
I want to live like a hermit(枕石漱流)

 I want to live like a hermit(枕石漱流)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Sun Chu).

The history book records a story from his youth.


He is in conversation with a good friend whose name is (Wang Ji).


He says.

I am so tired of my current life, I really want to stay away from the crowd, I want to leave this bustling city.


(Wang Ji) said.

Then where are you going, where do you want to live.


He replied.

I want to live on a mountain without people, I want to live alone and quietly.


Have you ever heard a poem written by (Cao Cao).

The poem describes a person living quietly on the mountain alone. This person uses stream water as a pillow, and then he rinses his mouth with stones.

I am longing for this kind of life, how leisurely it feels.


(Wang Ji) said to him with a big smile.

You made a slip of the tongue.

I remember that the content of this poem should be that there is a person living quietly on the mountain alone. This person uses a stone as a pillow, and then he rinses his mouth with stream water. Haha.


He answered calmly and immediately.


I said this deliberately.

I use stream water as a pillow, so I want to clean my ears.

I use stones to rinse my mouth so that I want to exercise my teeth.


This idiom is used to describe a person living a life like a hermit.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story?

If you have a choice, do you want to stay away from the city or live in the city? If you make a mistake, will you directly admit your mistake or find a way to cover it up?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



A sojourner(寄人籬下)


A sojourner(寄人籬下)


During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister named (Zhang Rong).


There is a story about him in history books.


He is a very special person, and his views are very different from those of other people of his time.


One day, a friend asked him.

Why do you have so many unique insights. Why is your article so touching?


He replied.

Because I regard the mind as the teacher of the ear, I am not like the others who let the ear become the teacher of the mind.


I wrote this article to express my true feelings in my heart.


I clarify the thoughts in my mind by writing.

This feeling is like my heart is covered with a lot of dust, I clean my heart with clean water.


But many people write articles to cater to the taste of the public and hope that others will recognize and praise themselves.


These people excessively follow the so-called writing principles, and the works they write have no vitality. It feels like a person living in someone else's house. This person feels very cautious and awkward.


Before he died, he said to his son.

I am dying but I am very happy. I have been looking forward to the day when my soul ascends to heaven since I was young.


After I die, I hope that my funeral will be simple.

You buy the cheapest coffin and let me wear the set of clothes I usually wear.


By the way, there is another very important thing, you remember to put my three favorite books in my coffin and accompany me to cremation.


This idiom is used to describe a person living in someone elses home, and many things cannot be decided by himself.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

In what way are you used to clarifying your inner feelings? If you could choose, how would you arrange your own funeral?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




This thing is very bright and the colour is very eye-catching(光彩溢目)


This thing is very bright and the colour is very eye-catching(光彩溢目)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous man who accumulated a lot of wealth through illegal means. His name was (Shi Chong).


There is a story about him in the history books.


He had a very rich friend who was the king's uncle. His name is (Wang Kai).

One day, (Wang Kai) went to his house to look for him.


(Wang Kai) said to him.

Yesterday, the king gave me a valuable treasure. Do you want to see it?


He said.

OK. I'd like to see it.


(Wang Kai) then ordered his servant to take a bag out of the box and put it on the table.

After opening the bag, there was a coral about 60 centimetres long, very bright and eye-catching in colour.

After looking at it, he suddenly picked up a small iron rod on the table and smashed the precious coral into pieces.


(Wang Kai) was startled by his behaviour and it took him about ten seconds to shout at him angrily.

What are you doing? Why are you doing this?

You actually broke this precious treasure of mine into pieces.

Are you jealous that I have this thing, are you doing it on purpose?


He looked at Wang Kai with a smile.

Then he slowly said something.

Don't be angry. I'll make it up to you, okay?


He turned around and gave the servant some instructions.

Ten minutes later, a dozen servants came into the room where the two of them were talking.


Each servant holds a precious coral in his hand. Among these precious corals, there are more than 7 that are over 90 centimetres tall and have more beautiful colours and styles than Wang Kai's precious corals.


(Wang Kai) looked disappointed.


This idiom is used to describe something that is very bright and the colour is very eye-catching.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you like to compare yourself to others? What do you think is a really good comparison?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




You haven't grown.(不長進)

You haven't grown.(不長進)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Wang Tanzhi).

One of his stories is recorded in history books.


He has an old friend whose name is (Zhi Daolin), and he was a famous monk at that time.

The two of them haven't seen each other for a long time.


Once, (Zhi Daolin) came to the capital. The name of the capital at that time was (Jiankang). After he heard the news, he went to visit him.


After the two of them met, they both were very happy, and they began to talk.


(Zhi Daolin) asked.

My old friend, we have not seen each other for a long time.

How are you doing. Do you have any insights into life in the past few years?


He replied.

Thank you for your concern. I have had a good time in recent years.

After saying this, he began to talk about his experience in the past few years.


He used very gorgeous words to describe his life, and he used many famous sayings to prove his excellence.

He talked endlessly and proudly. He did not give (Zhi Daolin) a chance to speak at all.


After dozens of minutes, he finished his remarks that he had prepared in advance and that he thought was very exciting.


He said to (Zhi Daolin).

Do you think I have grown significantly in the past few years?


(Zhi Daolin) looked at him with a smile, and then answered slowly.

We have been apart for so long, and you are still as ostentatious as you were when you were young. I don't think you have grown up.


He left in shame.



This is a few idioms with only three characters. This idiom means that a person has not grown up at all.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Does your wisdom increase every year with your age? When you talk with others, do you want to communicate with each other's ideas or just want to prove that you are better than others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I should give way and let him show(出人頭地)


I should give way and let him show(出人頭地)


There was a famous politician in the Song Dynasty of China, he was also a famous poet, and his name was (Su Shi).


There is a story about him in history books.


When he was 20 years old, he went to the capital to take the imperial examination.

This is the most important system in ancient China for selecting officials through examinations.


This test takes three days. In order to prevent cheating, all chief examiners and deputy chief examiners are dispatched randomly.


The chief examiner of that exam was (Ouyang Xiu). The deputy chief examiner is (Mei Shengyu).

After this exam, (Ouyang Xiu) said to (Mei Shengyu).


Su Shi's article is very well written, precise and methodical.

Many of the views in his articles are the same as mine, but his expressive ability is better than mine.


When I read the articles he wrote, I sweated unconsciously. The excitement was really enjoyable.


I think I should give way, I am old, I am 50 years old, I should retreat to the second line, let this 20-year-old young man come out and give full play to his talents.



This idiom is used to describe one person surpassing many others.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Do you look at talented people from the perspective of appreciation or jealousy? Have you ever experienced this kind of excitement when reading?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




All things will develop naturally(水到渠成)


All things will develop naturally(水到渠成)


He is a famous politician and gourmet, he is an outstanding writer and calligrapher. He is one of the most beloved poets in Chinese history. His name is (Su Shi).


When he was 44 years old, he was demoted, and he was sent to China's Hubei Province, far away from the political center.


He wrote a letter to his good friend. The name of this good friend is (Qin Guan).


There is a paragraph in the letter as follows.


I don't have a fixed salary now, so I am very troubled.


My family and I moved to this remote place.


My life is very simple now, in order to control the budget. I did one thing.


I have prepared 30 small bags.

I will put 150 yuan into each small bag on the first day of each month.


Then I will hang the 30 bags of money on the beams of my house, and I will take a long bamboo pole to take down a small bag every morning.


The 150 yuan in this bag is the money that our entire family can spend that day.


In case there is a surplus of money for the day, I will save the money in another small bamboo tube.

Sometimes when some good friends visit temporarily, I will use the money to entertain them.


If I insist on doing this, I have already calculated it. My savings should be able to sustain the living expenses of our family for a whole year.


But what should I do when my savings are all spent a year later.


I think our life is like a pond. When too much water flows into the pond, the water will naturally overflow the pond and form a ditch to flow elsewhere.


Because I changed my thinking, I no longer worry, and my life has become simple and easy.


This idiom is used to remind us that all things will develop naturally, and we should maintain a relaxed attitude to face the unknown future.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

How do you control your income and expenses? How do you plan your finances?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




What you hear and see will affect you unknowingly.(耳濡目染)


What you hear and see will affect you unknowingly.(耳濡目染)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous writer who was also a very good minister. His name was (Han Yu).


When he was 47 years old, he had a good friend who died. The name of this good friend is (Fang Qi).


(Han Yu) wrote an epitaph for him.


The key points in the article are as follows.


When I recalled my good friend, I first thought of his grandfather and father.


Both his grandfather and father are very upright people, and both have held important positions in the central government.


I think because he has lived in this environment since he was a child,


He saw and heard the actions and words of his grandfather and father every day.


Therefore, although he did not study specifically, he has many good virtues like his grandfather and father.


His work ability is very good, and he has great management ability, but he never boast of his ability.


His life is simple, but if his relatives and friends are in need, he will do his best to help and he is not stingy.


Regardless of whether he encounters good times or bad times, he always maintains a humble attitude.


Although this good friend of mine has passed away, when I saw his son, I saw that many of his virtues were left in his son.


I wrote this epitaph in memory of him.



This idiom is used to describe what a person often hears and sees will have a great impact on him.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think is the most effective way to educate a child? When you die, what kind of memory do you want to leave to your family?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



You should stop crying(牛衣對泣)

You should stop crying(牛衣對泣)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Wang Zhang).

There is a story about him in history books.


He was a poor student when he was young, and he lived with his wife in the worst part of the capital.


Once, he fell ill with a serious illness.

He is very ill, he has been lying in bed for several days.


He was cold, but their family didn't even have a quilt. He could only use a piece of hemp woven cloth to cover his body to get a little warmth.


He thought of the difficulties of life and his own destiny, and he cried.


He said to his wife.

I am very grateful for you to be by my side.

I think my illness will no longer heal.


His wife did not cry at this time.

Instead, his wife told him angrily.


I think your talents and your acquired efforts surpass all the nobles I see now,

You should not be discouraged by physical illness.


Instead, you should motivate yourself in this situation.

You must stop crying, crying is what a mediocre person does.


Hearing this, fighting spirit arose in his heart, and he immediately wiped away the tears.

He later became the mayor of the capital.


This idiom is used to describe a couple living through poverty and hard times together.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were his wife, how would you react? When you encounter difficulties, would you choose to be depressed or positive?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





Lou Shide(婁師德/宗仁)


Lou Shide(婁師德)


Lou Shide(婁師德) (630 AD-669 AD)

His last name is (Lou), his parents gave him the name (Shide), and his friends call him (Zongren) when he grows up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


The meaning of hollow. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

This word means the teacher. It also means learning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of morality. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of ancestors. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of benevolence. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding statesman. One of his colleagues is (Di Renjie). (Di Renjie) was a famous prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.


There is a story about the two of them in history books.


One day, the king of the Tang Dynasty was in a conversation with (Di Renjie).


Said the king.

I found a phenomenon, you will exclude (Lou Shide), don't you like him.


(Di Renjie) did not speak.


Said the king.

Do you think he is a person with good work ability?


(Di Renjie) answered.

I think it is a cautious and conservative person. But I don't think he is a person with good working ability.


Said the king.

Do you think he can discover the advantages of others?


(Di Renjie) answered.

I have been with his colleagues for a long time. But I don't think he can discover the advantages of others.


Said the king.

Why do you think you can hold the position of prime minister.



(Di Renjie) answered.

I think it is because of my good work ability and good conduct.


At this time the king took out several letters from his pocket to him.

There are several recommendation letters here, please take a look.


(Di Renjie) Received the letter, he was shocked after reading it.


Said the king.

I didn't know you before, and I didn't know that you have good working ability.

Because he highly recommends you, so I give you a chance to give it a try.


You may think that you are at odds with his ideas, so you exclude him, but he never told me bad things about you. Instead, he often praised your performance in private.


What are your thoughts now.


(Di Renjie) said.

I'm so ashamed, I think about my behavior now. I regret it.

He is such a tolerant person, I should have to apologize to him, and I have to remember this lesson.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When you help people, do you expect other people's rewards? If you help people and don't get other people's rewards, what would you think?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




They have no practical experience(白面書生)


They have no practical experience(白面書生)


During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, the Liu Song Kingdom had a famous general whose name was (Shen Qingzhi).

There is a story about him in history books.

One day, in a meeting, the king said to all the ministers.

I am going to send troops to attack the Northern Wei Kingdom.

He said when he heard it.

This is a bad idea.

We have had two previous experiences, but we all failed. We should think more about it.

Said the king.

Our previous two failures were due to problems with the generals at the time.

Now this season is summer, and summer is good for water wars. This is exactly what we are good at.

The Northern Wei Kingdom is better at land warfare, so I think this is a good time.

At this time, two administrative officials who attended the meeting said.

We agree with the king.

He said to the king.

If you want a good harvest, you have to ask an experienced farmer for his opinion. If you want to make good fabrics, you have to ask an experienced woman for advice.

War is very professional. If you listen to the opinions of these two people who can only recite knowledge from books but have no actual war experience, I think this matter will definitely fail.

The king laughed after hearing this.

This idiom is used to describe a person who can only recite knowledge from books without practical experience

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were a king, whose opinion would you listen to? How would you combine your knowledge with practical experience?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



A forgetful person(徙宅忘妻)



A forgetful person(徙宅忘妻)



(Kong Qiu) is an outstanding educator. He is one of the most influential thinkers in Chinese history. Confucius is the honorific name given to him by people.


There is a story about him in history books.


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, one day, the king of the Lu Kingdom had a dialogue with him.


Said the king.

I heard interesting news recently.

There is a forgetful person.

He forgot his wife after he moved. Have you heard of it.


Confucius said.

I have heard about it, but I think it is not exaggerated enough.

As far as I know, there is a person who is more forgetful than him. This person has forgotten who he is.


Said the king.

I am very interested, please tell me this story.


Confucius said.

This person is the last king of the Xia Dynasty. This king is called (Jie).


Said the king.

What did he do.


Confucius said.

His status is noble, he has a lot of wealth, and he thinks he can have these powers and money forever.

He drinks and has fun every day. In order to satisfy his desires, the people in the entire kingdom fall into poverty and pain.


He didn't like some upright ministers so he killed them.

He was surrounded by some greedy and evil ministers.


All the people later launched a revolution to overthrow the entire Xia Dynasty. He was also killed.

So I think he has forgotten that he is also a human, so he has this result.


The king was silent.

The king said a few minutes later.

I think what you said makes a lot of sense. I should use this story to remind myself.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is careless and forgetful.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think are the most important assets you really own? Do you think these assets are solid and reliable?

I hope this story will give you some new gains





He laughs heartily(齒牙春色)


He laughs heartily(齒牙春色)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Lou Shide).


There is a story about him in history books.


Once, he went out with a good friend of his.


Because of his fat body, he walks slowly.


His good friend walks faster than him, so his good friend has to stop and wait for him.


This situation occurred several times in a row.


His good friend said.


Alas, a slow-moving countryman affects the speed of my advancement, and a slow-moving countryman affects the speed of my advancement.


He didn't get angry after listening, instead he laughed.


He replied.


I don't live in the country, so I think the person you are talking about is not me.


You said that there is a countryman who influences your speed. Who is this person?


His character is very open-minded. He often laughs.


Many of his friends like him very much. These friends said that hearing him laugh, it is as pleasant as the feeling of spring.


This idiom is used to describe a person's hearty laugh.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you like to laugh? Are there such open-minded people among your friends?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



How do you face other people's insults to you(唾面自乾)

 How do you face other people's insults to you(唾面自乾)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Lou Shide).


There is a story about him in history books.


His brother was also a minister, and they were originally working in the capital.

But his brother will be sent to another city to take up a new position.


He said to his brother.

You are going to a strange place, and you will meet many strangers.

So I want to remind you.

You need to be tolerant when you get along with others.


Said his brother.

I will remember your reminder.

If someone spit on my face, I would wipe it off.

Even if I face this insult, I will remain tolerant.


He says.

You do it really well. But if it were me, I would not do it.


The younger brother asked.

Then what would you do.


He says.

If someone spit on my face, I wouldn't wipe it off immediately, because my reaction might trigger his anger again.


I will wait quietly for him to leave before I clean my face.

I think this is the greatest tolerance.


Because I consider how he feels.



This idiom is used to describe a person's extreme tolerance.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How would you react when you were insulted by others? What do you think is the difference between tolerance and cowardice?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He is very cautious at work(抱冰公事)

 He is very cautious at work(抱冰公事)


Between the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, China was very turbulent for about 70 years.


Many warlords rely on force to form small kingdoms.

The life spans of these kingdoms are quite short.


There was a man who served as the county magistrate of a small kingdom near Guangxi province in China. His name is (Chao Juemin).


He has a very special habit.


He will appoint a subordinate to buy all his personal items in another county.


His subordinates asked him why he did this.


He says.

In order to avoid confusion, I think that private procurement activities should be separated from official procurement activities.


In addition, if there are surplus items purchased on official business, he will list all these surplus items, and then take the initiative to hand it over to the supervision department for review.


His subordinates respect him very much.

Said his subordinates.

He used a very cautious attitude to face his work.



This idiom is used to describe an official who is very clean.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you evaluate him? What is your work attitude?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



A room covered with gold leaf(金迷紙醉)


A room covered with gold leaf(金迷紙醉)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a doctor whose name was (Meng Fu).

There is a story about him in history books.


He is a doctor who specializes in treating poisonous sores. Because of his good medical skills, many members of the royal family have sought him for treatment.


He has also entered the palace many times for this reason.


After he retired at an old age, he left the capital and moved to Sichuan Province, which is now China.


He built a house by himself, and in this house, he specially designed a room.


Everything in this room is covered with a thin layer of gold leaf.

When sunlight shines into this room from the window, this room becomes very dazzling.


Once, a good friend of his came to him.

Halfway through the chat, he said to this friend mysteriously.


I have been in and out of the palace many times before, so I copied a room exactly like the room in the palace.

Do you want to visit it?


This good friend said yes.


He brought this good friend to this room, where they chatted and drank tea.

In the evening, this friend is going home.


He asked this good friend.

How do you feel now.


Said this good friend.

The light of gold in these rooms is so shining, I feel as if I have drunk, and I feel a little dizzy.


This idiom is used to describe a person living a luxurious and flashy life.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you design your room? What do you think is the real luxury of life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I have lofty ideals and goals(志在四方)


I have lofty ideals and goals(志在四方)


During the Warring States Period in China, there was a celebrity in the Lu Kingdom whose name was (Kong Chuan).


Once, he took three students to the Zhao Kingdom to travel, and he met two people over there.


During his stay in the Kingdom of Zhao, these two people warmly entertained him every day. The three of them talked and shared with each other and established a deep friendship in a short period of time. They became very good friends.


After a few weeks, he will return to the Kingdom of Lu.


These two friends accompanied him on the road for three days until they reached the border of the Zhao Kingdom.


At the moment of formal farewell, his two friends said goodbye to him in tears.

He bowed to these two friends. He said thank you very much for your reception this time.


After saying this, he turned and left.


His student asked.

Teacher, I want to ask you a question. Why are you not sad? Why are you not crying.


He replied.

Of course I feel sentimental about parting, but I think the biggest difference between us humans and animals is that we can think.


We each have what we should do, and we have our own goals in life. We couldn't get together forever.


So I think we have to look at it rationally, so I didn't cry.


His student asked.

Do you think their behavior is wrong?


He replied.

I don't think so. I think they are very good people. But I think they are too emotional, which will affect their decision-making and judgment.



This idiom later described a person with lofty goals and ideals


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think you are a more rational or emotional person? What are your most important  goals?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...