
This person has a lot of knowledge and at the same time is very humble(文質彬彬)

This person has a lot of knowledge and at the same time is very humble(文質彬彬)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


One person asked Confucius.


What qualities do you think a true gentleman should have?


Confucius replied.


I think this kind of person should have a wealth of knowledge and at the same time have a humble attitude. And the two must increase in the same proportion.


The performance of a true gentleman is that as his knowledge is richer, he understands that his knowledge is rather one-sided, so he will be more humble.


The person asked.

If there is an imbalance between this knowledge and humility, what kind of performance will one behave?


Confucius replied.

If a person has a humble attitude but shallow knowledge, then this person is like a simple farmer.

He is simple but his words and deeds are relatively crude.


If a person is knowledgeable but proud, then this person is like a civil servant in charge of clerical work.

This person speaks beautifully but they look down on others.


This idiom means to describe a person who is very elegant and polite.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with Confucius? Are there any people in your friends who have both knowledge and humility?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




A very fine and intermittent line(蛛絲馬跡)

 A very fine and intermittent line(蛛絲馬跡)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous Feng Shui master named (Yang Yunsong).


He has written a book that records his observations of various topography and landforms about Feng Shui.


A special terrain is recorded in this book.


In some places, you see suddenly a piece of land bulging in front of you.


This high raised land is made up of layers of soil.

If you look from a distance, it's like there is a natural staircase for you to go up.


You continue to get closer and look up from the bottom.

The shape of the rock at the highest point of this highland is like a rooster crowing with its head up.


When you climb up to the highest point of a high ground and look down, you will see that on the back of the rooster, there seems to be a spine-like slightly raised line, which will extend to the flat ground.


And when this thread reaches the flat ground, this thread will become a thin thread like spider silk.


When you stand on the top of the mountain and look at this thin line on the flat ground in the distance, the line will be intermittent like the footprints of a horse's hoof.


This terrain has a special name. This name is made up of the names of the two stars (Tan Lang Xing and Po Jun Xing).


This idiom is used to describe faintly findable clues.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you believe in Feng Shui? How would you describe the most impressive terrain you have ever seen?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



蛛絲馬跡(A very fine and intermittent line)

































I keep reminding you(耳提面命)

I keep reminding you(耳提面命)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.

These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty when they held important ceremonies.


There is an exhortation poem written to the king.


There is a paragraph in this poem as follows


You are still young, and you can't tell the difference between the good and the bad.

I often hold your hand, and I teach you the correct way to behave and do things.


When you make a mistake, I will tell you in person.

In order to prevent you from making mistakes, I will keep reminding you in your ears.


I often feel that you are still young and should give you more opportunities.

But you are actually not young anymore.

Although you are much younger than me, you are already the father of a child.


We should not waste our time.

There are too many young and smart people who have nothing to do when they are old because they waste their time.


I am older than you and I have experienced many hardships in life.

I see your sloppy attitude, and I can't help but feel anxious for you.


I have made many mistakes so I will keep reminding you.

But you always despise my advice, and you always find my words bore you.


I really want to tell you that time flies quickly. Your time now is very precious. If you don't cherish it, you will soon be as old as me.


This idiom is used to describe sincerely teaching and admonishing someone.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you feel this way when you see your child? Have you tried different ways to communicate with your child or have you insisted on using only the same way?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You send me peaches, I send you plums back(投桃報李)

 You send me peaches, I send you plums back(投桃報李)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty when they held important ceremonies.


There is an exhortation poem written to the king.

There is a paragraph in this poem as follows


When you get along with your friends, you have to keep smiling and be gentle.

You must avoid making mistakes in your words and actions.


When you are alone, you still have to maintain a respectful attitude.

You must remember that even if you are in a dimly lit room, you still cannot escape God's inspection.


God's deeds are unpredictable for us, and God may practice his justice at any time.

So you have to stay alert at all times to avoid being punished.


In addition to being careful with your words and actions, you should also pay attention to whether your clothes are dignified and appropriate.


In addition to making no mistakes yourself, you should not design to frame others. You must be tolerant of others' faults.


When you receive the favor of others, you must repay. You must take the favor of others to you in your heart and not forget it.


You have to ask yourself to make your own morals and conduct better day by day.


This idiom is used to describe two good friends who are very friendly and give gifts to each other when they get along with each other.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

After you receive a gift from someone else, will you give it back? When you receive invisible help from others, do you remember the help others gave you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He goes to bed very late and then wakes up very early(夙興夜寐)

 He goes to bed very late and then wakes up very early(夙興夜寐)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty when they held important ceremonies.


There is an exhortation poem written to the king.

There is a paragraph in this poem as follows


The current situation in our kingdom is very chaotic, and the reason is because you indulge your desires.

You are addicted to drinking and having fun every day, and you don't value your current status.


You should learn from your father, and you should govern this kingdom with your heart.


If you do not change, then God will no longer help our kingdom.

If God does not help us, then we will go to ruin


I advise you that you should get up early and go to bed late. You should adjust your daily routine first, and then get rid of your previous bad habits step by step.

You should aspire to be a model for all people in the country.


You have to rectify the army in our kingdom, strengthen military equipment and military training.

Our current situation is very critical. War may break out at any time, and we should strengthen ourselves.


We should prepare now so that we can withstand the enemys attack and we can defend our kingdom.


This idiom describes a person who is very diligent, who goes to bed late and wakes up early.




He thinks he is the smartest person in the world(不可一世)

 He thinks he is the smartest person in the world(不可一世)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous prime minister and writer. His name is (Wang Anshi).


A story about him is recorded in the history book.


He has been very smart since he was a child and his work ability is also very strong.

He felt that no one in this world was better than him.


When he was young, he admired a famous scholar at the time.

The name of this scholar is (Zhou Dunyi).


He brought his business card to visit (Zhou Dunyi).


When (Zhou Dunyi)'s servant came to report it to him.

(Zhou Dunyi) thought to himself.

I heard that this young man is excellent in all aspects, but because of this he is very proud.

I should refuse to meet him and let him learn humility and patience by this opportunity.


So (Zhou Dunyi) refused to meet him.


Later, he brought his business card to visit (Zhou Dunyi) twice in a row.

But (Zhou Dunyi) still refused to meet him.


He was very angry, he thought (Zhou Dunyi) looked down on him.

His anger turned into shame, and then his shame turned into arrogance.


He did not try to visit again (Zhou Dunyi).


A few decades later, he led a very huge reform at that time.

In carrying out this reform, he did not listen to the opinions of other officials at all.

He insisted on his own ideas.

As a result, this reform ended in failure because it was too idealistic.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is very proud, who thinks that no one can compare to himself


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What is the biggest setback you have encountered? Do you think the two men made any mistakes in this matter?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




There is a small stain on this piece of white jade(白圭之玷)

 There is a small stain on this piece of white jade(白圭之玷)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


One of them was an exhortation poem written to the king. There is a paragraph in this poem as follows.


You have to rely on the rule of law to manage this kingdom. If you do this, our kingdom will be stable.

When your kingdom is stable, you still have to stay vigilant, and you should beware of disasters in advance.


You have to maintain the integrity of your behavior, and you have to maintain a gentle attitude at the same time.

You have to be careful with every word you say.

There is a small stain on a piece of white jade, you can remove this small stain by sanding.

But you can't take back every word you say.


You are the king, so you should pay attention to everything you say.

You cannot use your power to prohibit others from criticizing you.


I remind you once again, you should not speak at will, you should be very careful to say every word.


If you treat others with a kind heart, you will get kindness.

You have to love your friends and ministers, and you have to take care of all the people of the entire kingdom.

If you and your children and grandchildren do this, all the people of our kingdom will always support you and your family.


This idiom is used to describe a person or thing with some minor shortcomings but most of them are good.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Will you be careful what you say? Do you always remind yourself to treat others with a kind heart?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Our meeting is so short and accidental(萍水相逢)

 Our meeting is so short and accidental(萍水相逢)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous poet whose name was (Wang Bo).


He wrote a well-known article. There are 29 sentences in his article, which later became idioms.


There is a paragraph in this article as follows.

I looked up at this boundless sky, and I looked down at this vast land.


I am in this huge space, and I feel the passing of time.


I felt very happy, but then I felt great sadness.


I realize that all things succeed and fail, and there is its own time for prosperity and decline.


I looked around.

Even if I can walk all over the land where I stand, how can I explore the unfathomable ocean at the end of the land.


Even if I can grow wings and fly into the sky, I cannot fly to the North Star at the end of the sky.


How small we humans are.


Each of us has its own difficulties in life, and our feelings cannot be understood by others.

Each of us is like a piece of duckweed, floating on the water, and separated from each other as soon as the wind blows.


I want to achieve my ideals, but will I have a chance to accomplish my goals in my lifetime?



The direct translation of this idiom means that if I am water, you are a piece of duckweed on the water. Our meeting is so short and accidental.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever lamented the greatness of the universe and your own insignificance? Do you grasp every opportunity to get along with others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I don't want others to know who I am.(隱姓埋名)

 I don't want others to know who I am.(隱姓埋名)


In the Yuan Dynasty of China, there was a playwright whose name was (Wang Yuanyi).

This idiom comes from the first act of a play he wrote.


There are two good friends who go to the mountains to gather Chinese herbal medicine together.

They were lost, and they saw an old man approaching in the distance.


They said to the old man.

We came to the mountain to collect Chinese herbal medicine. We were going home but got lost. Do you know the correct way down the mountain?


The old man answered.

I can tell you the correct way down the mountain.


The old man then asked curiously.

I observe the clothes and words and deeds of the two of you. I think you should be scholars. Why did you come to gather herbs in this remote mountain?


The two of them answered.

We originally lived in the city, but we are tired of life in the city.


There are many officials and celebrities in the city where we live.

These people are very proud, their morals are low, and their behavior is arrogant and domineering.

They just think about how to get more money and power every day.


There are many people in the city where we live.

These people gossiping every day, and their hearts are full of treacherous.

Their clothes must be the most luxurious, and their food must be the most expensive.


Our ambitions are different from them.

We don't think that there are beautiful carriages or houses to be proud of.

We think that these material things and fame and fortune are all illusory.


The two of us don't want to be like them.

We don't want others to know our name.

We believe that a simple life is better.

We want to be a farmer living in the country.

That's why you will see us here.


This idiom is used to describe a person who hides his name and does not want others to know him.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think they can live happily ever after if they really become a farmer? What kind of person do you think you want to be?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You do one thing, but get two benefits at the same time(一舉兩得)

You do one thing, but get two benefits at the same time(一舉兩得)


During the Warring States period in China, there was a famous strategist named (Zhang Zhen).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


One day, the king of the Qin Kingdom asked him.

Two neighbouring kingdoms are at war. Shall we mediate or intervene? Which will be more beneficial to our kingdom?


He smiled and told a story.

There was a warrior in the Kingdom of Lu, his name was (Bian Zhuangzi).

One day his neighbour came to see him in a hurry.

His neighbour said to him

O mighty warrior, two tigers are now attacking my buffalo in my field, which is my most important possession. Please help me to kill these two tigers.


When he, his neighbour and another friend rushed to the place where two tigers were attacking the buffalo, they saw that the buffalo had been killed.

Two tigers eating this buffalo.

He took his bow and arrow and aimed at one of the tigers.


Another friend who was with him said to him.

Don't shoot the arrow yet, we'll wait a moment.


In my opinion, after a while, when the meat of the buffalo is eaten by the two tigers until there is only a little left, the two tigers will definitely bite each other to compete for the little meat that is left.


The result of two tigers biting each other must be that both tigers will use up a lot of physical strength, and then both tigers will be injured, and one of the tigers may even die.

At this time, you only need to take the time to kill one tiger and you can get two tigers.

I think that's the best time for you to act.


(Bian Zhuangzi) agreed with his friend.

Just as his friend predicted, he later hunted down the two tigers with ease.


After hearing (Zhang Zhen) tell this story, the King of Qin also laughed.

The King of Qin said to (Zhang Zhen)

Thanks to your advice, I know what to do.


The original meaning of this idiom is that as long as you only need to take the time to kill one tiger and you can get two tigers.

It is used to describe a person who does one thing but gets two benefits at the same time.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever done one thing and received two different benefits? Have you ever quarrelled with someone and let a third party benefit?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is handsome but has no connotation(虛有其表)

He is handsome but has no connotation(虛有其表)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister who was very handsome. His name is (Xiao Song).


There is a story about him in history books.


One day, the king said to him.

I want to issue a new personnel order, and you help me draft an announcement.


After he wrote this announcement, he gave it to the king.


The king said to him after reading the draft.

This announcement is well written, but there is one sentence that I think is improperly worded.

You can rewrite this sentence.


After the king said this, he sat down opposite him.


He saw the king sitting opposite him, he was very nervous.

He was so nervous that he was sweating profusely, and his mind was blank.


About ten minutes passed. The king thought to himself.

He thought for so long, he must have changed this sentence very appropriately.


The king stood up and walked to his side to read the draft.

The king said to him. Have you changed this sentence?


He was even more nervous when he saw the king approaching him.

He replied.

I corrected this sentence.


Said the king.

Okay, then you can leave.


After he leaves , the king threw the draft he had written on the ground and said angrily.

He is so handsome but has no connotation. After rewriting this sentence, it turned out to be worse than the original one.


His writing is too bad.


The people beside the king laughed when they heard this.


The king found himself gaffe.

The king reflected on himself quickly.


Said the king.

Everyone has their own strengths, his articles are not well written, but he has many other advantages. I shouldn't comment on him like that.




This idiom means to describe a person who has an appearance but no actual connotation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think is more important in appearance and connotation? How do you evaluate the king's later reflection on his behavior?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




The really important words should be simple(要言不煩)


The really important words should be simple(要言不煩)


There is a very important classic in China. The name of this classic is (Book of Changes).

(Book of Changes) This book is considered to be the foundation of all classic Chinese books.


Many scholars have studied this book throughout their lives.

This book is also used by some people as an important reference book for predicting the future and fortune-telling.


There was a famous fortune teller in the Three Kingdoms Period in China, his name was (Guan Lu).


There is a story about him in history books.


One day, two officials were talking to him. One of these two officials is called (He Yan) and the other is called (Deng Yang).


(He Yan) asked him 9 questions in a row.

Based on his experience in studying the Book of Changes, he puts forward a corresponding suggestion for each question.


When (He Yan) listened to his answer, said to him.

You are really amazing. I think you are the number one expert in the subject of I Ching.


When (Deng Yang) heard (He Yan) finish this sentence, (Deng Yang) said to him.

You are called the master of the Book of Changes. But why did you seldom quote the words in the Book of Changes when you were just talking.


He answered with a smile.

Only those who really understand the Book of Changes can express the profound truths contained in the Book of Changes with simple words and sentences that everyone understands.


When (He Yan) heard his answer.

(He Yan) shouted and said

I agree with this argument. The really important words should be simple.


This idiom is used to describe a person's words simple but important.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think it is easy to say simple things complicated or to say complicated things simple and easy? What do you think will be the performance of scholars who truly understand a specific knowledge?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.






Why do you moan in pain when you are not sick(無病呻吟)


Why do you moan in pain when you are not sick(無病呻吟)


The Song Dynasty of China had an outstanding military general. He is also one of the most famous poets in Chinese history.

He loves his country very much, and his lifelong hope is to regain the land occupied by the Jin Kingdom for the Song Dynasty.


His name is (Xin Qiji).


He wrote a poem when he was old.


I now live in this remote village.

This quiet village is really suitable for an elderly person to live in.


Many decades have passed in my life.

I often recall everything I have experienced and everyone I met in the past few decades.


You are sitting across from me.


You said to me.

You live a leisurely life and have enough money, why are you still sighing.

You are healthy and can enjoy every day, why are you still moaning.


I sit opposite you.


I did not answer.


I took a bite of a cold watermelon.

I opened my clothes and felt the cool wind blowing through my hair in the summer afternoon.


I know you cannot understand why I feel sad in my heart.

I want to get drunk this afternoon. I remember the last time I was drunk I wrote a few poems to express my depression.

Those poems are very well written.


I will pour another glass of Chinese liquor for you and me.


I tell you.

Let's drink more, in this leisurely summer afternoon.


This idiom means that a person pretends that he is suffering or that he is living well, but the person says that he is having a bad life.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after listening to this poem.

Have you ever had this kind of sorrow that your youth has passed away? What is your life's ambition?

I hope this poem can give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...