
Ma Yuan(馬援/文淵)


Ma Yuan(馬援)(14 BC - 49 AD)


His surname is (Ma), his parents gave him the name (Yuan), and when he grew up, his friends called him (Wenyuan). His birthplace is in Shaanxi Province, China.


It means horse. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means aid. It means climbing.

It means pattern. Meaning is what the words mean. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the abyss.


Ma Yuan (14 BC - 49 AD)


His surname is (Ma), his parents gave him the name (Yuan), and when he grew up his friends called him (Wenyuan). He was born in Shaanxi Province, China.


It means horse. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means help. It means climbing.

It means pattern. Meaning is what the words mean. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means abyss.


He was a famous general in China's Eastern Han Dynasty.

There is a story about him in the history books.


When he was young, he went to northern China to work as a herdsman by himself. He learnt how to breed horses, cattle and sheep. He took good care of these animals and became a rich man with thousands of animals. .


Because of this experience, he developed a very special talent.

He could tell whether a horse was good or bad just by looking at it.


The founding king of the Han Dynasty knew that he had this special talent and told him.

Can you teach me how to tell a good horse from a bad one?


he said to the king.

I'd like to teach you, but it's a difficult skill and I'd like to think about how to make it easier for you to learn.

After thinking for a while, he made a bronze horse and gave it to the king.


He said to the king.

The horse is one of the most important tools of mankind.

In peaceful times, owning a good horse is a symbol of identity and status.

On the battlefield, the quality of the horses can make the difference between victory and defeat.


In ancient China, there were several famous experts who could tell the quality of a horse by its external characteristics alone. The most famous was Bole of the Spring and Autumn Period.


The name of the teacher who guided me to learn this method is (Zi'a), and the name of the first person to study and sort this method is (Xihe Ziyu).


The method I have learnt is mainly to identify whether a horse is good or bad based on some qualities of the horse.

As long as a horse has one or both of these qualities, it is a good horse.

If a horse has many of these qualities, it is a very good horse.


I thought it was hard to describe these qualities in words, so I made this bronze horse.

This bronze horse is a perfect horse that does not exist in this world.

This bronze horse has all the qualities that a good horse can have.


When the king saw the bronze horse, he said to him happily.

It's a great gift you've given me, and it's very practical.

I will put this bronze horse in the palace and let all the ministers see it openly and learn how to tell whether a horse is good or bad.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have this special ability? Do you think a good horse is more valuable, or a person who knows how to tell a good horse from a bad one is more valuable?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




I will die peacefully and without regret(甘心瞑目)



I will die peacefully and without regret(甘心瞑目)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).There is a story about him in the history books.


He was a very brave and skilful general who held his position until the last minute of his life.


In AD 48, a riot broke out in the south of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the local government troops were defeated by the mob.

When he heard the news, he took the initiative to tell the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

I hope you can send me an army. I hope you will let me lead this army to put down this rebellion.


The king said to him.

You are very old, you are 62 years old. War is very hard and dangerous. I do not think your physical strength can bear it.


He told the king with a smile.

Although I am 62 years old, my body is very healthy and I am full of energy. I can still wear heavy armour and ride a horse to fight the enemy.


The king said to him.

Are you sure you can really lead an army into battle?


He replied to the king.

If you don't believe me, I can put on a suit of armour and ride off on a horse to fight anyone.


The king agreed to his request.


After dozens of minutes, he put on his full armour and immediately jumped on a horse.

He rode the horse very steadily, and his eyes showed enthusiasm and pride as he rode the horse.


After seeing his performance, the king smiled and said to him.

You really are very healthy. I agree to your request and give you this task.


When he returned home that night, he told his family and friends.

I have followed the king to fight everywhere since I was young. The king is very generous and kind to me. He has given me many rewards, trusted me greatly and valued my opinions, so I am very grateful to him.


I am over 60 years old, so I feel that time is very urgent and I want to seize every day for the rest of my life.



Today I have the opportunity to lead the army to defend the stability of the country. I feel very happy and honoured. If I die on the battlefield during this expedition, I will have no regrets and feel very satisfied in my heart. to close my eyes forever.This phrase is used to describe a person who dies peacefully and without regret.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How long do you think you have left to live? If you were to die now, would you feel at ease and have no regrets?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His eyebrows and eyes are as beautiful as those painted by an artist.(眉目如畫)


His eyebrows and eyes are as beautiful as those painted by an artist.(眉目如畫)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very brave general who is good at fighting. He is very eloquent and good at expressing his thoughts and opinions.

He told the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty that we should mint coins uniformly throughout the country. He quoted many sources and debated publicly with many other ministers of the time who opposed his ideas.

In the end, the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty agreed and supported his views.


He is very particular about the clothes he wears and his appearance. He trims his hair and beard regularly. He is very handsome, and his eyes and eyebrows are as beautiful as those drawn by an artist.


He is very humorous and interesting and likes to chat with friends.

Because he has a rich life experience, he often shares interesting or special stories he has heard or experienced with his friends.

High-ranking officials of the central government and ordinary people at that time liked to listen to his stories.


He has a unique insight into military strategy.

The founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty once publicly praised him.

We have very similar views on many military strategies. Every time we encounter some military problems, I ask him to give me his opinions for reference. I agree with and adopt his suggestions almost every time.


The literal translation of this idiom is that his eyes and eyebrows are as beautiful as those drawn by an artist.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is very beautiful.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Among the people you know, who do you think is the most beautiful? Among the people you know, who do you think is the funniest?

I hope this story has given you some new insights.




Both have almost the same strength, so there is no difference between them(不分軒輊)



Both have almost the same strength, so there is no difference between them(不分軒輊)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.


He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he is very clever and talented, he has become a very important aide to (Kui Xiao).

Wei Xiao wanted to form an alliance with Liu Xiu.

Wei Xiao arranged for his son to be sent as an ambassador to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty founded by Liu Xiu. Wei Xiao ordered Ma Yuan to go with his son.


After Ma Yuan accepted this assignment, he and his family moved to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty.


After staying in the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty for several months, his relationship with Liu Xiu became very close. He was attracted by Liu Xiu's charming personality, so he made a decision. He wrote a letter to Wei Loud.


In the letter, Ma Yuan wrote

I think Liu Xiu is a very good leader, so I want to join his camp. I think you should join his camp like me, and together we can help Liu Xiu achieve his goal of unifying all of China.


Wei Xiao was very angry when he received this letter, so he wrote to Liu Xiu.

Ma Yuan is an important associate of mine, but he was seduced by you and betrayed me, so I refuse to ally with you again.


When Ma Yuan heard the news, he said to Liu Xiu

Now that I'm in your camp, I'd like to tell you what I think.


We have known each other for several months now, so you should have a better idea of my personality.


If I were a leader, I would hope that my subordinates would be as good as me. If I were a subordinate, I would hope that my leader would be respected by others because of my relationship with them.


I treat everyone honestly. I would rather be misunderstood than cause loss to others.


Because I believe that you are the most capable and powerful person to unite all of China, I have joined your camp.


My relationship with Kai Xiao is more like that of a friend. Our relationship is not like a normal relationship between a leader and his subordinates, so I shared my thoughts with him.


I told him. Your talent and strength are not as good as Liu Xiu's, so you should join me in Liu Xiu's camp.

Together we can help Liu Xiu end the current chaotic situation in China, and we can help Liu Xiu restore peace to all of China.


But Wei Xiao wouldn't listen to me. He thought he was the one who could unite all of China in the future. He refused to be someone else's subordinate, he wanted to build his own kingdom.


I will try to persuade him to join your camp, but if he insists on refusing to surrender to you, he will become our enemy.

If he really does become our enemy in the future, I will help you to defeat him.


This saying means that the strength of the two is almost the same, so there is no difference between them.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Wei Xiao, what would you do? Do you think Ma Yuan's behaviour is treason?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



He analyses the current military situation(聚米為山)


He analyses the current military situation(聚米為山)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.


He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he was very clever and talented, he became a very important member of (Kui Xiao)'s staff.

Later, he left (Kui Xiao's) army and went to the camp of Liu Xiu, the founder of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

He tried to persuade (Kui Xiao) to join Liu Xiu's camp, but (Kui Xiao) refused.


When he was on (Kui Xiao's) staff, he made many good friends.

Many of these good friends are generals and officials in (Kui Xiao's) army.

He wrote to these friends, hoping that these friends would surrender to Liu Xiu together with (Kui Xiao), but because these good friends of his thought that he was a traitor, none of his good friends wrote back to him.


In 32 AD, Liu Xiu led his army to attack Weixiao. When formulating the battle plan, Liu Xiu specifically asked for his opinion.


At this military meeting, Ma Yuan conducted a sand table simulation, which may be the first recorded in Chinese history.

Ma Yuan poured a large amount of rice on the conference table. He used the rice to simulate the terrain around Wei Xiao's army. He explained to Liu Xiu in detail how he thought they should attack and defend.


After Liu Xiu listened to his analysis, Liu Xiu said to him happily.

After your detailed explanation, I think we will definitely win this war.


The outcome of the war was as Liu Xiu had expected. The army led by Liu Xiu completely defeated the army led by (Kui Xiao).


This idiom is used to describe a person who analyses the current military situation.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you plan in detail before you do something, or do you act immediately? Do you often make plans but never take concrete action?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is open-minded and sincere to others(開心見誠)



He is open-minded and sincere to others(開心見誠)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.

He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he is very clever and talented, he became a very important member of (Kui Xiao's) staff.


One day, (Kui Xiao) said to him.

There was a person, a member of the royal family of Han Dynasty, whose name was Liu Xiu.

I was told that Liu Xiu was a very outstanding man. He had mastered a great military force and established a new kingdom.

The situation in China is very chaotic now, and our military power is very small, so we should form an alliance with a stronger military power for our survival.

I want to send you to find Liu Xiu. After you observe his situation, you can report back to me whether we should form an alliance with him.


Having accepted this order, he left for Henan Province and returned a few weeks later to report his views to (Kui Xiao).


He said.

After arriving in the capital of the kingdom founded by Liu Xiu this time, I met Liu Xiu more than a dozen times. We often talked not only during meals, but several times we talked all night and into the early morning.


The scope of our conversation was very wide, and I got to know Liu Xiu better through the conversation.


Liu Xiu is a very talented and strategic person. No one I know can compare with him.

He answered my questions very frankly and sincerely, he did not hide the facts, he was open-minded and very principled.

I think his magnanimity is similar to that of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty.

He paused after saying these words.


Kai Xiao asked.

Your observations are very subtle and very useful for us to make decisions.

I would like to ask you, what are Liu Xiu's leadership and management skills?


he replied.

He takes the affairs of his kingdom very seriously, and he has a great passion for making the kingdom he has created a better place.

His decisions are very wise and appropriate. By the way, he has another characteristic.

He doesn't like to drink and always stays sober.


Wei Xiao said after listening to Ma Yuan.

From your report, I think he was more capable of ruling a kingdom than Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty.


After listening to Liu Xiu's report, Wei Xiao thought seriously for a few days, and then said to Ma Yuan

I have decided to form an alliance with Liu Xiu. I would send my son as an ambassador and let him live in the capital of the kingdom Liu Xiu founded.

You are my most trusted associate, and I hope you will go with my son.


Ma Yuan nodded in agreement.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is open and honest with others.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you passionate about what you do? What do you think is your most special talent?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



He is magnanimous and generous(恢廓大度)


He is magnanimous and generous(恢廓大度)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.

He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he is very clever and talented, he became a very important member of (Kui Xiao's) staff.


One day, (Kui Xiao) said to him.

There was a person, a member of the royal family of Han Dynasty, whose name was Liu Xiu.

I was told that Liu Xiu was a very outstanding man. He had mastered a great military force and established a new kingdom.

The situation in China is very chaotic now, and our military power is very small, so we should form an alliance with a stronger military power for our survival.

I want to send you to find Liu Xiu. After you observe his situation, you can report back to me whether we should form an alliance with him.


Having accepted this order, he set off for Henan Province, where he met Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu said to him with a smile

I knew that you had previously visited Gongsun Shu, who had just established a new kingdom, on behalf of (Kui Xiao). I didn't expect you to visit me on (Kui Xiao's) behalf today.

I feel very ashamed that you have to pay me a special visit.


He replied to Liu Xiu.

The current situation in China is very chaotic, and many people have decided to establish a new kingdom on their own.

The kings of various kingdoms are hoping to attract more talented people to their camp, and many talented people are also carefully choosing the leaders they want to follow.

After saying that, he paused and said to Liu Xiu with a smile

Gongsun Shu and I have known each other for a long time. After he became king, when he saw me, he was surrounded by defensive soldiers. We didn't know each other before that. How can you be sure that I don't have bad intentions? ?

Why didn't you have many soldiers to protect you when you received me?


Liu Xiu laughed and replied.

I'm sure you have absolutely no bad intentions and you can't possibly assassinate me, but I think you're hoping to persuade me to agree to some of your demands.


Ma Yuan replied after listening to Liu Xiu's words.

When I grow up, I sometimes hear that some people are very outstanding, but when I actually meet those people, I find that they are not really that outstanding.


But after meeting you today, I don't feel that way at all.

I think you are as big-hearted and generous as I have heard.

Your ancestors founded the Han Dynasty, and you are just like your ancestors, you are a very outstanding and excellent leader.


After listening to his words, Liu Xiu smiled and held his hand.


The rest of the visit went very smoothly. Liu Xiu got very close to him and treated him sincerely.

When it was time for him to leave a few weeks later, Liu Xiu specially arranged for a close official to accompany him.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is broad-minded and generous.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you a generous person? Among the people you know, who do you think is the most generous?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He pays great attention to the clothes he wears(修飾邊幅)/He is arrogant and looks down on other people(妄自尊大)

He pays great attention to the clothes he wears(修飾邊幅)/He is arrogant and looks down on other people(妄自尊大)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.

He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he is very smart and talented, he became a very important member of (Kui Xiao's) staff.


One day, (Kui Xiao) said to him.

There is a person from the same hometown as you. His name is (Gongsun Shu). Do you know this person?

he replied.

I know him, and I'm very familiar with him.


(Kui Xiao) said.

I received word that Gongsun Shu has a large military force and has recently established a new kingdom in Sichuan Province.

The situation in China is very chaotic now, and our military power is very small, so we should form an alliance with a more powerful military power to benefit our survival.

Since you are old friends with Gongsun Shu, I want to send you to find him.

You will observe his situation and report back to me whether we should form an alliance with him.


After accepting the order, he left for Sichuan Province and returned a few weeks later to report his views to (Kui Xiao).

He said

When I arrived in Sichuan Province, I met Gongsun Shu.

When he saw me, he didn't greet me warmly.

He sat down and I stood up. After exchanging a few words with me, he ordered a servant to take me to the guest room.

I stayed in the guest room for a few days, during which time he helped me make several new sets of clothes.


When I saw him again, he was sitting in the middle of a large house where a great event was taking place.

The chair he was sitting in was a specially made king's chair, the clothes he was wearing were specially made for a king, and the things he was using were all very luxurious.


There were many people in the house, all standing respectfully before him. These people were all wearing official clothes, and there were many soldiers guarding him.


he told me.

If we ally ourselves with him, he can make us important officials in his kingdom.


(Kui Xiao) said.

Do you think we should ally with him?

He said.

I don't think we should ally with him. On the contrary, we should stay away from him.


(Kui Xiao) said.

Why do you think that?

He said.

The current situation in China is very chaotic, and many warlords have appeared all over China.

What he should do now is to recruit more talented people to help him, and he should treat those talented people with courtesy and respect.

If he does that, he may have a better chance of defeating the other warlords and eventually achieving his goal of unifying all of China.


But he didn't do that. He spent time and energy on these things that looked decent but were really unimportant. He wore beautiful clothes. His attitude was very arrogant and he looked down on other people. He was short-sighted.

I think his proud mentality will ultimately lead him to failure, so I don't think we should ally ourselves with him.

The first idiom is used to describe a person who takes great care with his appearance and clothes.

The meaning of the second idiom is used to describe a person who is arrogant and looks down on other people.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think of Gongsun Shu's mentality? If you were Wei Xiao, would you make an alliance with Gongsun Shu?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




I will always remember your kindness to me and will repay your kindness to me(斤車之恩)

I will always remember your kindness to me and will repay your kindness to me(斤車之恩)


He was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was greatly appreciated by Liu Xiu, the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

History books record a story about him and Liu Xiu.


Beginning in 27 AD, Liu Xiu ordered him to lead the army to unify what is now Shaanxi Province in China.

Shaanxi Province in China has a very important strategic location. There is a very fertile plain in the central part of Shaanxi Province.

The capitals of China from the Qin Dynasty to the Western Han Dynasty were built on this plain.


After the fall of the New Dynasty, many armies, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands, were formed on this land.


After receiving this order, he began to take active action. It took him about three years to complete this difficult task.


After he had completed this task, some ministers of the Eastern Han Dynasty were jealous of his achievements. These ministers told Liu Xiu that Feng Yi was planning to rebel.

Liu Xiu did not listen to them. He trusted Feng Yi very much.


In the spring of 30 AD, at a public meeting, Liu Xiu praised Feng Yi's outstanding achievements in front of all the ministers. Liu Xiu also gave Feng Yi many rewards and money.


After Feng Yi received these rewards and money, he was very moved and said to Liu Xiu

In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the most outstanding Prime Minister of the Qi Kingdom once said to the King of the Qi Kingdom.

If only you could always remember that you almost died in battle before.

If only I could always remember that I was once a prisoner.

If we can always remember how lucky we are to have survived, and if we can maintain this mentality, we can keep the Qi Kingdom in its current glory.


Although I am not the most outstanding general in the Eastern Han Dynasty, I want to tell you this.

If you continue to trust me because you remember that I supported you when you were most in danger, I will always remember that you gave me so many rewards and financial favours, and I will always be loyal to you.


After hearing these words, Liu Xiu took the initiative to hold Feng Yi's hands tightly.


This phrase means that I will always remember your kindness to me and repay your kindness to me.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever received favours from others? Have you ever repaid the favours of others?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Feng Yi (馮異/公孫)

Feng Yi (馮異)(AD?-AD 34)


His surname is (Feng) and his parents gave him the name (Yi). When he was growing up, his friends called him Gongsun. He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means a horse that runs very fast. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means abnormal. It means something strange. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means fair. It means justice. It means male. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means grandson. It is also a Chinese surname.


He was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was highly regarded by Liu Xiu, the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

History books record a story about him and Liu Xiu.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China in 23 AD, chaos spread throughout China.

Many warlords arose throughout China. In one war, Feng Yi was captured by Liu Xiu.


After Liu Xiu listened to the opinions of his staff, Liu Xiu believed that Feng Yi was a talented person, so Liu Xiu did not kill Feng Yi.

Liu Xiu said to Feng Yi

I want you to join my army and fight with me.

Feng Yi accepted Liu Xiu's invitation.


Feng Yi later told his friend.

I recently joined Liu Xiu's camp because I have observed that many warlords now rely on their own military power to tyrannise the people and kill many.

Liu Xiu was different from other leaders in that he treated his subordinates very well. He treated the army and the people he led with kindness and justice.

That's why I think he's a leader worth following.

After hearing his words, his friends all joined Liu Xiu's camp.


Feng Yi is a very modest man. He does not boast about his achievements and his personality is very reserved.

When he meets other generals, he will not look down on others because his rank is higher than others, nor will he feel inferior because his rank is lower than others.


Whenever, after a battle, many generals gathered to boast about themselves and compare their achievements in battle with other generals, he would not join in the conversation of these generals.

He would go alone under a tree and meditate. He did not take part in those useless conversations.


Because he is very fair and disciplined in leading the army, many soldiers want to join the army he leads.


Because of his performance, Liu Xiu attached great importance to him.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you like to gossip with your colleagues? Do you think you are a good leader?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





He Removed These Thorns(披荊斬棘)


He Removed These Thorns(披荊斬棘)


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, the king who founded the Eastern Han Dynasty was named (Liu Xiu).

After many battles, the army led by Liu Xiu finally unified China in 36 AD.


He had 28 very important military generals under him, one of whom was called Feng Yi.

There is a story about Feng Yi recorded in the history books.


At that time there was a famous and powerful revolutionary group made up mainly of farmers from all over China. This group played a key role in the downfall of the new dynasty.


The name of this group is (Red Eyebrow Army). If you want to join this group, you have to dye your eyebrows red.


Beginning in 26 AD, Liu Xiu ordered Feng Yi to lead an army to attack the Red Eyebrow Army. A year later, the army led by Feng Yi defeated the Red Eyebrow Army, and Feng Yi captured the leader of the Red Eyebrow Army.

Feng Yi's achievements were great.


From 27 AD, Liu Xiu ordered him to lead the army to unify what is now Shaanxi Province in China.

Shaanxi Province in China has a very important strategic location. There is a very fertile plain in the central part of Shaanxi Province.

The capitals of China from the Qin Dynasty to the Western Han Dynasty were built on this plain.

After the fall of the New Dynasty, many armies appeared on this land, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands.


After receiving this order, he began to take active action. It took him about three years to complete this difficult task.


In the spring of 30 AD, Liu Xiu praised Feng Yi at a public meeting in front of all the ministers.

Liu Xiu held Feng Yi's hand and said to all the ministers

Feng Yi has been with me since 23 AD. He is the most important and trusted general in my heart.

I'm very grateful for all his hard work.

Since the fall of the New Dynasty, many military forces have arisen in this land in central Shaanxi Province.

This plain is as if it were covered with thorns, making people feel intractable and unsure of how to deal with it.

Feng Yi has removed these thorns for me and brought life back to this piece of land.

His contribution is too great, so I want to praise him publicly and give him many rewards.



The literal translation of this idiom is that he has removed these thorns.

The idiom is used to describe a person who has overcome great difficulties and obstacles.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever faced great difficulties? When you face great difficulties, do you have the courage and determination to overcome those great difficulties?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




One stalk has nine ears of wheat (一莖九穗)


One stalk has nine ears of wheat (一莖九穗)


During the Han Dynasty in China, historians divide it into the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - 8 AD) and the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD - 220 AD).

Between these two dynasties there was a short-lived new dynasty (9 AD - 23 AD).


The first king of the Eastern Han Dynasty was named (Liu Xiu).

After the fall of the New Dynasty, China was in a state of division.

The army led by Liu Xiu fought many battles and finally unified all of China in 36 AD.

There is a story (of Liu Xiu) recorded in the history books.


His father is the county magistrate of Jiyang County. He has two brothers.


He was born around 12 midnight, and his mother was assisted by a midwife in the bedroom.


His father waited anxiously outside the bedroom. His father suddenly saw a strong red light coming from the bedroom.

His father felt incredible after seeing this strange phenomenon.

His father ordered a servant to consult a famous fortune teller in Jiyang County.

When the fortune teller heard about it, he immediately divined.

said the fortune teller to the attendant.

You go back and tell the county magistrate that this is a very good omen.


His father was very happy.


A few months after he was born, his father had to choose a name for him.

As his father was thinking about what name to choose, he suddenly remembered something.

The farmers in Jiyang County have had a bumper harvest this year, and they are very happy.

Many farmers told him a wonderful news. In their wheat fields, there were many wheat stalks growing nine ears of wheat.


His father suddenly had an inspiration, he said to his mother.

I have decided to name the child (Xiu).

The meaning of this word is bountiful, and this word also means excellent.

What do you think?


His mother happily agreed.



The literal translation of this idiom is that one stalk of rice will grow nine ears of rice.

This idiom is used to describe an auspicious omen.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What does your name mean? What phenomena in your country are good omens?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





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