
I promise I will bring this thing back safely to you (完璧歸趙)

 I promise I will bring this thing back safely to you (完璧歸趙)

During the Warring States Period in China, the Kingdom of Qin promised the Kingdom of Zhao. The king of the Qin Kingdom wants to exchange (He Shi bi) this treasure with 15 cities.


The king of the Zhao Kingdom dispatched (Lin Xiangru) as the ambassador.

(Lin Xiang ru) arrived in the Qin Kingdom. He gave (He Shi bi) to their king.


As soon as the king got (He Shi bi), he happily immediately showed off to all the ministers around him.

Seeing this, (Lin Xiang ru) said to the king calmly.

Although this (He Shi bi) is claimed to be flawless, we still found a stain on it.

Let me show it to you.


The king returned (He Shi bi) to (Lin Xiangru).

At this time, (Lin Xiang ru) suddenly raised (He Choi), he said loudly.


(He Shi bi) has arrived in the Qin Kingdom, but I haven't seen the 15 cities you promised us.

Credit is important, and even ordinary people know this. We believe in your promise. Because you represent the entire Qin Kingdom.


Now please give us the 15 cities you promised to exchange, otherwise I will take (He Shi bi) away.

If you want to take it forcibly, I will smash (He Shi bi).


When the king saw this, he told (Lin Xiang ru).

We will immediately decide which 15 cities to give to Zhao Kingdom.


(Lin Xiang ru) answered.

(He Shi bi) is a special sacred item used by the king to worship the gods.

15 cities are also huge assets, so we have to hold a formal public signing ceremony.


He asked the king to hold a public signing ceremony in 5 days. The king reluctantly agreed.

Five days later, the public signing ceremony began.


(Lin Xiang ru) said.

All kings of the Qin Kingdom from the past to the present are very trustworthy, so we believe that you will fulfill the contract.

But please forgive us for being more cautious. Because I have secretly sent (He Shi bi) back to the Zhao Kingdom 4 days ago.


I will return to the Kingdom of Zhao immediately after the signing is completed, and then bring (He Shi bi) over.

Don't worry about our failure to keep our promises, because the Zhao Kingdom is so weak and the Qin Kingdom is so powerful.

If we do not abide by the contract, you can directly send troops to attack us.

You are invincible.


Please understand our situation. We are just to protect our rights.

After the king of the Qin Kingdom heard these words, he angrily wanted to directly order to kill (Lin Xiang ru) immediately.


But he did not impulsively decide. After he calmed down, he assessed the current situation.

Finally, the king of the Qin Kingdom let (Lin Xiang ru) leave the Qin Kingdom safely and return to the Zhao Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe the safe return of an item to its original owner.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever encountered this kind of dilemma in your life? How do you use wisdom to win when you face a stronger opponent than you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



The value of this item is equivalent to 15 cities (價值連城)

The value of this item is equivalent to 15 cities (價值連城)


During the Warring States Period in China, King Zhao Kingdom got a treasure. This treasure has a unique name, which is (He Shi bi).

(He Shi bi) is a special sacred item used by the king to worship the gods.


When the king of the Qin Kingdom heard this news, he sent an ambassador to see the king of the Zhao Kingdom.

The ambassador said to the king of the Zhao Kingdom.


The king of the Qin Kingdom wants to exchange 15 cities for this treasure. Please agree to our request.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom did not know how to respond.


He asked a minister, who was called (Lin Xiang ru).

(Lin Xiang ru) Answer the king.

The Kingdom of Qin is strong, and Kingdom of Zhao is weak, so we should not directly reject this request of the Kingdom of Qin.


The king answered.

I agree with you. But if the Kingdom of Qin gets (He Shi bi), they don't give us 15 cities, what should we do?


(Lin Xiang ru) Answer the king.

After we handed over (He Shi bi) to the Kingdom of Qin. I believe that the Kingdom of Qin will not give us 15 cities.

This is obviously a scam.


But if we refuse directly, then the Kingdom of Qin might launch an army to attack us.

Judging from the current strength of our two sides, they will definitely win this war.

After they win, they will force us to give (He Shi bi) to him.

If this is the case, our kingdom will suffer even greater losses.


Therefore, I suggest that we still have to agree to their request.


The king asked at this time.

Then who should I send as an ambassador?


(Lin Xiang ru) Answer the king.

If the king does not have a better candidate, I am willing to undertake this important task.

I am sure. I can definitely complete this difficult task successfully.


If it is the king of the Qin Kingdom, he does not want to fulfill his promise. He wants to deceive us.

I have a method, I can take (He Shi bi), safely back to our Zhao Kingdom.


The king couldn't think of other countermeasures, so he had to let (Lin Xiang ru) take (He Shi bi) as an envoy to the Qin Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe something very precious.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you are the king of the Qin Kingdom, can you make a decision after being as calm as him? If you are Lin Xiang ru , can you maintain a respectful but dignified attitude when you meet the king?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


Wang Xizhi (王羲之)

 Wang Xizhi 王羲之


Wang Xizhi 王羲之(303 AD-361 AD)

His surname is (Wang), his parents gave him the name (Xi Zhi), and when he grew up, his friend called him (Yi Shao), and he was born in Shandong Province, China.

The meaning of the king. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of air. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The original meaning is growth.

The meaning of exudation also means happiness.

It means a small number. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is recognized as the best calligrapher in Chinese history.

About (Wang Xi zhi). There is a story about him in history books.


He has seven children. Because his calligraphy is particularly good, he teaches all children to learn calligraphy from an early age.

The name of his youngest child is (Wang Xian zhi).


One day, (Wang Xian zhi) asked his father. How can I write calligraphy as good as you.

After he listened, he took the child to the yard.

He pointed to the eighteen buckets placed in the courtyard at this time. Said to (Wang Xian zhi). My secret is hidden inside.


(Wang Xian zhi) looked at his father suspiciously.

(Wang Xi zhi) said. If you use the water in these eighteen buckets to rub ink, and use these inks to write and practice calligraphy every day.

When all the water is used up, you will truly understand how to write well.


(Wang Xian zhi) Followed his father's guidance and practiced hard every day.

Later, when (Wang Xian zhi) grew up, his calligraphy was judged to be as good as his father's calligraphy.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Do you have special talents? Do you make relative efforts to maximize your talents?

Hope this story can give you some new gains.





When are you going to dig this well (臨渴掘井)

 hen are you going to dig this well (臨渴掘井)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Lu Kingdom went into exile to the Qi Kingdom because of a coup.

When the king of Qi Kingdom met the king of Lu Kingdom, he asked him a question.


You have been the king of Lu for many years, and your power base should be very solid.

Why would the people of the Lu Kingdom expel you from your kingdom? What happened,


The king of Lu Kingdom replied.

When I was very young, I became a king.


At that time, many ministers gave me some suggestions.

Some of them gave me good opinions. I knew their suggestions were correct, but I didn't adopt their opinions.


I like other ministers better, and these ministers take me to eat, drink and have fun. I find it easy.

Over the years, the entire Lu Kingdom has actually accumulated a lot of problems that need to be dealt with, but I haven't solved them.

I think this is the reason why I fail so quickly.


The king of the Qi Kingdom discussed this case with a clever minister the next day.

The king of the Qi Kingdom made his comment.

The king of the Lu Kingdom has deeply reflected on it, and I believe that if time goes back, he will not make the same mistake again.


But the wise minister did not agree with him.

He said.

The king of the Lu Kingdom is very smart, but because he is very smart, it will cause the current consequences.


Because he always knew which way was right, but he was unwilling to do it.


He didn't feel regret until now that he was irretrievable, as if he was about to die of thirst and was going to dig a well. This regret was meaningless.


This idiom is used to remind us to grasp the time and do what we should do now.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were the newly appointed King of Lu Kingdom, whose advice would you listen to? Is there anything you should do that you have been procrastinating?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Injure a person by hidden arrows(暗箭傷人)

 Injure a person by hidden arrows(暗箭傷人)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, China split into many kingdoms.

The Lu Kingdom, Zheng Kingdom and Qi Kingdom, the three countries agreed to attack the Xu Kingdom together.


The king of the Zheng Kingdom held a special competition.

The winner can serve as the leading coach and can obtain the best carriage of the time.


There is a general named (Ying Kao Shu), and he has obtained this honor.

The general who won the second place is called (Gongsunzidu). He felt very unconvinced.


The three kingdoms launched an attack on Xu Kingdom together on the agreed date.


(Ying Kao Shu) is a brave coach. He personally leads all the soldiers to fight against opponents on the front line.

After fierce fighting, he and the soldiers on the front line finally occupied the walls of the Xu Kingdom.

He raised the banner in his right hand, and he announced loudly and excitedly that we were about to win.


Suddenly, he was shot in the back by an arrow flying from behind, and he was seriously injured.

All the soldiers saw that he was wounded, and everyone was very angry.


These soldiers intuitively thought that this must be Xu Kingdom's counterattack.

So they launched a more violent attack on the enemy. They hope to avenge their coach.

In the end, the coalition forces won.


But according to historical records, it was not the enemy who shot this arrow, but (Gongsunzidu).

Although the history books do not clearly state the ending of (Gongsunzidu), we can guess based on common sense. (Gongsunzidu) This despicable act. It must have caused him to be despised by all Zheng Kingdom people.


This idiom is used to describe the use of insidious means to attack or frame others in secret.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever encountered similar incidents in your work and workplace? How do you see others' discrediting and attacking you secretly?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


I will help you next time(涸轍之鮒)

 I will help you next time(涸轍之鮒)


Zhuang Zhou is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


Zhuang Zhou was very poor for a while, so he went to find a rich friend to borrow some food.

This friend heard that Zhuang Zhou would borrow some food to tide over the difficulties.


He readily agreed to Zhuang Zhou, he said to Zhuang Zhou.

No problem, I am willing to help you. But I happen to have no money right now, you wait for me for a few months.


I will have a rental income in a few months, and then I will lend you.

And I can lend you 300 gold coins at a time. Do you think this is good?


Zhuang Zhou did not answer this friend directly. He said.

On my way to find you, I suddenly heard someone call my name.


After looking around for a long time, I finally saw who was calling me.

It turned out to be a crucian carp, which was trapped in a small puddle on the road.


I walked in front of this crucian carp, and I asked him. What can I do for you?

This crucian said to me. I used to live in the vast ocean, but today I am stuck in this small puddle.

I am about to die of thirst, can you give me a scoop of water, can you save my life.


I answered him, there is no problem,

I will go to the king of this kingdom right now, and when I find him, I will ask him to send someone to dig a canal to come to your side. Do you think this is good.


The crucian answered me angrily.

I have now lost the water necessary for my daily life, and I have reached the point where I can barely survive. If you really want to help me, you can get through this difficulty by giving me a scoop of water now.

If you follow your way, you can only find me at the dried fish shop next time.


This idiom is used to describe people or things that are in trouble and need rescue urgently.

This idiom is also used to remind us that when others are in difficulties, we must take real action to help others.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever helped a friend? If so, how did it turn out? Have you ever been forced to ask others for help because of bad luck?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He is strong on the outside but weak on the inside (外強中乾)

 He is strong on the outside but weak on the inside (外強中乾)


Chinas Spring and Autumn Period,

There were several famines in the Jin Kingdom, and the Qin Kingdom assisted them every time.

However, after a famine occurred in the Qin Kingdom, the Jin Kingdom refused to assist the Qin Kingdom.


The king of the Jin Kingdom promised that the king of the Qin Kingdom would give him five cities as gifts, but this promise was not fulfilled

The Kingdom of Qin was very angry with the behavior of the Jin Kingdom. So they sent troops to attack the Jin Kingdom.


The king of the Jin Kingdom, he personally led the army to fight.

Because Zheng Kingdom just gave him a few beautiful horses, he chose these beautiful horses and let them pull his carriage.


A minister saw this and suggested to him.

My king, we should choose horses raised in our own kingdom.


The first reason is that these horses have grown up in our kingdom and have a better understanding of the terrain around our kingdom.

The second reason is because these horses have been raised by people in our kingdom since childhood, so they have emotional communication with us.


Although the horses that Zheng Kingdom gave you are great, many unexpected situations will happen in the battlefield.

These horses will be nervous in an unfamiliar environment, and if they encounter dangerous situations at the same time, these horses may lose control.

Although these horses look very strong on the outside, their actual fighting ability is very weak because of their fear.


After the king of the Jin Kingdom heard these words, he still insisted on using these beautiful horses that the Zheng Kingdom gave him.

The result is just as the minister inferred.


When the soldiers and horses of both sides were at war, these horses were out of control because of tension.

Because of this, the king of the Jin Kingdom was captured by the army of the Qin Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe a person who looks strong on the outside, but weak on the inside.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you judge a person mainly by his appearance or by his inner core? Do you despise what you originally have, and value what others give?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


How can you laugh at those who have suffered disasters (幸災樂禍)

 How can you laugh at those who have suffered disasters (幸災樂禍)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famine occurred in the Jin Kingdom.

So the king of the Jin Kingdom sent an ambassador to the Qin Kingdom to request assistance.


Because the king of the Jin Kingdom had bad credit, the king of the Qin Kingdom did not want to provide assistance.

But he still asked all the ministers' opinions.


Said the first minister. We should help them. I believe all people in the Jin Kingdom will appreciate us.


Said the second minister. Natural disasters will always occur alternately between kingdoms. So we should provide assistance.


Said the third minister. We should not provide assistance, we should take the opportunity to attack the Jin Kingdom.


The king of the Qin Kingdom finally decided to assist the Jin Kingdom.


A year later, this time it was a famine in the Qin Kingdom. So the king of the Qin Kingdom sent an ambassador to the Jin Kingdom to request assistance.

The king of the Jin Kingdom was unwilling to assist the Qin Kingdom.


A minister of the Jin Kingdom told the king.

We only accepted the favor of others a year ago, but now we have the ability to repay but we dont do it, is that right?

We see others suffering from disaster, we do not feel grief, we laugh at them are suffering from disaster, this mentality is correct.

We should not only consider ourselves and be unwilling to give. Our behavior will make all kingdoms and their people angry.


Another minister said that he agreed with the king's opinion not to help the Qin Kingdom.

The king of the Jin Kingdom later chose not to assist the Qin Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe a person who lacks kindness, and he is happy when others encounter disasters.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were the king of the Qin Kingdom, how would you feel when you heard that the King of the Jin Kingdom was unwilling to provide assistance? What do you think the choice of the King of the Jin Kingdom would bring to him?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You can learn from others, but don't lose yourself (邯鄲學步)

 You can learn from others, but don't lose yourself (邯鄲學步)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


There was a famous intellectual named (Gongsunlong).

After he had a conversation with (Zhuang Zhou), he was completely unable to understand what(Zhuang Zhou) shared.


He was very puzzled. He didn't know why this happened.

So (Gongsunlong) went to ask a nobleman from Zhongshan Kingdom, whose name was (Wei Mou).


(Wei Mou) After hearing (Gongsunlong)'s question, he laughed.

He said to (Gongsunlong).


If a mosquito says he wants to fly with a mountain on his back, do you think it is possible?

If a centipede says he wants to swim across a big river, do you think it is possible?


The cultural education of the Zhao Kingdom is very advanced.

So some wealthy people from the Yan Kingdom sent their 13-15 year olds to study in the capital of the Zhao Kingdom.

But these young people are too young and their mental development is not sound enough.


When these young people grow up and return to their hometowns.


His family only discovered that these children had not learned the essence of the Zhao Kingdom’s culture, and to make matters worse, he had even forgotten the culture he learned in the Yan Kingdom when he was a child.


The condition of these people is like a person cannot stand and can only lie on the ground, because they don't have a complete system of thought.


So you should go back and consolidate the knowledge you know now. Otherwise, in your current situation, if you want to learn the content shared by (Zhuang Zhou), I am worried that you will even collapse your original knowledge structure.


This idiom is used to describe a person who only wants to imitate others, but in the end he loses his own advantages.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When facing things that you don’t understand, do you keep learning with humility or arrogantly despise others? Have you established your own value system and proposition?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I hate your behavior very much. (痛心疾首)

I hate your behavior very much. (痛心疾首)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there were often conflicts between various kingdoms.


The Kingdom of Qin took the initiative to sign a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Jin. But after the signing was completed, the king of Jin Kingdom passed away.


At this time, the king of the Qin Kingdom took advantage of the change of power of the Jin Kingdom and asked the new king of the Jin Kingdom to attack a tribe of neighboring two countries together. The name of this tribe was (Di).


The new king of the Jin Kingdom agreed to the request of the Qin Kingdom and prepared to send troops to attack the (Di) tribe.


But the king of the Qin Kingdom secretly sent an emissary to meet the leader of the (Di) tribe, and the emissary said to the leader of the (Di) tribe.

I heard that Jin Kingdom is ready to attack you, so you should be prepared to fight back.


At the same time, the king of the Qin Kingdom secretly sent a person to meet the king of the Chu Kingdom, and the messenger said to the king of the Chu Kingdom.

Now the new king of the Jin Kingdom has just taken office, and the political situation is unstable, so we should form a joint force to attack the Jin Kingdom.


These actions of the Qin Kingdom were later discovered by the new king of the Jin Kingdom, and the new king of the Jin Kingdom wrote a letter to the king of the Qin Kingdom.

It is written in this letter that you are too untrustworthy, and I feel very disgusted and hate your actions, so I decided not to ally with you.


These actions of the Qin Kingdom were also known to the various kingdoms. The kings of all the kingdoms were very angry, so everyone united to attack the Qin Kingdom.


The Kingdom of Qin was defeated.


This idiom is used to describe feelings of disgust and hatred for a person's behavior.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

In your life experience, have you ever met someone like the king of the Qin Kingdom? How do you tell if others are deceiving you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


XimenBao (西門豹)

 XimenBao (西門豹)

(XimenBao) (B.C.?-B.C.?)

His last name is (Ximen), his parents gave him the name (Bao), and he was born in Shanxi Province, China.



Western meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of the door. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Leopard means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding statesman. He is also one of the famous water conservancy experts in Chinese history.

About (XimenBao). There is a story about him in history books.


During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Wei Kingdom sent (XimenBao) to manage a city, which was plagued by floods all year round.

Because this city is flooded almost every year, there is a frightening local custom.


The custom is to find a beautiful girl every year, and then throw this beautiful girl into the big river that flows through the city. Be a bride to the river god who is in charge of this river.

Because only by doing this, the river god will be happy, and the river will not overflow that year.


(XimenBao) secretly investigated and discovered that this absurd legend was fabricated by three local elders, a witch and a few unscrupulous officials.

They use the ignorance and fear of the people to seek their own interests.


But this group of people is so powerful, how to solve this problem fundamentally.

(XimenBao) thought of a way.


On the day of the event, it was just as preparations to throw this year's bride into the water.

Suddenly, (XimenBao) said I wanted to see this bride.

Since (XimenBao) was the highest-ranking leader that day, no one dared to refuse his proposal.


After he finished watching, he announced to all the onlookers. I think the bride chosen this year is so ugly that River God will definitely not like it. We must change another person.

When the witch heard this, she said to (XimenBao). Now there is no time to find a new bride. We must immediately dedicate this girl to the river god, otherwise the river god will be angry.


(XimenBao) Hearing these words, he smiled, and he said to all the onlookers.

This bride is really too ugly. If River God sees this bride so ugly, not only will he not be happy, but he will definitely be even more angry.


(XimenBao) went on. I have a good idea, because the witch often talks to the river god, so I now send her to explain the situation to the river god.

(XimenBao) ordered his men to tie up the witch and threw it into the water.

Everyone was stunned.


Ten minutes later, (XimenBao) said to all the crowd onlookers.

The witch alone might not be able to explain the situation clearly, so we ask the three elders to go down and help.

(XimenBao) He ordered his men to tie up the three elders and throw them all into the water.


Those unscrupulous officials who participated in this project saw (XimenBao) looking at them at this time. They were all terrified.

These officials knelt forward and pleaded guilty in public. They made up the matter that the river god wants to marry a bride. This matter is a lie.


At this time, (XimenBao) looked at all the people around and announced loudly that from today onwards, River God will no longer marry brides.

The people cheered, and these people finally got rid of the long-term fear in their hearts.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were (XimenBao), how would you expose this lie? When you do something that everyone does, do you think about whether it is reasonable?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





Are you waiting for another rabbit.(守株待兔)

 Are you waiting for another rabbit.(守株待兔)


During the Warring States Period in China, the famous thinker Han Fei wrote a story.


There was a farmer in the Song Kingdom who worked hard every day.

One day, he suddenly heard a loud noise while farming.


He looked around. He was curious what happened.

He found a tree beside the field. A rabbit lay beside the tree. The rabbit is dead.

He speculated that the rabbit hit the tree, because the impact was too strong, so the rabbit's cervical spine broke and died in this place.


The farmer was very happy. He took this rabbit to the market and sold it.

He has an extra income.


The next day, when the farmer came to his field.

He thought to himself, maybe another rabbit will hit the tree and die today, so why should I work so hard?


He decided not to farm, he sat beside this tree, waiting for the arrival of the next rabbit.

But one day, two days, three days, day after day, there was no other rabbit that hit the tree and died.


This idiom is used to describe a person who does not work hard, but only dreams that the god of luck will appear.

It also describes a person who has succeeded in the past, he has been following the same method, and he hopes to get the same result again.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Are you limited by your previous successful experience? Do you think that a person's success is because he is lucky or because he works hard?

Hope this story can give you a little gain.



What qualifications do you have to laugh at others (五十步笑百步)

 What qualifications do you have to laugh at others (五十步笑百步)


During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Wei Kingdom had a conversation with a famous thinker (Meng Ke).

The king asked (Meng Ke). There is one thing that I feel very puzzled. So I want to ask you.


I govern my kingdom very carefully.

If there is a disaster in the kingdom, I will immediately resettle the victims.

If there are people living in difficulties in the kingdom, I will help them immediately.


I believe I am doing well, and I am better than the kings of other kingdoms around me.

But I did so well, why no one wants to immigrate to my kingdom.


(Meng Ke) told a story.

Suppose today, our Wei Kingdom is fighting against the armies of other kingdoms.

A few hours later, we were at a disadvantage, so our soldiers began to retreat.


Among these retreating people, one person stepped back 50 meters. He looked back and saw that a companion had stepped back 100 meters away.

He laughed at this companion. He said. You are so timid, you have to be brave.


(Meng Ke) asked the king. My king. Do you think his behavior is reasonable?

The king was very angry when he heard that, and he replied (Meng Ke).

This person is not qualified to laugh at his companion. Because he also retreated.

He should charge forward bravely and face off against the enemy.


(Meng Ke) answered. My king, you are right.

In my opinion, you are like this person who has stepped back 50 meters.

You just go for disaster relief and relief passively. Compared with other kingdoms, its not much better.

You should be more active to create a better living environment for the people.


This idiom is used to describe when a person ridicules others for making a mistake, he does not realize that he has also made the same mistake.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When you blame others, do you first review your own behavior? If you were this king, how would you be more active to create a better living environment for the people?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You have to pay attention to your own behavior anytime, anywhere (瓜田李下)

 You have to pay attention to your own behavior anytime, anywhere (瓜田李下)


During the Han Dynasty in China, many folk poems have been passed down to this day.

There is a poem which mainly instructs us how to become a qualified gentleman.


In the first paragraph of this poem, the author first reminds us.

A gentleman should pay attention to his behavior at all times, he should avoid others from misunderstanding himself.


E.g. If you are in a watermelon field, do not bend over and wear shoes, so as not to be misunderstood by others that you are stealing watermelons.

If you are under the plum tree, do not touch your hat, so as not to be misunderstood by others that you are stealing plums.

If you get along with people of the opposite sex or who are very different from your own age, pay attention to maintaining proper social distance.


In the second paragraph of this poem, the author reminds us.

After we have done this at all times to pay attention to our own behavior. More importantly, we must remain diligent and humble in our attitude.

Even if there is no other person's supervision around, I have to demand my own behavior.


In the third paragraph of this poem, the author shares the story of a famous gentleman in ancient China.

This person's name is (Ji Dan)


He is the king's uncle, but he is not proud, he often visits some talented ordinary people.

He often asks these knowledgeable people questions.

He would not look down on others just because of his noble status.


Sometimes when he is at home, the servant informs him that someone is coming to visit him.

He will immediately greet these guests, even if he is eating or taking a bath, he will immediately stop working at hand and receive these guests as soon as possible.


This idiom is used to remind us to pay attention to our actions and avoid misunderstandings.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Will you pay attention to your own behavior to avoid misunderstandings caused by your own behavior? What kind of behavior should a gentleman in your mind have?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Does your knowledge stand up to practical verification (紙上談兵)

 Does your knowledge stand up to practical verification (紙上談兵)

During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Zhao Kingdom faced a choice.


The war between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Zhao has been deadlocked for a long time.

Therefore, he wanted to appoint another young general as the front-line commander in chief. The young general's name is (Zhao Kuo).


(Zhao Kuo)'s father is dead, but his father was a great general of the Zhao Kingdom when he was alive.

(Zhao Kuo) very much admired his father's ability to defend the kingdom, so he studied many books on war methods since he was a child.


(Zhao Kuo)'s father and him often discussed many important battles in Chinese history.

In response to these cases, (Zhao Kuo)'s comments are also very accurate.


But his father is very worried, because his father can see his pride and arrogance from (Zhao Kuo)'s expression.

His father repeatedly warned him before his death.


I believe the knowledge you get from reading books is useful. But if you really go on the battlefield, you must remain flexible and cautious.

War is not as simple as playing a game. War is cruel. Every decision you make may affect the life or death of everyone.


(Zhao Kuo) After hearing his father's warning, he didn't take it seriously. He despised his father's motto.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom finally decided to appoint (Zhao Kuo) as the commander-in-chief of the war.


The outcome of this war was tragic. Zhao Kingdom was defeated. 400,000 soldiers in Zhao Kingdom were killed.


This idiom is used to describe some people who are familiar with theory but cannot solve practical problems.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you actually apply the knowledge you have acquired and then review the results of the practice? Do you keep an open mind when facing other peoples warnings?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



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