
He is a very talented person with a free and generous attitude(文采風流)



He is a very talented person with a free and generous attitude(文采風流)


In the Tang Dynasty of China, there was a famous painter. His name is Cao Ba.

His story is written in history books.


His ancestor is Cao Pi, who founded the Cao Wei Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period in China. His family background is very good.

He was very good at painting portraits of horses and people, and the kings and nobles of the Tang Dynasty loved his paintings.


There was a very great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China and his name was Du Fu.

In Cao Ba's later years, Du Fu visited him several times.

They became good friends, and Du Fu once wrote a poem describing Cao Ba's life.


The general idea of the first eight lines of this poem is as follows.


Cao Ba's ancestor was Cao Cao, a famous minister in the late Han Dynasty, but after more than 400 years, his family changed from an aristocratic family to an ordinary common people.


The Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty was an era of chaos and division. Many heroes appeared in this era.


That distant era is far away from us, but I can still see the appearance of his ancestors in Cao Ba. He is a very talented person with a free, generous and unrestrained attitude.


Cao Ba studied Chinese calligraphy for a while when he was young. Later, he thought that his talent in calligraphy was not enough. He thought that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to become a master of Chinese calligraphy.


Later he turned to the study of Chinese painting, which he devoted his whole life to.

He shared with me his feelings about the decades he spent studying Chinese painting.

Because he was so focused and concentrated on how to improve his painting skills, he often forgot the existence of time when he was concentrating on his studies.

He never worried about making more money or improving his social status. He felt that his heart was truly satisfied in the process of concentrating on painting.


This idiom means that he is a very talented person with a free, generous and unrestrained attitude.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a job or a hobby that you are very passionate about? Have you ever experienced the feeling of being so focused that you forget the existence of time?

I hope this story gives you some new insights.




The way he treats others is the way we treat him.(以其人之道還治其人之身)



The way he treats others is the way we treat him.(以其人之道還治其人之身)


In the early years of the Qing Dynasty in China, there was a writer called Chen Chen.

He wrote a novel telling the story of a group of people who were dissatisfied with the government corruption in the late Southern Song Dynasty in China and rebelled against the central government of the Southern Song Dynasty.


The story in this novel is as follows.

After the new king of the Southern Song Dynasty took office, he carried out reforms within the central government.

After investigation, the new king found that within the central government of the Southern Song Dynasty, six ministers who had great political power were extremely corrupt. These six ministers joined together to form a huge evil force.

Due to the bad behaviour of these six ministers, the national power of the Southern Song Dynasty was weakening day by day, and the people's dissatisfaction with the central government was growing day by day.


After careful investigation, the new king of the Southern Song Dynasty ordered the arrest of the six ministers.

He also ordered the six ministers to be exiled to the border to do hard labour.

This order from the new king made all the ministers, who had been oppressed for a long time and were very loyal to the Southern Song Dynasty, very happy.


One day, two loyal ministers of the Southern Song Dynasty held a secret meeting.

said one of the ministers.

These six evil ministers have now been arrested. Their crimes are so serious that they should be put to death. But our king was very kind and did not sentence them to death. The king only ordered them to be banished to the border.


These six ministers were very bad to us upright and loyal ministers. They betrayed us. Many upright and loyal ministers around us were framed and killed by them.

I was very angry that they were not sentenced to death, so I wanted to arrange for someone to assassinate these six people in prison.

The way he treats others is the way we treat him.

What do you think of my suggestion?


Another minister replied.

Your proposal is excellent. I will help you arrange this assassination.


This idiom means that as he treats others, we will treat him.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been set up by someone? If someone framed you, would you fight back?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





He wanted to hold back his joy and remain serious, but he couldn't help it, so he laughed(忍俊不禁)


He wanted to hold back his joy and remain serious, but he couldn't help it, so he laughed(忍俊不禁)


There was a scholar in the Tang Dynasty of China, his name was Zhao Lin.

Many members of his family were officials in the Tang Dynasty and he wrote a book in which he recorded some interesting stories he heard about what happened in his family and in the central government.


One thing is mentioned in this book.


The bureaucracy of the Tang Dynasty continued from the Sui Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty had a very complete and huge administrative system.

This administrative system is divided into three main departments. One of the main departments is responsible for carrying out administrative orders and is divided into six sub-departments.

Each of these six sub-divisions is divided into four sub-divisions.


Officials in all departments of the Tang Dynasty had their own official department seal.

When this official wanted to issue an official document in his department, he would stamp this seal and his personal seal on the official document.

The first thing these officials do after taking office is to get the seal from the original responsible official.


Originally, there were special officials in charge of handing over the seal.

Later, due to the optimisation and reform of administrative procedures within the central government, this work had to be simplified. The official in charge of this large department specially ordered a large cabinet with a lock.


One advantage of this reform is that officials from both sides do not have to arrive at the same time each time a seal is handed over.


On the day the cabinet was completed, a very humorous official wrote a few words on a piece of paper and stuck it on the cabinet.


Cabinet, you will now take on this important role. You will be in charge of managing these important official departmental seals.

When new personnel regulations are issued, many new officials will come to you.

I think these new officials will be happy.

At this great moment of receiving the seal, these officials wanted to hide their joy and remain serious, but they couldn't help themselves, so they laughed.

Cabinet. You must do your job well and manage these seals well.


The meaning of this saying is to describe a person who wants to hold back the joy in his heart and remain serious, but he cannot help it, so he laughs.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Will you find ways to optimise your work process? Do you have the experience of wanting to hold back the joy in your heart, but can't help it?

I hope this story can bring you some new gains?





When something becomes extremely good, it begins to become bad.(物極必反)


When something becomes extremely good, it begins to become bad.(物極必反)


(Li Er) is one of the most famous thinkers and philosophers in China. Later generations respectfully called him (Laozi).

He wrote a book called the Tao Te Ching.


He had a disciple called (Wenzi).

Wenzi wrote a book in which he recorded many of the essence of Taoist thoughts that Laozi said.


There is a passage in this book that says


If we observe the natural phenomena we see, we will be able to discover a law that governs how the universe works.

This law is that when something is extremely good, it will begin to go bad.


If we look at the sun during the day, we can see that the sun is directly above the sky at noon, and then begins to slowly descend towards the west.

If we observe the Moon at night, we can see that after each full Moon, the Moon begins to slowly change into different lunar phases.


Some famous sages in ancient China understood this truth, so they always reminded themselves to remain humble. They did not dare to become arrogant, and they did not allow themselves to fall into the phenomenon of decay through self-satisfaction. .


Some great kings in ancient China understood this truth, so they drank water from a very special cup. If we fill this cup with water, it will overturn. If we fill the cup halfway with water, the cup will stay upright.


Human nature is the same, each of us likes nobility but hates being humble, likes gains but hates losses, likes benefits but hates losses, likes to be stronger than others and hates to be weaker than others.


Each of us desperately pursues these things we want, but most of us ignore what I call this simple law of the universe.


Most people go after what they want and don't stop until they reach their limit.

But when the things these people pursue really reach the limit, the things these people pursue will fall into regression and decline because they have exceeded the limit.

These people often end up not being able to get and keep everything they want.


So I think a really intelligent person will follow the laws of the universe.

These truly wise people will pursue progress every day, but this person will remain humble, and this person will always remind himself not to be complacent about his achievements.

Only in this way can these truly wise people truly achieve a state where their moral character and abilities improve every day without deteriorating.


The meaning of this idiom is that when something becomes extremely good, it begins to go bad.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you always remind yourself to be humble? What other laws do you think govern the way the universe works?

I hope this story can bring you some new gains?




A person with no ability became famous by luck(豎子成名)



A person with no ability became famous by luck(豎子成名)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and a story about him is recorded in history books.


He lived in a chaotic time.

He is a very talented person, and he wants to use his skills to improve the Kingdom of Cao Wei.

It was the reality he encountered that prevented him from realising his ideals.


One day, he visited the city of Guangwu in what is now Henan Province, China.


In the more than four years between the fall of the Qin dynasty in 207 BC and the establishment of the Han dynasty by Liu Bang in 202 AD, there were many wars between the Han dynasty led by Liu Bang and the Chu dynasty led by Xiang Yu.

In 203 BC, the armies of the two kingdoms faced each other near Guangwu City in Henan Province, China.


When Ruan Ji visited this famous ancient battlefield, he suddenly felt very emotional. He sighed and said to his friends who were travelling with him.

There are no real heroes in an era, so some incompetent people in this era became very famous by luck.


His friend who was travelling with him asked him after hearing his words.

Are you sighing because you think Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are not real heroes? What you mean is that you think Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are both incompetent people and both became famous by luck.


His friend paused before continuing.

Or is it because this ancient battle reminds you of the era we live in?

You think that both Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are real heroes, and that is why they both became famous.

You sigh because you think there are no real heroes like Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in our era, so there are many incompetent people in our era who have gained great fame.


After hearing these words, he looked at the ancient battlefield in silence.

He didn't answer his friend's question.


This idiom means that an incompetent person became famous by luck.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you want to have a great reputation? What kind of behaviour do you think a person should have to be called a hero?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Infantry Battalion Kitchen(步兵之營)


Infantry Battalion Kitchen(步兵之營)



In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and a story about him is recorded in history books.


At the time he lived, the most powerful man in the Cao Wei Kingdom was called Sima Zhao.

He was only one year older than Sima Zhao, and he had been very close to Sima Zhao since childhood.


To consolidate his power, Sima Zhao killed many ministers who disobeyed his orders.

Many of the ministers who disobeyed Sima Zhao and were killed were his good friends.


Sima Zhao's actions of killing his good friends made him feel painful, but he had no way to stop or change Sima Zhao.

So he turned to alcohol to escape the reality that he didn't know how to change.


One day he said to Sima Zhao

I have heard that there is a vacancy for a middle-ranking military officer in the infantry battalion in the capital. I hope you will let me fill it.


Sima Zhao asked him.

Your talents are very good, and you are my good friend. I can arrange an important position for you.

I'm curious why you want to work in an infantry battalion.


He said to Sima Zhao with a smile.

Because I've studied Taoist thought, I don't have much desire for power and money.

I have heard that there is a special unit in the infantry battalion. This unit is responsible for brewing Chinese rice wine, and the Chinese rice wine brewed by this unit is particularly good. The kitchen of the infantry battalion stores more than 15,000 litres of Chinese rice wine.

I wanted this position so that I could drink Chinese rice wine brewed by the infantry battalion every day.


Sima Zhao smiled after hearing his answer.

Ha ha. I've known you since childhood, and I know I can't force you to do something you don't want to do.

I will grant your request and let you take this position.


The literal translation of this idiom is the kitchen of the infantry battalion.

This idiom is now used to describe a place where a lot of good wine is kept.

This idiom is also used to describe a place where you can drink to your heart's content.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Would you force your friend to do something he didn't want to do? Do you think he really asked for the job because he wanted to drink?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Ruan Ji(阮籍/嗣宗)

Ruan Ji(阮籍) (210 AD - 263 AD)

His surname is (Ruan), his parents gave him the name (Ji) and when he grew up his friends called him (Si Zong). He was born in Henan Province, China.


The name of a kingdom in ancient China. The name of an ancient Chinese string instrument. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means books. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means successor. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means ancestor. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous minister of the Cao Wei Kingdom in China. He was also a famous writer and poet.

There is a story about him in the history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shuhan, and the Kingdom of Shuhan was destroyed.

In 266 AD, a minister from the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.

In 280 AD, the Jin Kingdom defeated the Soochow Kingdom and China regained its unity.

Ruan Ji lived during this chaotic period.


At the time he lived, the man with the most power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei was called Sima Zhao.

He was only one year older than Sima Zhao, and he had been very close to Sima Zhao since childhood.


To consolidate his power, Sima Zhao killed many ministers who disobeyed his orders.

Many of the ministers who disobeyed Sima Zhao and were killed were his good friends.


Sima Zhao's actions of killing his good friends made him feel painful, but he had no way to stop or change Sima Zhao.

So he turned to alcohol to escape the reality that he didn't know how to change.


One day he was drinking and eating with Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao suddenly said to him

I have an idea.

You and I have been very close since childhood. My son and your daughter are about the same age. Can we get them married? Our two families can become in-laws.


After hearing what Sima Zhao said, he said to Sima Zhao

I'm a little drunk. I can't answer you now. We'll talk about it tomorrow.


After that day, he drank every day for 59 consecutive days until he was dead drunk.

During those 59 days, Sima Zhao came to his house every day to look for him, but by the time Sima Zhao saw him, he was already drunk and asleep in bed.

Sixty-one days after Sima Zhao had proposed this idea, Sima Zhao came to his house again.

Sima Zhao saw him still drunk and sleeping on the bed.

Sima Zhao said to him, who was already drunk and sleeping on the bed.

I think you don't want my son to marry your daughter, but you are too embarrassed to refuse me outright.

You don't want to hurt our feelings, so you use this method to avoid my proposal.

I have decided to withdraw my proposal.

I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.


On the 62nd day, when Sima Zhao came to his house to look for him again, he was not drunk that day. He received Sima Zhao soberly.

Neither of them ever spoke of it again, and neither of them discussed the proposal of the two families to become in-laws until their deaths.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Ruan Ji, how would you refuse Sima Zhao's proposal? If you were Ruan Ji, what method and mentality would you use to make friends with Sima Zhao?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





He doesn't judge others.(臧否人物)


He doesn't judge others.(臧否人物)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and a story about him is recorded in history books.


He was a person with a very free personality. He did not follow the social etiquette of the time and did what he thought was right.

He does not talk to people easily. When he does talk to others, he usually discusses some topics such as philosophy and metaphysics.

Another characteristic of him is that he never comments on others.


After his mother died, according to the social norms of the time, he should look very sad, abstain from drinking Chinese rice wine and enjoy large meals.

But his behaviour was contrary to the social norms of the time.

He attended the banquet as usual. He also drank Chinese rice wine and enjoyed the delicious food at the banquet. Some ministers who attended the same banquet were dissatisfied with his behaviour and criticised him. He did not defend himself, nor did he respond to these people with words.


Near his home there is a small Chinese rice wine store run by a young couple.

The husband of this young couple is in charge of managing contacts with suppliers and purchasing goods, so he is usually not in this small shop. The wife of this young couple is responsible for selling in the small shop, so the wife spends all day in this small shop.

He often goes to this small shop to buy Chinese rice wine.


Several times he drank too much Chinese rice wine in that small shop and got drunk and slept in that small shop.


His behaviour caused a lot of comments from the neighbours, who said to the couple's husband

Ruan Ji always goes to your little shop to drink Chinese rice wine. When he gets drunk, he sleeps in your small shop.

Your wife is young and pretty. We think Ruan Ji has bad intentions towards your wife.


The husband of the couple said to these neighbours with a smile.

Based on my understanding of Ruan Ji, I think that although his behaviour does not conform to social etiquette, his heart has high standards for his own moral level, so I am not worried about him at all.


If you don't believe him, you are welcome to secretly gather evidence that he has bad intentions towards my wife. I think you will find that he is, as I said, a very upright man.



This idiom means that he does not comment on the strengths and weaknesses of others.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever met someone who likes to comment on others? Do you care more about other people's opinions or do you prefer to follow your own heart?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Crying at the end of the road (窮途之哭)



Crying at the end of the road (窮途之哭)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji. There are two stories about him in the history books.


His personality is very reserved and he prefers to be alone.

Another characteristic of his personality is that his face never shows his current mood. His expression is always very calm, so his friends think that he is an unpredictable person.


On the day his mother died, he was playing Go with his friends at a friend's house.

When the servant at his house ran to his friend's house to tell him the news, the friend he was playing chess with said to him

Your mother has died. Let's not play Go any more. You should go home quickly.


He replied to his friend.

It doesn't matter, I'll leave as soon as we finish this game of chess.


said his friend.

Are you sure you want to continue this game?


he replied to his friend.

That's right, I'm sure.


At his mother's funeral, he didn't look sad at all. He ate and drank as usual.

When his mother was about to be buried, he suddenly screamed and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

After his mother died, he became very thin and his health deteriorated rapidly.


His personality is very repressed and he doesn't like to share his inner feelings with others.

When he was in a bad mood, he would drive a carriage into the mountains and wander around alone.

Several times he drove his carriage into a dead end road in the mountains. He looked at the road that had come to an end in front of him. He thought of all the difficulties he was facing, and he could no longer suppress his feelings. He sat alone in the carriage and wept bitterly.


A few hours later, when he had regained his composure, he drove the carriage home alone



The direct translation of this idiom is that he is crying at the end of the dead road.

This idiom is now commonly used to describe a person who is in a very difficult situation and is therefore crying.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be alone or share it with friends? Have you ever faced a difficult situation that you felt you could not handle?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




A person who transcends worldly norms(方外之士)



A person who transcends worldly norms(方外之士)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and there is a story about him in the history books.


He likes to read, he likes to read books on various subjects, and he can read for a month at home without getting bored. When he was young, he liked to read Confucian books. As he grew older, he preferred the thoughts of Laozi and Zhuangzi.


He and his six friends led the ideological trend of the time. Because of their influence, Taoist doctrine became the mainstream of thought at that time.


He was a literary leader of his time and was appreciated by many intellectuals and ministers.


When his mother died, many ministers from the Cao Wei Kingdom came to his home to pay their respects.


A minister named Pei Kai also came to pay his respects.

He happened to be drunk when Pei Kai arrived at his house. His hair was dishevelled and he was sitting in the living room of his house with his feet spread in a very undignified posture. He nodded and greeted Pei Kai, but did not get up to greet him.


Pei Kai was not angry at him for not getting up to greet him warmly. Pei Kai expressed his condolences according to the etiquette of the time.


After Pei Kai left his house, another minister who had gone to pay his respects asked Pei Kai.

I would like to ask you a question, okay?


Pei Kai replied to the minister.

What do you want to ask me?


Said the minister.

When we went to Ruan Ji's house to pay our condolences, Ruan Ji did not cry. I don't think he was sad at all about his mother's death.

When we went to his house to pay our condolences, he did not receive me according to formal etiquette, so I did not respond to him according to formal etiquette.

But you are different from me. He also did not receive you according to formal etiquette, but you responded to him according to formal etiquette.

I would like to ask you, why did you respond like that?



Pei Kai replied to the minister.

Ruan Ji's ideological field is different from ours. He is a person who transcends worldly norms. He believes that inner suffering is more important than outer etiquette, so he did not receive me with formal etiquette.


I am an ordinary person. I cannot completely ignore other people's thoughts and live according to my heart like he does, so I still respond to him according to formal etiquette.


The minister said after listening to him.

You respect the differences between others and yourself, but at the same time you stick to your own principles. Your approach is very appropriate and worth learning from.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who transcends worldly norms.

It is usually used to describe Taoist priests or monks.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you judge Pei Kai's behaviour? Are you a person who sticks to your principles but remains flexible?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Normal Eyes and Rolled Eyes(青眼白眼)


Normal Eyes and Rolled Eyes(青眼白眼)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and there is a story about him in the history books.


He is also a very reserved person. He prefers to be alone. His personality seeks freedom. He does not like to be bound by some social etiquette norms.


A characteristic of his personality is that his face never shows his current mood. His expression is always very calm, so his friends think he is an unpredictable person.


He doesn't like to express his opinions directly with words, but there are several times when his body language reveals his inner emotions.


When his mother died, many ministers from the Cao Wei Kingdom came to his home to pay their respects.


There was one minister called (Ji Xi). He didn't like this minister because he felt that Ji Xi was only interested in his own interests and reputation. Ji Xi would change his position according to external changes.

So when he saw (Ji Xi), he rolled his eyes at (Ji Xi).

He received (Ji Xi) in a very cold way.


Another minister named (Ji Kang) also came to his house to pay his condolences.

(Ji Kang) likes a natural and simple lifestyle, and (Ji Kang) has his own principles in dealing with people.

He and (Ji Kang) often travelled together and discussed literature and music. They had a good relationship.

When he saw (Ji Kang), his eyes returned to normal.

He came forward to greet (Ji Kang) and received (Ji Kang) in a very cordial manner.


The literal translation of this idiom is normal eyes versus rolling eyes.

The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person treating two different people with completely different attitudes.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever met someone who made you want to roll your eyes? Can you find out what others are thinking by watching their actions?

I hope this story gives you some new insights.



His mind was so satisfied that he had the illusion that his body did not exist.(得意忘形)



His mind was so satisfied that he had the illusion that his body did not exist.(得意忘形)



In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister named Ruan Ji. His story is recorded in history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shu Han, and the Kingdom of Shu Han fell.

In 266 AD, a minister of the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.

In 280 AD, the Jin Kingdom defeated the Soochow Kingdom and China regained its unity.


Ruan Ji lived during this chaotic period.


His father was an official in the central government of the Kingdom of Cao Wei, and his father was also a famous writer.


He is handsome and has a tall figure. He is a very idealistic person and hopes to improve the Kingdom of Cao Wei with his skills.



He is also a very reserved person. He prefers to be alone. His personality strives for freedom. He does not like to be bound by any social norms.


Another characteristic of his personality is that his face never shows his current mood. His expression is always very calm, so his friends think that he is an unpredictable person.


He likes to read, he likes to read books on different subjects and he can read for a month at home without getting bored. When he was young, he liked to read Confucian books. As he grew older, he preferred the thoughts of Laozi and Zhuangzi.


He also likes to drink Chinese rice wine and is an excellent Chinese guqin player.

Several times, after playing the Chinese guqin, he said to his friends

When I was just playing the Chinese guqin, I was completely immersed in the music.

My mind was so satisfied that I had the illusion that my body didn't even exist.



His friends laughed at him when they heard his feelings.

You really are a person who is very devoted and obsessed with music.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who feels very satisfied in his mind, so that he has the illusion that his body does not exist.


This idiom has another, more negative meaning. It is used to describe a person who behaves inappropriately because he is too happy or too proud.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had the feeling that your body doesn't exist? Is there something that you've loved since you were young?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



These people are like a group of ducks being driven in the same direction(趨之若鶩)



These people are like a group of ducks being driven in the same direction(趨之若鶩)


During the Ming Dynasty in China, there was a famous general called (Xiao Ruxun).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 1572 AD, the Ming dynasty made a peace treaty with the Mongol kingdom to the north. During the few years when the border between the two parties was at peace, he was ordered to be stationed at the border town between China and the Mongol Kingdom.


The main duty of the generals stationed at the border was to protect the land and people of the Ming Dynasty.

These generals were also responsible for receiving officials who came to the border from the capital to work or travel.


However, within the central government at that time, some high-ranking officials would also use their power to arrange for non-official personnel to travel to border towns.


In addition to being good at fighting and martial arts, he is also an intellectual who has read many books.

Therefore, these non-officials like to travel to the border town that he is in charge of.


Although he did not want to receive these people, he was also afraid that if he did not receive these people, he would arouse the dissatisfaction of the high-ranking officials in the central government, so he received these people with a smile.


These people came to the city he ruled like a group of ducks driven in the same direction.


After he had used up all the money he could spend on official social expenses, his wife sold her jewellery on several occasions to supplement these expenses.



The direct translation of this saying is that these people are like a group of ducks being driven in the same direction.

It is used to describe a group of people running after something.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you often have to receive people at work that you don't want to receive? When you see others rushing to do something, do you blindly join them?

I hope this story gives you some new insights.





    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...