue to open your shop and do business as usual.


After hearing these words, Zhou Qian regained some confidence and said to his employees

I'm very grateful to you, but I've decided to take a few days off, and I'll reopen when I feel better.

By the way, you have been working here for so long, have you ever told a fortune?

How about I tell your fortune for free to thank you?

As Zhou Qian was very persistent, the clerk agreed.


After Zhou Qian helped the clerk tell his fortune, Zhou Qian said to the clerk with a sad face.

Oops, that's bad news. You only have two more days to live, and you will die suddenly in your home at noon the day after tomorrow.

You have less than two days to live. You must have a lot of things to do that you have been putting off, right? You should go home and finish them.


The employee had not expected to hear this result and was very shocked.

When he got home, he wanted to say goodbye to his neighbour.

The worker arrived at the home of a good friend. He sadly said to his good friend, 'I am going to die, so I have come to say goodbye to you.


The worker's best friend was shocked when he heard what he had said. His best friend asked him why he thought he was going to die.


After the clerk told his friend everything the fortune teller had told him, his friend said to him.

There is an old saying.

I should take advantage of today and drink until I'm drunk. Let me put off the things that worry me until tomorrow.


If you really are going to die in two days, you have to make the best of it now.

I went to prepare some Chinese rice wine and some dishes, and the two of us ate first.

While we were eating, we discussed how to deal with the situation.


The literal translation of this saying is that while we still have wine to drink today, we should drink as much as we can today.

This idiom is used to describe a person who only desires present enjoyment without considering the future.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you often worry about things that haven't happened yet? If you were to die tomorrow, how would you live today?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




If you are not ashamed of your work, you will be adequately rewarded(一日不害羞,三日吃飽飯)



If you are not ashamed of your work, you will be adequately rewarded(一日不害羞,三日吃飽飯)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a famous playwright called Wang Ye.


He wrote a play. The summary of the story of this play is that there is a woman who knows Taoist magic. This woman is called (Peach Blossom Girl). The story between her and another man named (Zhou Qian) who is very familiar with Taoist magic.


Part of that story follows.


There is a small village. In this village there is a fortune teller who has been in business for 30 years. His name is Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qian knew the Book of Changes. He was a very hardworking man and opened his shop every day.

In the 30 years since he opened his shop, Zhou Qian has never made a mistake, so he is proud of himself.


There was a sign on the door of his shop that said

I guarantee that the results of my fortune-telling are very accurate.

If a customer comes for a fortune telling and later finds out that the fortune telling is inaccurate, I am willing to compensate the customer with 500 grams of silver.

This was a large amount of compensation. In those days, the salary of a clerk was about 250 grams of silver a year.


One day a woman came to Zhou Qian's shop and said to him

My son has been in the capital on business for several months, and I have not heard from him.

I would like a fortune telling to confirm whether my son is safe.


Zhou Qian said to the woman after the divination.

Your son is safe so far, but I have found out through divination that your son will die in an accident tonight.


After hearing this, the woman sadly left his shop.


Zhou Qian didn't expect the woman to return to his shop the next evening.

The woman was accompanied by a young man.


The woman said to him

It turns out that your prophecy was wrong, my son has returned home safely. This young man is my son.


After investigating, Zhou Qian discovered that the young man was indeed the woman's only son, who had been away on business for more than half a year.

Zhou Qian compensated the woman with 500 grams of silver.


Zhou Qian was very frustrated. This was the first time in his life that he had made a mistake.

he said to a worker who was cleaning his shop.

From today, I am closing my shop, I am no longer open for business.

This incident hit me so hard that I lost faith in my own fortune-telling abilities.


The hired man said to Zhou Qian.

Fortune telling is not a profession with a high social status. But I think we should be proud of our profession.

I have heard a saying that if you are not ashamed of your work, you will be adequately rewarded.


I don't think you should lose confidence in yourself, you've only failed once in 30 years.

We all make mistakes and you shouldn't be discouraged or disheartened by that.

You should remember the lessons of this failure and be more careful the next time you do your fortune telling.

You should continue to open your shop and do business as usual.


The meaning of this proverb is that if you are not ashamed of your work, you will be adequately rewarded.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever experienced great failure? How long did it take you to regain your confidence after a failure?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers.(陰陽不順人情)



The fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers.(陰陽不順人情)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a famous playwright named Wang Ye.


He wrote a play. The summary of the story of this play is that there is a woman who is proficient in Taoist magic. This woman's name is (Peach Blossom Girl). The story between her and another man named (Zhou Qian) who is very familiar with Taoist magic.


The two of them competed to see whose Taoist magic was more powerful. In the process of the competition, the two people turned from dislike of each other into a story of mutual love.


The story goes as follows.


There is a small village with three families. One of the three families is named Peng, another is named Ren, and one is named Shi.


The three families have very good feelings for each other. They often communicate with each other, so the people in the three families know each other very well.


There are no children in the family named Peng.

In this family named Shi, the father passed away when he was very young, leaving only a boy living with his mother.

The family named Renzhuan gave birth to a daughter, and this daughter's name was (Peach Blossom).


The boy in the Shi family was a very filial child. When he was 20 years old, he said to his mother.

I have grown up and I want to improve the economic situation of our family, so I want to go to a big city to work in business.


The boy had been away from his home for several months. The boy had not written a letter home, so his mother missed him every day.


One day, the boy's mother went to see a man named Zhou Qian. Zhou Qian's profession was to tell people's fortunes using the professional knowledge he learned from the Book of Changes.


After Zhou Qian told the fortune, he said to the boy's mother with a very serious expression.

There is a saying that means fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of their customers.

A fortune teller must truthfully tell the result of his prediction, even if the result is ominous.


According to the results of my divination, your son will die between 11 o'clock tonight and 1 o'clock tomorrow morning.


The boy's mother was shocked when she heard the result, and she returned home sadly.

The boy's mother was crying alone in the living room of his home. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of his home.

It turned out to be the girl named (Peach Blossom) from her neighbor.


Taohua saw the boy's mother crying, (Taohua) asked the boy's mother what happened.

After the boy's mother told Taohua about her fortune telling, Taohua was silent for a while, and then she said to the boy's mother.

I can also read the I Ching, and I also helped your son do divination. I want to confirm the result of this fortune teller's divination again.


A few minutes later, (Peach Blossom) said to the boy’s mother.

The fortune teller's prediction was accurate. Your son will lose his life during the period he said.

But don't worry, I have a way to change your son's fate.

If saving your son's life requires you to do a few things, are you willing to try them?


The boy's mother answered after hearing what (peach blossom) said.

I'm not sure whether what you said is true, but as long as there is a slight possibility, I am willing to do what you said.



The meaning of this proverb is that the fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think people can change their destiny through human means? Have you ever been deceived by a fortune teller?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




No oral messages or letters at all.(杳無音信)



No oral messages or letters at all.(杳無音信)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a famous playwright called Wang Ye.

He wrote a play. The summary of the story of this play is that there is a woman who knows Taoist magic. This woman is called (Peach Blossom Girl). The story between her and another man named (Zhou Qian) who is very familiar with Taoist magic.

Part of that story follows.

There is a little village with three families. One of the three families is called Peng, the other is called Ren and the third is called Shi.

These three families have very good feelings for each other and they often communicate with each other.

In the family called Peng, there are no children.

In the family called Shi, the father died when he was very young, and only one boy lived with the mother.

The family named Ren gave birth to a daughter, and this daughter's name was (Peach Blossom).

The boy in the Shi family was a very filial child. When he was 20 years old he said to his mother

I have grown up and I want to improve our family's economic situation, so I want to go to a big city to work in business.


Half a year passed quickly after the boy left home. However, the boy did not ask anyone to bring any messages or letters home during these six months, so his mother was very worried about whether he was safe.


A good friend of his mother's saw that his mother was very sad every day, so the friend told his mother.

I know a person who is very familiar with the I Ching. Would you like to ask him to divine for your son?

We might be able to tell if your son is safe at the moment.


The boy's mother thought this good friend's suggestion was a good one, so she went to (Zhou Qian's) shop.


The literal translation of this phrase is that there is no oral message or news at all.

It is used to describe a person who has completely lost contact.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you believe in divination? Is there someone you haven't seen in a long time that you really want to see?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



The stone cracked and shook the sky(石破天驚)

The stone cracked and shook the sky(石破天驚)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous poet called (Li He).

Once he went to hear a concert by a famous musician of the time.

The musician's name is Li Ping, and the name of the instrument Li Ping uses is (konghou).

This is an ancient Chinese musical instrument whose playing technique has been lost.


After Li He heard this performance, his heart was deeply shocked.

He thought the performance was so wonderful that he wrote a poem expressing his feelings after listening to the concert.


The general meaning of the poem is as follows.

One autumn night, I heard a concert by Li Ping playing the..


Li Ping created a variety of different sounds with his instruments.

These sounds were like breaking pieces of beautiful jade, and also like the cry of the phoenix.

Lee uses his instruments to express a variety of emotions.

These sounds made Hibiscus cry and Pandan laugh happily.


The sound of this 23-stringed instrument warms the chilly autumn nights in the capital and makes even the gods in the sky feel strong emotional fluctuations.


Nuwa once used a furnace to refine stones into five colours: green, red, yellow, white and black. Nuwa used these stones to repair the holes in the sky.

Halfway through the show it suddenly started to rain. I think the reason was that the sound of Li Ping playing the instrument was very high and loud. The sound shook the sky and made a big hole in the stone that Nuwa used to fill the sky.


The sound of Li Ping's instrument made the fish and dragons in the river dance.

Li Ping's performance caused the legendary immortal who lived on the moon to stop working, and the legendary rabbit who lived on the moon to listen quietly.


The direct translation of this idiom is that the stone cracked and the sky shook.

This idiom is used to describe the sound produced by an instrument that is very high and loud.

This idiom has been extended to describe a thing or an object or a person's speech that is very amazing.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What is your favourite instrumental sound? What is the most memorable musical concert you have ever heard?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




She refined stones and used them to mend the broken hole in the sky. (煉石補天)


She refined stones and used them to mend the broken hole in the sky. (煉石補天)


In Chinese mythology, man was created by a goddess.

The name of this goddess is (Nuwa). There are some stories about her recorded in history books.


The upper part of her body was a woman, the lower part of her body was a snake, and she created humans from clay.


In the imagination of the ancient Chinese, there were four high mountains at the four corners of the earth. These four high mountains supported the sky so that people could live in the space between the sky and the earth.


There were many other gods in the world at that time.

One day, in order to destroy the world, the Water God used his power to break the high mountain on the west side that supported the earth.


After the mountain was broken, a huge hole opened up in the sky and it tilted. Cracks were made in the earth, so much water poured out of the cracks.


Because of this huge change, fire broke out in the forest and all the animals and humans fled in panic.

When Nuwa heard the cry of the humans, she was very worried and thought about how to solve the problem.


The first thing she had to solve was how to support the sky again. She found that because the sky was tilted, the load on the other three mountains became uneven, and cracks appeared on the other three mountains as well.

To solve this problem, she killed a very large mythical beast.

This mythical beast was a tortoise. After killing the turtle, she cut off its four legs and placed them at the four corners of the earth. She used these four turtle legs to replace the four mountains that held up the sky.


Next she had to deal with the problem of the hole in the sky. She built a huge furnace. She used this furnace to refine stones in five colours: green, red, yellow, white and black. She used these stones to repair the hole in the sky.


Because the stones she refined are very rich in colour, the colours of the sunset we now see are many different colours.


Then she taught the people to use the reed ashes after burning the reeds to reduce the effects of floods.

Because of her, these kind people in ancient times were able to survive.

Because of her great contribution to humanity, future generations call her Mother Earth.



The direct translation of this idiom is that she refined stones and used them to mend the broken hole in the sky.

This idiom has been extended to describe a country's leaders who use their talents and resources to fill the gaps in their country's political laws and systems.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you encounter a big problem, what attitude will you have to face it? Do you think the earth is getting warmer?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Nuwa mended the broken hole in the sky(女媧補天)


Nuwa mended the broken hole in the sky(女媧補天)


In Chinese mythology there is a famous goddess called Nuwa. There are several stories about her recorded in history books.


The upper part of her body was that of a woman, the lower part of her body was that of a snake, and she created humans from clay.


There were many other gods in the world at that time. One day the god of fire and the god of water had an argument. Both gods were very angry and the two gods fought each other.

After much fighting, the water god was finally defeated.


After the Water God was defeated, he felt very angry in his heart, and anger surged in his heart. He suddenly had an idea: I want to destroy this world, and I want all the people and gods to be destroyed along with this world.


In the imagination of the ancient Chinese, there were four high mountains at the four corners of the earth. These four high mountains supported the sky so that people could live in the space between heaven and earth.


To destroy the world, the Water God used his power to break one of the mountains.

After the mountain was broken, a large hole opened up in the sky and tilted. Cracks were made in the earth, so a lot of water poured out of the cracks.


Because of this huge change, fire broke out in the forest and all the animals and humans fled in panic.


After Nuwa heard the cry of the people, she used her wisdom to mend the great hole in the sky.

She restored the world to its original state.


The direct translation of this saying is that Nuwa mended the broken hole in the sky.

This idiom has been extended to describe a person who has great dreams and actions to change the world.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you care about the environment? Does your nation have stories about the origin of mankind?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



The sky and earth of this world appeared.(開天闢地)


The sky and earth of this world appeared.(開天闢地)


There are many myths and stories in ancient China, and one of them describes the creation of this world.

The gist of the story is as follows.


Before the world appeared, there was chaos. The shape of this chaos was oval, like an egg.

After 18,000 years of evolution, some light matter in this chaotic state slowly rose up, and this light matter gradually formed the sky.

Some heavy matter in this chaotic state slowly fell, and this heavy matter gradually formed the Earth.

In this space, a fetus was slowly being formed, and this fetus was named Pangu.


After 18,000 years, Pangu's embryo grew into a baby.

Pangu grew day by day. He grew about 168 centimetres every day. Pangu's head was towards the sky and his feet were on the earth. The world got bigger every day as Pangu grew.

After 18,000 years, the sky in this world had become very high, and the earth in this world had become very thick.

Pangu's head rested against the sky while his feet continued to walk on the earth. He was like a huge pillar separating heaven from earth.

Because of Pangu, the sky and earth of this world appeared.


When Pangu sweated, the world would rain, and when Pangu breathed, the world would produce wind. He lived a very long time. When he died, his body fell on the huge earth he had created. .

His two eyes became the sun and the moon, and his head and limbs became the five most famous mountains in China. The blood vessels in his body turned into many rivers, his muscles into fertile soil, his tendons into roads, his hair into countless stars in the sky, his skin into grass and trees, his teeth and bones into metal and stone, and his bones into precious gems.

All the micro-organisms in his body became various creatures in the world.


The literal translation of this idiom is that the heaven and earth of this world have appeared.


This idiom is used to describe a person who has achieved great things that have never happened before in human society.

It can also be used to describe something that has never happened before.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What kind of creation legends do your people have? What do you think is the origin of human beings?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Yu Fan(虞翻/仲翔)


Yu Fan(虞翻)(164 AD - 233 AD)

His surname is (Yu), his parents gave him the name (Fan) and when he grew up his friends called him (Zhongxiang). He was born in Zhejiang Province, China.


The name of a dynasty in ancient China. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means to fly. It means to turn around. It means to cross over.

The second among brothers.

It means to glide.



He was a very famous minister in the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms era, and his story is recorded in history books.


He is very knowledgeable, he knows the Book of Changes very well, and he is also very knowledgeable about the Confucian classics. He was a very sincere man, and he often said things that were true but would make the king very unhappy.


Once, the king and some ministers were drinking. During the conversation, they suddenly all started talking about one subject. The topic was whether there were immortals in the world.

If there are immortals, how can people become immortal through practice?


Everyone took turns to express their own opinions on the subject.

When it was Yu Fan's turn to speak, he said to the king and other ministers

Each of us has a limited life, and each of us will die.

We humans have limited wisdom and limited lives, so I think it is ridiculous for you to discuss whether there are immortals in this world.

If you want to ask my opinion, I think there are no immortals in this world.


His answer made the king and other ministers very unhappy.


Another time, at a grand banquet, the king personally toasted all the ministers, but only Yu Fan deliberately refused to drink. The king felt that Yu Fan despised him.

During the banquet, the king was so angry that he almost killed Yu Fan. However, other ministers tried their best to dissuade him, so the king later decided to spare Yu Fan's life.



When Yu Fan was in his 50s, the king sent him to what is now Guangxi Province in China.

Yu Fan died in the Guangxi province of China. He never returned to the capital of the Wu Kingdom until he died.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How would you feel if you felt despised by others? Have you maintained the same personality since childhood and are you unwilling to change?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.






A white dragon turns into a fish.(白龍魚服)


In the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a very famous minister named (Yu Fan), and a story about him is recorded in the history books.


The name of the founding king of the Wu Kingdom was (Sun Quan), and the name of (Sun Quan)'s brother was (Sun Ce).

(Sun Ce) and (Yu Fan) are very good friends.


Sun Ce liked to go hunting alone. One day, Yu Fan said to him.

The current political situation is very chaotic, and your status is very high. It is best not to go hunting alone, because it is very dangerous.


Sun Ce said to him with a smile.

Thank you for your concern.

Our current situation is very difficult, so I often think about how we can make things better, and the thought process makes me very irritable.

I can't stay at home, so I go hunting in the countryside to relax.


He said to Sun Ce.

In ancient times there was a story written in a book.

There was a noble white dragon who lived in the sky. One day the white dragon turned into a white fish.

The dragon turned into a fish and was shot in the eye by a man with a bow and arrow while he was swimming in the sea.

If this dragon had lived in the sky, no one could have shot it with a bow and arrow, but because the dragon went to a dangerous place, it was shot blind in one eye.

I hope you remember this story, and I really hope you never go hunting alone again.



Having listened to his advice, Sun Ce was silent for a few minutes.

Sun Ce said to him

I am willing to follow your advice. Your advice is valuable.


The literal translation of this saying is that a white dragon turns into a fish.

It is used to describe a person of high status going to a dangerous place, and as a result the person of high status is in danger.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you do to relax when you feel irritable? Have you ever put yourself in danger by not paying attention?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Magnets attract iron needles, amber attracts mustard seeds(針芥相投)


Magnets attract iron needles, amber attracts mustard seeds(針芥相投)


In the Kingdom of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a very famous minister named (Yu Fan), and a story about him is recorded in the history books.


When he was 12 years old, an incident happened that made him famous in his hometown.

His father was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The territory of the Han dynasty was different from that of China today. Parts of what is now the Indochina peninsula were part of China at that time.


His father was the mayor of a town in what is now central Vietnam.

He has loved reading since childhood and has a very good memory. At the age of 12, he already had a wealth of knowledge.


One day he went out with his brother. They were walking down the street and suddenly a man came up to them.

The man said to his brother.

I know your father,

I was at a party at your house.

I have an impression of you, and I am very happy to meet you on the street, so I have come here to greet you.


He was standing next to his brother and the man didn't take the initiative to greet him.


The man exchanged pleasantries with his brother and walked away.


He felt disrespected and very angry in his heart. After the man had left, he suddenly caught up with the man and said to him.

I have read a book which states two things.

A magnet can attract a piece of iron, but not a piece of copper. A rubbed piece of amber will attract fresh mustard seeds, but not rotten mustard seeds.

I consider my knowledge and talents to be like magnets and amber.

But why weren't you attracted to me just now? You completely ignored me.

What do you think the reason is?


Having said these words, he proudly turned and ran back to his brother.

The man felt very ashamed when he heard what he had said. Later the man came up to him and his brother again. This time the man politely took the initiative to say hello.



The literal translation of this saying is that a magnet attracts iron needles and amber attracts mustard seeds.

It has been extended to describe two people whose words, personalities or ideas are very consistent.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever felt disrespected? How would you handle a situation in which someone disrespected you?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The quality of the arrow bamboo produced in Kuaiji County in southeast China is very good.(東南箭竹)


The quality of the arrow bamboo produced in Kuaiji County in southeast China is very good.(東南箭竹)


In the Kingdom of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a very famous minister named (Yu Fan), and a story about him is recorded in the history books.


He is very knowledgeable and has done extensive research on Confucian and Taoist classics.

He knows the Book of Changes and can accurately predict fortunes.


At that time, there was a famous scholar. This scholar was a descendant of Confucius and his name was Kong Rong.

One day, Yu Fan wrote a letter to Kong Rong.

In his letter, he told him about his experience in studying the I Ching.

Kong Rong replied after reading the letter.

One of China's oldest dictionaries once recorded that the agricultural speciality of Kuaiji County in Southeast China is arrow bamboo. The quality of arrow bamboo here is particularly good.

I think another sentence should be added to this dictionary.

The agricultural speciality of Kuaiji County is arrow bamboo. Yu Fan, who was born in Kuaiji County, is the best contemporary I Ching expert.


In 219 AD, a war broke out between the Soochow Kingdom and the Shuhan Kingdom.

The name of the general who led the army of the Shu Han Kingdom was (Guan Yu), the name of the general who led the army of the Soochow Kingdom was (Lü Meng), and (Yu Fan) was assigned to serve as (Lü Meng)'s military staff.


With the help of (Yu Fan), (Lü Meng) successfully defeated the army of the Shu Han Kingdom led by (Guan Yu).

The king of the Soochow Kingdom also came to the front line of the war. The king knew that (Yu Fan) knew the I Ching and could tell fortunes accurately.

The king said to [Yu Fan].

The army of the Shuhan Kingdom has been defeated by us, and their general is currently on the run.

You predict whether we can successfully capture (Guan Yu).


(Yu Fan) After using the I Ching to divine, he said to the king.

Two days later, we will discover the whereabouts of the fugitive (Guan Yu), and Guan Yu will be killed during the resistance.


Two days later, (Yu Fan's) prediction came true.

The King of Soochow Kingdom said to (Yu Fan) at the banquet.

Your fortune-telling ability is as powerful as the fortune-teller Dongfang Shuo of the Western Han Dynasty.

I have great admiration for you.


The literal translation of this idiom is that the quality of the arrow bamboo produced in Kuaiji County in south-east China is very good.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is very good. This person is very good.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think the future can be predicted? Are there any famous agricultural products where you live?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




There will only be flies at my funeral to pay their respects.(青蠅吊客)


There will only be flies at my funeral to pay their respects.(青蠅吊客)


In the Kingdom of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a very famous minister named (Yu Fan), and a story about him is recorded in the history books.


He is very knowledgeable, he knows the Book of Changes, and he has also done in-depth research on the Confucian classics. He was a very sincere man, and he often said things that were true but would make the king very unhappy.

When he was in his 50s, he was sent to what is now Guangxi Province in China.


This place is far from the political centre of China, so the people's level of education is not high and much of the country is very primitive.

When he arrived there, he opened a school and had hundreds of students.


But in his heart, he still looks forward to returning to the capital of the Kingdom of Wu.

He has many students, but he feels in his heart that he has no real close friends.

Once at a party, he drank a little wine and said this to several students who were very good to him.

I often do things that I think are just, but I neglect to be respectful and polite to the king. I don't say things the king likes to hear, which is why I was sent to this place.

There are no scholars in this place who are as knowledgeable as I am, and there are no friends in this place with whom I can talk and discuss issues.

I thought that I might die in this place, and I thought that none of my close friends would be able to pay their respects to me after my death.

The scene of my funeral must have been deserted, and the only creatures that would have come to pay their respects would have been the flies that often fly around this place.

I really hope that one of my good friends, who can really understand me, will appear at my side. If that really happens, I will have no regrets even if I die here today.


This idiom means that at my funeral there will only be flies to pay their respects.

This idiom has been extended to describe a person who has no good friends who can really understand them.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who would you most like to see again before you die? How many people do you think will come to your funeral when you die?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





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