
This is a very, very good sword(干將莫邪)


This is a very, very good sword(干將莫邪)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a coup in the Kingdom of Wu, and the king of the Kingdom of Wu (Ji Liao) was assassinated by his cousin.

His cousin became the king of Wu Kingdom.


His cousin's name is (Ji Guang). After he became king, he had a new name, and this name was He Lu.


(He Lu) was the most important king in the history of the Wu Kingdom.

He employs many worthy men and treats all the people with kindness and justice.

He spent a lot of money to strengthen the infrastructure of the Wu Kingdom, and he trained a powerful army.


When he was in power, the Wu Kingdom was at its most powerful.


He had two very important subordinates, one was Wu Zixu from the Kingdom of Chu, and the other was Sun Wu from the Kingdom of Qi.

Sun Wu is the author of the famous book Sun Tzu's Art of War.


He is also a famous collector of swords in Chinese history.


According to the records of history books, after he died, his son built a mausoleum for him, and put the 3,000 swords he collected before his death into his mausoleum.


At that time, the most powerful swordsmith in the Wu Kingdom was called Gan Jiang, and his wife's name was Mo Xie, and his wife assisted him in making swords.


(He Lu) Ask him to forge a sword for himself.


At that time, Chinese swordsmithing technology was moving from bronze swords to iron swords.

(Goman) worked with his wife and they wanted to make an iron sword.


Because the melting point of bronze is 1083 degrees, a blast furnace with charcoal as the main fuel can produce a high temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, so bronze swords can be cast smoothly.


But this temperature cannot forge an iron sword. The melting point of iron is 1535 degrees Celsius, which is more than 300 degrees Celsius higher than 1200 degrees Celsius.


They studied for a long time, and after three months, the two of them finally found a solution.


They raised the temperature of the fire by adding human hair and nails to the fire.

They finally made an iron sword stronger than a bronze sword.


They forged a total of two swords. They named the two swords after their respective names.


They dedicated (Moye Sword) to the king, and they treasured (Gan Jiang Sword) in their own homes.


The Chinese of this idiom is the name of the two swords.

This idiom is used to describe a very, very good sword.


Dear friends, what inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Have you seen ancient Chinese swords? Have you studied swordsmanship?

I hope this story will yield something to you.


Ji Qingji (姬慶忌)


Ji Qingji (姬慶忌) (BC? – 513 BC)


His surname is (Ji), and his parents named him (Qingji).


A surname handed down from ancient Chinese matriarchal society.

Means to celebrate. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Jealousy means. Hate meaning. Fear means.


He was the prince of the Wu Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, and he was a famous warrior.

His story is recorded in the history books.


He is very strong, he runs fast and can run very far.

He went hunting with friends. He doesn't have to ride a horse and he doesn't carry a bow and arrow.

He can catch many game and birds with his bare hands.


His eyesight is very good and his reaction is very fast.

Once, an assassin made a sneak attack with an arrow. He directly grabbed the arrow that shot at him at high speed with his hand, and he avoided the assassination.


His father was the king of Wu Kingdom, and his father's name was (Ji Liao).

His father was assassinated by his uncle.

His uncle became the king of Wu Kingdom.


He fled to the Kingdom of Wei. He wants to avenge his father.

His uncle sent an assassin to carry out the assassination.

The assassin's name is (Yao Li).


According to the records of history books, after the two of them met, (Ji Qingji) said to (Yao Li).

You and I have a common enemy, let us lead the army to attack the kingdom of Wu together.


(Yao Li) and ( (Ji Qingji) spent a short time together, but they quickly became good friends.


On the day they sent troops to attack the Kingdom of Wu, their boat was sailing on a large river.

He was standing on the bow, (Ji Qingji) standing behind him.


Suddenly a strong wind blew, his hat was about to be blown off, he quickly grabbed his hat with both hands.


Because he was very thin and very short, he lost his balance.

He took a few steps back and bumped into (Ji Qingji) who was standing behind him.


At this time, (Ji Qingji) let out a loud cry.

(Ji Qingji) grabbed him by the collar, and he was lifted up high by (Ji Qingji).


A short spear was inserted into (Ji Qingji)'s chest.

This short spear was (Yao Li) hidden in his hat.


(Ji Qingji) fell to the side of the boat, but his right hand was still holding (Yao Li)'s collar tightly.


He pressed (Yao Li)'s head into the river several times in a row.

He shouted.

Why did you do this, why did you assassinate me.


After about a minute, he calmed down and his right hand relaxed.

(Yao Li) slumped on his leg.


He sighed, he said.

It turns out that your hand was cut off, and your wife and son were killed. These are all your plans. You can take this opportunity to get close to me.

You are an assassin sent by my uncle.


He went on, with admiration in his tone.

You have the guts to assassinate me, you are a fearless warrior.


At this time, the soldiers beside him raised their knives to slash at (Yao Li).


He stopped the soldiers, he said to the soldiers.


I am a brave warrior who is respected by all, and he is also a brave warrior worthy of admiration.


It is very sad to lose one hero in one day, and no one can bear the sadness of losing two heroes in one day.


You are not allowed to kill him now, and after I die, you are not allowed to kill him either, you must let him go.

After saying this, he died.


The soldiers followed his will.


A few days later, (Yao Li) returned to Wu Kingdom's palace and met the king.


The king said to him.

You have successfully accomplished this difficult task, and I will give you many rewards.


He answered.

I don't need a reward, I do this task to avoid war, to avoid more civilian deaths, not for a reward.


I am back here today to report back to you that I have completed this assassination mission.


My family is all dead.

My time with (Ji Qingji) was short, but he trusted me a lot.

He was my good friend and I killed him.


He had a chance to kill me before he died but he didn't.

I feel very guilty.


I decided to use my life to pay homage to my good friend, the brave warrior (Ji Qingji).

After saying this, he picked up the sword in his hand and killed himself.


Dear friends, what inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

How do you evaluate (Ji Qingji) this person? (Yao Li) finally chose to commit suicide, what do you think of his mentality?

 I hope this story will yield something to you.



Yao li (要離)

Yao li (要離)


Yao li (要離)(BC? - 513 BC)


His surname is (Yao), and his parents gave him the name (Li).


Meaning of request. Important meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Means to separate. Means to leave. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He is one of the most famous assassins in Chinese history.

His story is recorded in the history books.


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, the king of the Wu Kingdom (Ji Liao) was assassinated by his cousin.

His cousin (Ji Guang) became the king of the Wu Kingdom.


(Ji Liao)'s son fled to the Kingdom of Wei. His son's name is (Ji Qingji).

(Ji Guang) was worried that his nephew would come to him for revenge.


A famous minister of the Wu Kingdom (Wu Zixu) recommended an assassin to (Ji Guang).

This assassin is (Yao Li).


(Ji Guang) The first impression of seeing him was not good. Because he is very thin and small.


(Ji Guang) said to him.

Your arms are so slender you shouldn't be able to lift a sword in one hand.

Your legs are so short, you should have to use a ladder to even get on the wagon.

(Ji Qingji) is a famous warrior, I don't think you can accomplish this task.


(Yao Li) replied.

A person should worry about not having enough courage and determination, rather than worrying that what he wants to do cannot be achieved.


I'm sure I can do this, but I need your help.


(Ji Guang) asked.

How can I assist you?


He answered.

You cut off my right arm, and you put me in jail, and then you arrange for me to escape.

After I escaped from prison, you took my wife and son and killed them.

This way I can complete the task.


(Ji Guang) said.

You and your family are innocent so I can't do this.


He answered.

If you're going to make my assassination successful, you've got to do it.

During your two years as king of the Kingdom of Wu, you have used many worthy people and treated all our people with kindness and justice, and all the people live in peace.

So I don't want a war, if I can kill (Ji Qingji), he won't be able to lead his accomplices to war against us.


(Ji Guang) Reluctantly agree.


A month later, (Yao Li) fled to Wei Kingdom and met (Ji Qingji).


(Ji Qingji) told him.

I have heard all about your tragic experience, and you are welcome to join me.

We are ready, we will launch an army this year against the kingdom of Wu, I will take back my throne and you can avenge your wife and son.


He gained the trust of (Ji Qingji).

A few months later, he successfully accomplished his assassination mission.


Dear friends, what inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

What sacrifice are you willing to make for your dream? If you were the king, would you agree to (Yao Li)'s request?

I hope this story will yield something to you.








Zhuanzhu(專諸) (BC? - 515 BC)

His surname is (Zheng), his parents gave him the name (Zhu), and he was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


Concentrate means. focus means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Many meanings. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is one of the most famous assassins in Chinese history.

His story is recorded in the history books.


His good friend is one of the royal family members of the Wu Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period. The name of this good friend is (Ji Guang). (Ji Guang) and he planned to assassinate the king of Wu Kingdom.


He asked (Ji Guang).

The king's defense is very tight, and we have to find his weakness to have a chance of success. What does he like?


Ji Guang replied.

He is delicious, especially like to eat grilled fish.


(Zhu Zhu) Just learn how to grill fish with some experts around Taihu Lake.

After a few months, he became an expert at grilling fish.


A few years later, they finally had a chance to carry out this assassination.


(Ji Guang) sent out an invitation letter to invite his cousin, the king (Ji Liao), to his house for a family dinner.


(Ji Liao) is a very cautious person, he wears sturdy armor.

During the journey from the palace to Ji Guang's home, he arranged for many soldiers to protect him.


In an ancient Chinese dinner party, everyone sits at their own seat, and there is a small table in front of each person, and the maids will deliver the food to each person's exclusive small table.


Because it was a family dinner, all those who attended were relatives of the two of them.

Even so, (Ji Liao)'s vigilance did not relax.

He was still wearing the armor.

Several soldiers stood beside him, each with a cautious expression, each holding a halberd in his hand.


The dinner party was very lively, and everyone drank a lot of wine.


An hour later, (Ji Guang) stood up and said to everyone,

I'm sorry, my foot was injured a few days ago, and the wound oozes a little blood. I'll go back to my room to change the medicine, and I'll be back later.


After he left, five minutes later, a group of chefs walked into the banquet hall.


Each of these chefs is carrying a plate of grilled fish, which is fresh fish produced on this side of Taihu Lake.


These chefs walked up to the different guests with grilled fish.

In order to allow guests to enjoy this dish elegantly and conveniently, these chefs began to break down the grilled fish for guests.


(Ji Liao) Watching the chef in front of him decompose the grilled fish for himself, he smelled the aroma of the fish, he closed his eyes unconsciously, and he began to imagine how delicious it was.


Suddenly, the chef drew a very short sword from the fish maw, and then the chef pounced on (Ji Liao) who was less than two meters away from him.


The soldiers guarding (Ji Liao) were very alert, and they immediately stretched out their halberds.

The halberd pierced the chef's body, but the chef's sword had also resisted the armor on (Ji Liao).


At this time, the chef's eyes widened, he exerted all his strength, he took a step forward, and he held the sword in both hands and sent it forward.


The halberds in the hands of the soldiers pierced the chef's body, and the sword in the chef's hand also pierced (Ji Liao)'s body.


(Ji Liao) screamed and he died on the spot.

The soldiers around the banquet hall all rushed into the banquet hall, and these soldiers picked up the knives in their hands and slashed at the chef.

The chef also died on the spot.

This chef is (Zhenzhu).


A few days later, (Ji Guang) took control of the Wu Kingdom's army and central government, and he became the King of Wu Kingdom.



Dear friends, what inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

What is your favorite dish? Do you cook your own food?

I hope this story will yield something to you.




He is a minister of integrity and courage to point out the king's mistakes. (骨鯁之臣)

He is a minister of integrity and courage to point out the king's mistakes. (骨鯁之臣)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, the name of the first king of the Wu Kingdom was (Shoumeng).

He has four sons.


He said to his four sons before he died.

After I died, the order of succession to the king was the eldest son, the second son, the third son, and the fourth son.


His son obeyed his last words. His eldest son, second son and third son became kings in that order.

But after his third son died, his fourth son was reluctant to take the throne.


The name of the eldest son of the third son is (Ji Liao).

He took this opportunity to seize the throne of Wu Kingdom.


The eldest grandson of (Shoumeng) is called (Ji Guang).

He thought he should be the first in line to the throne, so he was very angry.

He secretly plans to take back the throne that belongs to him.


(Ji Guang) met a person through the introduction of his good friend (Wu Zixu), this person is called (Zhenzhu).

The three of them are pretty good friends.


When (Ji Liao) served as king for 12 years, the king of Chu kingdom died.

(Ji Liao) He was very happy after hearing the news.

he said to his two younger brothers.

We should take advantage of the unstable period of Chu Kingdom's regime handover to attack Chu Kingdom, we can greatly expand our territory.

His two younger brothers led the elite troops of the Wu Kingdom to attack the Chu Kingdom.


Two weeks after the departure of the Wu Kingdom's army, (Ji Guang) held a secret meeting with (Wu Zixu) and (Zhuan Zhu).


(Wu Zixu) said to (Ji Guang).

If you are going to take back your throne, I think now is the best time.


(Zhu Zhu) said to (Ji Guang).

I agree with (Wu Zixu)'s view.

Wu Kingdom's elite troops have now all left the capital, so (Ji Liao)'s entourage is much less than before.

Because (Ji Liao) is a cruel and greedy person, all the ministers in the kingdom who are upright and brave in pointing out his mistakes have left the central government.

His mother is old and his children are very young.

Now is the best time to stage a coup.


This idiom means to describe those ministers who are upright and brave in pointing out the king's mistakes.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

How long can you persist in order to achieve your goals? If others point out your mistakes, will you accept them humbly?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



These things are like a gust of wind(秋風過耳)






You endure small grievances because you embrace great ideals(屈一伸萬)


You endure small grievances because you embrace great ideals(屈一伸萬)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was Wu Zixu.

He is from Chu country.

Because the king of Chu Kingdom wanted to kill him, he fled to Wu Kingdom.


One day, when he was walking on the road, he saw a group of people in a big circle in front of him, so he walked over to watch the fun. He wondered what happened.


He squeezed into the crowd and saw two very burly men about to duel.


The faces of the two men were flushed, and it could be seen that they were very angry.

The eyes of the two men looked directly at each other, and the two were ready to fight.


But at this time, a woman suddenly came out. The woman walked up to one of the men and said something to the man very gently.


After the man listened to the woman, he spoke to another man.

I confess to you that I am not going to duel with you.


Then he turned away with the woman, and the crowd dispersed.


He felt curious, and he followed the man and woman. He walked dozens of meters with them, and he stepped forward to talk to the man and the woman.


Excuse me. I'm curious. I want to ask you a few questions.

Who is this lady?

What did this lady say to you? Why did you regain your calm so quickly?


The man answered.

She is my wife.


She said to me.

Don't look at that man yet, look at my face.


After I turned to look at her, she said to me.

You can not be provoked by him today, although you will feel wronged, but you must remember that only those who can endure small humiliation can achieve great ideals.


You are not an impulsive and stupid person. I know you are not an uninformed person.


After I heard these words, I regained my sanity, and I was not angry anymore.


(Wu Zixu) At this time, look carefully at the appearance of this man.

The man's facial features are very deep, and his body is very strong. This man's face exudes a fearless look.


(Wu Zixu) I thought to myself, this man can restrain his anger, he is a real warrior.

I want to be friends with him.


The two of them later became pretty good friends.

The man's name is (Zhenzhu).


This idiom means that you endure small grievances because you embrace great ideals.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Are you a man who can control his anger? If you were his wife, how would you persuade him not to fight?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




晝伏夜出(He sleeps during the day and is active at night)) / 吹簫乞食(He was begging by the roadside playing the Chinese bamboo flute))

晝伏夜出(He sleeps during the day and is active at night))

吹簫乞食(He was begging by the roadside playing the Chinese bamboo flute))


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was Wu Zixu.

His father and his brother were killed by the king of Chu Kingdom.

The king ordered to hunt him down after killing his father and brother.


According to historical records, during his escape, he slept during the day and acted at night.

After about a month, he finally left the borders of the Chu Kingdom.


As a result of this month, his spirit continued to be in a state of tension.

After he arrived in the capital of the kingdom of Wu, he fell ill and fell into a coma for several days.


After he was lethargic for a few days, his stamina recovered slightly.

But at this time he had not eaten for several days, and he had no money on him, and his clothes were tattered because of the escape.


His hair was messy, and he was dirty all over.

He climbed to a market in Wu Kingdom, and he took out a Chinese bamboo flute he carried with him and played it by the roadside. The sound of the bamboo flute revealed his sadness.

He sat begging on the side of the road.


Because of his unfamiliar face, he caught the attention of the market manager.


The market keeper reported to the king the next day.

Yesterday, there was a beggar that I had never seen before. He was tall and did not look like someone from the Kingdom of Wu. I observed his behavior and judged that he was not an ordinary person.


The news aroused the curiosity of the king, who told the market manager.

You arrange a hotel to freshen up the stranger today, prepare him a clean set of clothes, and treat him to dinner.

Let him rest for a night and take him to the palace to meet me tomorrow morning.


the next day. The king meets him.

After the two men talked, the king said.

It turns out that you are (Wu Zixu), and I am very sorry for what happened to your family.

You are a well-known and talented person, and I very much welcome your stay here.



This idiom means that a person sleeps during the day and is active at night.

This idiom means a person begging on the side of the road while playing a Chinese bamboo flute, and this idiom is also used to describe a person who has a hard life.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

What time are you used to working? Which musical instrument is your favorite?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



This is an act that goes against human feelings and legal principles(倒行逆施)


This is an act that goes against human feelings and legal principles(倒行逆施)


In 516 BC, the king of Chu Kingdom who killed Wu Zixu's father and brother died.

His son succeeded him on the throne.


According to historical records, Wu Zixu cried that day.

He was in tears, he said.

The king who killed my father and brother died.

I originally wanted to kill him with my own hands, but I couldn't fulfill my wish.

He wiped his tears, he said.

I will not stop my revenge, I still insist on my promise to myself, I will subvert the royal family of Chu Kingdom.


In 506 BC, the time was ripe.

He joined forces with another important general of the Wu Kingdom, who led the army to attack the Chu Kingdom.


After five consecutive victories, Wu Kingdom's army successfully captured the capital of Chu Kingdom.

The king of Chu Kingdom escaped.


He led the army into the palace of the Chu Kingdom, and he was very excited, and after more than 30 years, he returned to this place.


He thought of his father and his brother, he thought of the king who killed his father and brother. Hatred made him lose his mind, and he ordered his soldiers to dig up the king's tomb.


He opened the king's coffin, and he picked up the whip and whipped the remains of the king who had been dead for many years like crazy.


He beat more than 300 times, and the bones of the king were shattered by him.


Before he escaped from the Kingdom of Chu, he had a good friend who later became an important official of the Kingdom of Chu.

When he heard the news, he sent a messenger to him.


The messenger told him.

I solemnly condemn your actions. The king of Chu Kingdom killed your father and brother. I understand that you hate him very much, but you have insulted his body like this, and your actions have exceeded the boundaries of human and legal principles.


He told the messenger.

I did it wrong.

Please tell my good friend that the road to revenge is so long that I have changed from a young man to an old man. .

On that day, my hatred overwhelmed my reason, so I made this behavior that violated human feelings and legal principles.



This idiom means that this is an act that goes against human feelings and legal principles.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you ever been so angry that you lost your mind? Do you think Wu Zixu's actions can bring him real relief?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Both of us have the same disease, so we can sympathize with each other.(同病相憐)

Both of us have the same disease, so we can sympathize with each other.(同病相憐)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was Wu Zixu.

His father and his brother were killed by the king of Chu Kingdom.

The king wanted to kill him too, so he fled to the kingdom of Wu.

The king of the Wu Kingdom thought he was a very talented man, so let him hold an important position in the kingdom

He was also responsible for the design and construction of the capital of the Wu Kingdom, now the city of Suzhou.


Ten years after he came to the Kingdom of Wu, one day, a man from the Kingdom of Chu came to him. This man's name was (Bai Xi).


(Bai Xi) said to him.

My father was an upright minister, but he was killed by the king of Chu kingdom, so I fled to Wu kingdom.

I heard that you are also from the Kingdom of Chu, so I want to ask you to help me.


After he heard what happened to (Bai Xi), he thought of an ancient poem.

The meaning of the first two sentences of the poem is as follows.


Both of us have the same disease, so the two of us can sympathize with each other.

Both of us are going through the same difficulties, so the two of us are willing to help each other.


He let (Bai Xi) live in his house, and a few days later he found a suitable opportunity and recommended Bai Xi to the king.

Bai Xi therefore entered the Wu Kingdom's central government as an official.


He has a good friend whose name is (Be Li).

(Bei Li) has a lot of research on divination, and is proficient in physiognomy.


(Bei Li) said to him one day.

Bai Xi looks kind, but according to my observation, he is actually a very treacherous and cunning person.


He smiled and said to (Bei Li).

I think he is just as righteous as his father.

I think your judgment is wrong.


Later history proved that (Bei Li)'s judgment was correct.

After 33 years, the Wu Kingdom was destroyed, and (Bai Xi) was the key person who led to the demise of the Wu Kingdom.


This idiom means that two people have suffered the same bad luck, so the two people can sympathize with each other.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you ever affected your objective judgment of a person because of personal emotions? Have you studied physiognomy?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A gust of wind blew through the grass, so the grass swayed gently(風吹草動)

A gust of wind blew through the grass, so the grass swayed gently(風吹草動)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was Wu Zixu.

In a popular historical storybook of the Tang Dynasty, the story of his life was recorded.


His father and his brother were killed by the king of Chu Kingdom.

After the king killed his father and brother, he ordered to hunt him down, so he began to flee.


In the process of escaping, he looked at the sky and said sadly.


How long will it take me to reach the Kingdom of Wu, I feel very hesitant.

I think of my dead father and brother, and I feel so alone.


I hid during the day and didn't move because I was afraid of being discovered by my pursuers.

I can only sneak forward in the dark night.


I don't know I've been on the run for days, I'm dirty, hungry, and thirsty.

I pray that I can reach Wu Kingdom safely and meet the king of Wu Kingdom.

I hope I will have the opportunity in my life to avenge my family.


On the mountain road on which he escaped, there were many terrifying insects and beasts along the way.

Baboons roamed the forest, and weasels sprang from time to time.

He took his sword and walked slowly forward step by step.


Those who came after him formed teams to search day and night, so he was very careful.


The grass on the mountain is sometimes swayed gently by the wind. Then he would immediately stop and stop breathing.


He would wait a few minutes, and then continue to move forward slowly when he is sure that there is no ambush around him.


This idiom is used to describe slight movements and changes.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

When was the loneliest moment in your life? How do you feel about loneliness in your life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Not a drop of water leaks out(水洩不通)


Not a drop of water leaks out(水洩不通)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was Wu Zixu.

His father was a famous and upright minister of the Chu Kingdom.


The king of Chu kingdom robbed his son's wife, his behavior was so shameless, so (Wu Zixu)'s father directly pointed out that what he did was wrong.

The king of Chu Kingdom was so angry that he put his father in prison.


The king of the Chu Kingdom gave an order, asking him and his brother to go to the palace to pick up his father home.

His brother went to the palace at the king's order, but he did not go.


After his brother arrived in the palace, he was also put in prison.

A few days later, his father and his brother were killed by the king.


After the king killed his father and brother, he was afraid (Wu Zixu) to take revenge.


The king gave an order to the whole kingdom.

The content of this command is as follows.


Wu Zixu's family was plotting to betray the Kingdom of Chu, and both his father and his brother had been executed.

But he escaped.

If someone catches him, that person can get a huge bounty and get the title of a noble.

If someone shelters him or takes him in, that person and all his family will be put to death.


After this order was announced, all important roads in the entire Chu Kingdom were blocked, and every village was searched.


The entire search network is very tight, like a tightly tied bag, and not a drop of water will leak out.


This idiom is used to describe that it is very tightly surrounded and has no loopholes at all.

This idiom is also used to describe a lot of people gathered in one place, and the place is very crowded.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you heard those shameless stories? Would you point out the king's mistakes if you were his father?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...