
Compared to you, I am really a loser.(相形見拙)

 Compared to you, I am really a loser.(相形見拙)


There was a famous novelist in the Qing Dynasty of China. His name is (Wu Jianren).


He wrote a novel depicting the social phenomena of the time.


There is a story in this book as follows.


There is an official named (Cai Bofen).


His wife is a nobleman, and he got an official position by donating money. .


His most important work every day is to chat and eat. His personality is very impetuous and his cultivation is not good.

But he thought he was great. He feels that his work ability is very good.


He was assigned to be a small official in a province.

He works in this place, but his heart is very unbalanced.


He thought to himself.

In this unit, my position is the smallest.

Everyone in this unit has a higher position than me, wears better clothes than me, and earns more money than me.


Every official of the Qing Dynasty wears different jewelry according to the size of his position.

Some of my officers wear rubies and some wear sapphires.

Only I wear crystals.

When I saw the jewels they were wearing, I felt that I was a loser.


Every time I talk to them, they don't respect my opinion.

When I ate with them, I felt left out.


They have been giving me orders.


This job is so bad that I can't do it anymore.

I must find a way to leave my current position.


This idiom means that when a person compares with others, he feels that he is a loser.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you feel bad because you have less income than your neighbors? If you were him, would you complain about the current situation or strengthen your ability to work?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


Your tongue is still there but teeth are all lost(舌存齒亡)

Your tongue is still there but teeth are all lost(舌存齒亡)


(Li Er) is one of the most famous thinkers and philosophers in China. Later generations respected him as Lao Tzu.

He wrote a book, which is the famous Tao Te Ching.


But who is his teacher? His teacher's name is (Chang Cong).


His teacher told him before his death.

My life is about to end, I am about to die, I have a few words to tell you before I die.


He nodded and said.

Teacher, please tell me. What do you want to say to us students.


Said his teacher.

You have to remember those who are good to you, and you have to respect those who are older than you.

There is also the most important point.


His teacher suddenly opened his mouth and asked him.

What do you see in my mouth.


He replied.

I see your tongue.


The teacher continued to ask.

Do you see my teeth.


He replied.

I didn't see the teeth, you are too old, your teeth are all out.


Teacher says.

That's right, in our body, the hardest part is our teeth, and the softest part is our tongue. .


The last thing I want to say to you is that we have to stay soft, because soft is stronger than hard. Soft is more powerful than hard.


These are the last things I want to tell you. You must keep it in mind.


This idiom is used to remind us that softness is stronger and more powerful than hardness.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you remember most about your teacher's teaching? If you are going to pass away today, what would you like to say to the one you love?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




He wanted to cover up his mistakes but got the opposite effect(欲蓋彌彰)

 He wanted to cover up his mistakes but got the opposite effect(欲蓋彌彰)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the Kingdom of Zhu and the Kingdom of Lu were adjacent to each other, and there were frequent wars between the two kingdoms.


A minister of the Zhu Kingdom betrayed his kingdom. He fled to the Kingdom of Lu.

He didn't admit that he was a traitor, he wanted to change people's perception of him so he took some actions.


Historians in the Lu Kingdom recorded these actions he took in the Lu Kingdom’s history books.


A famous historian in the Lu Kingdom was named (Zuo Qiuming). He made his comments on this matter.


He said.


Each of us hopes to leave a good reputation, so we have done a lot to maintain this good reputation.


But an important fact we have to remember is that if a person does good things every day and insists on being an upright person, then that person will naturally have a good reputation.


This minister of the Zhu Kingdom betrayed his kingdom. He wanted to change people's perception of him so he took some actions.


But he did not expect that because these things he did involved the territory of the Lu Kingdom, the historian of the Lu Kingdom must clearly record it.


Now all his efforts are in vain.


When people in future generations read this history book, they will know that he is a betrayer.


He tried to cover up his mistakes but got the opposite effect. How ironic is this



This idiom means that a person wants to cover up his mistakes but it becomes more obvious.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you like to read history books? Have you ever tried to cover up your mistakes but get the opposite effect?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Even the magpie was silent.(鴉雀無聲)

Even the magpie was silent.(鴉雀無聲)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.


He wrote a poem.


I sat on the bed and looked out the window. The cool wind blew the moon onto the railing of the corridor outside the window.


I felt so quiet around me, even the magpie was silent..


It should be the quietest moment before dawn.


I went back to bed and continued to lie down. In the faintly bright sky, only Vega and Venus are still glowing brightly.


I feel this soft light shining on my pillow,


The moment I was so hazy to fall asleep, I felt in heaven rather than in the world.


This idiom is used to describe very quiet.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Have you ever felt the quietest moment before dawn? Which time of day do you like best?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





He can change what he says at will(信口雌黃)

 He can change what he says at will(信口雌黃)


In the Jin Dynasty of China, there was a celebrity who was also an important official. His name is (Wang Yan).


There is a story about him in history books.


His appearance is very good, his personality is very smooth, he doesn't like to offend others. He never insisted on his position.


He admired the thoughts of Laozi and Zhuangzi very much, and he often shared with others his reading experience on the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi.


When he is sharing his ideas with others and others refute him or raise questions, he always answers.


I think what you said is also very reasonable, I think I might be wrong. I am going to correct my thoughts.


The color of ancient Chinese paper was yellowish, so if people wrote a word wrong at that time. Orpiment will be used to cover up the wrong word.


Therefore, some people describe him as having a piece of orpiment in his mouth at all times. He can change what he says at will.


This idiom is used to describe a person who speaks casually without thinking. It is also used to describe a person who distorts facts.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How would you evaluate him? Are there any friends you know who have the same personality as him?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Cai Yong (蔡邕/伯喈)

Cai Yong (蔡邕)(132 AD-192 AD)

His last name is (Cai), his parents gave him the name (Yong), and his friends call him (Bo Jie) when he grows up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


The meaning of weeds. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

A city surrounded by water. Extended to mean harmony.

The oldest of the brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Birdsong. Extended to mean harmony.


He is an outstanding calligrapher. He is also a famous master of guqin.

Not only does he play the guqin, he is also a master of making guqin.


A story about him is recorded in the history book.


One day he was walking on the road. There was a house beside the road. A man was burning a pile of wood on the courtyard in front of the house.


He heard the cracking sound of the wood as it burned.


He rushed over and said to the man.

I want to buy this burning piece of wood.


The man ignored him.


He was very anxious when he saw that man ignored him.


He pulled out a piece of wood that was burning in the fire, and he took off his clothes and slapped the piece of wood that was burning hard. He wants to put out the fire burning on this piece of wood.


The man shouted, what the hell are you doing.


He replied apologetically.

Sorry, I was too anxious. Please listen to me. My name is Cai Yong.


Because he is very famous, the man has heard his name.


Said the man.

You are (Cai Yong), are you the guqin master who is famous all over the country?


He smiled and nodded and said.


I heard the sound of you burning these pieces of wood just now, and I heard a very crisp sound in it.


This kind of voice can only be found in the best paulownia, and I have only heard it once or twice in my life.


Can you sell me this piece of wood? According to my judgment, if this piece of wood is made into a guqin, it will be a very good guqin.


The man answered with a smile.

If you like this piece of wood, you can take it, and I am willing to give it to you.

If this piece of wood can be made into an excellent guqin, it would be great.

But please promise me a request.


He said.

What is your request.


The man answered.

'When you finish making this guqin, I hope you can play a piece for me.


He said with a smile.

This is no problem.


The Chinese name of this guqin is (Jiaowei). It means that the end of this guqin has burnt black marks.


This violin became one of the four most famous guqins in Chinese history.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever heard of the Chinese Guqin? What kind of instrument is your favorite?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




She is a beautiful woman with a slender figure(亭亭玉立)


She is a beautiful woman with a slender figure(亭亭玉立)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a celebrity who was named (Cai Yong).

He is good at playing the guqin, and his paintings and calligraphy are also very famous.


He wrote an article describing a woman he thought was the most beautiful.


This is such a beautiful woman.


When I stood by her side and looked at her, I felt that she was like a phoenix about to fly into the sky. The strong wind brought by the phoenix's flapping wings made me unable to open my eyes.


When I stood looking at her from a distance, I thought she was like a goddess living in the kingdom of heaven. This goddess was wearing clothes made of clouds and stars so I didn't dare to come close.


When she stood still, she was as quiet as a high green mountain.

When she walks, she is as light and agile as a beautiful bird.


She made everything around her lose its color, and when I looked at her, I was like losing my soul.


Her face was as white as the moon, and her temperament was as bright as the sunrise.

Her expression is as fresh and tender as a lotus, and her skin is as clear as honey."


This idiom is used to describe a woman who is slender and beautiful.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think of the standard of beauty? If you describe a woman as beautiful, what words or metaphors would you use to describe it?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



You have to be as focused and decisive as a blacksmith(斬釘截鐵)

You have to be as focused and decisive as a blacksmith(斬釘截鐵)


There was a very famous monk in the Tang Dynasty of China, his name was ((Wang Dao -Ying).

After he became a monk, he lived in Yunju Mountain in Jiangxi Province.


He concentrates on the study and lectures of Buddhism every day, and he has many students.

According to records, in the last fall before his death, he felt very uncomfortable in his body.

In the winter of that year, he had a foreboding that his life was about to end.

He summoned all his students and told them.


Today’s lesson is my last lesson for you.


You have all studied with me for a long time, so you should know that birth and death are inevitable.

I am about to leave you, but as long as you remember what I said, then I am still by your side.


Don't worry about your future life, you should study the profound knowledge of Buddhism more intensively.

You should be as focused and decisive as a blacksmith who is forging a piece of iron into small nails.


Everything we have in this world is short-lived and a phantom, so in addition to the necessities of life, don't put your mind on other things in this world.


If you can fully comprehend the thoughts of Buddhism, you can understand that everything in this world is empty, you can transcend death, and you can reach the realm of Nirvana.


Three days after finishing this class, he died peacefully in his sleep in the middle of the night.


This idiom is used to describe a person who speaks and does things resolutely and without hesitation.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

If you are going to pass away in three days, what do you want to say to whom? If you are going to pass away in three days, can you leave peacefully or will you have a lot of regrets?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.  







In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, each prince controlled a kingdom, and conflicts between various kingdoms often occurred.


Once, the Jin Kingdom and the Qin Kingdom jointly sent troops to attack the Zheng Kingdom.


At this critical moment, the king of the Zheng Kingdom sent an emissary to the Qin Kingdom. The name of this emissary is (Zhu Zhi Wu).


History books record how he resolved this crisis.


He said to the king of the Qin Kingdom.

We have been surrounded by your coalition army, and we are about to perish.

At this moment, I think you have to think again.

Who will benefit from the demise of the Zheng Kingdom? Will you really benefit?


The king of the Qin Kingdom did not speak.


He continued.

The kingdom of Zheng has a border with the Kingdom of Jin but not with the Kingdom of Qin.

If the Zheng Kingdom is destroyed, then the Jin Kingdom will occupy the territory of the Zheng Kingdom.


The king of the Qin Kingdom did not speak.


He continued.

I believe you must have signed a cooperation agreement.

After the demise of the Zheng Kingdom, you will equally divide the land and resources of the Zheng Kingdom.


But I must remind you.

I remember that your two kingdoms also cooperated before, but please remember the result of that cooperation.


That time the king of the Jin Kingdom lied to you, they had promised to give you the benefits, and they later repented.


If you still remember this lesson, you should know that the king of the Jin Kingdom is very greedy and he is not worthy of your trust.


The king of the Qin Kingdom did not speak.


He continued.

The current power of your two kingdoms is similar to the territory. If the Jin Kingdom plus the Zheng Kingdom's land and resources, their power will surpass yours.


Do you think this result is good.


The king of the Qin Kingdom did not speak.


He continued.

Assuming you retreat, we are willing to become your vassals.


The geographical location of the Kingdom of Zheng happened to be in the middle of all kingdoms.

Whether people from other kingdoms want to go to the Qin Kingdom, or people from the Qin Kingdom want to go to other kingdoms, these people will definitely pass through the Zheng Kingdom.


If the envoys of the various kingdoms come to you, we will receive them for you.

If your envoys are going to various kingdoms, we are willing to protect your envoys.


We can be the first line of defense between you and the various kingdoms.


Please think carefully, if you withdraw the army, we are willing to assume this role from now on.


The king of the Qin Kingdom did not speak.


After their talks ended, he returned to the embassy.


The next day, the king of the Qin Kingdom announced the suspension of cooperation with the Jin Kingdom and dispatched all the troops back to the country.


This idiom means that the Kingdom of Zheng will become a reception place for the East of the Kingdom of Qin. Now this idiom is used to describe the host of a banquet.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think there are eternal friends or enemies in international politics? Before you communicate with others, do you analyze the pros and cons of this matter from the perspective of others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




These are fictitious(子虛烏有)

These are fictitious(子虛烏有)


There was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty of China, and he was also a famous writer. His name is (Sima Xiangru).


He wrote a great article, and he became famous for it.


There are two fictitious characters in this article, one named (Zixu) and the other named (Wuyou).


This Chinese idiom is a combination of these two names.


The content of this article is as follows.


(Zixu) is the ambassador of the Chu Kingdom and he was assigned to the Qi Kingdom.

The king of the Qi Kingdom welcomed his arrival, so he invited him to join a hunting event.


The day after the event ended, he told (Wuyou).

The king of the Qi Kingdom asked me two questions at yesterday's event.

Do you think our kingdom is rich in resources? Do you think the warriors who come out with us to hunt are brave?


(Wuyou) Say, how do you answer it?


I boasted the Kingdom of Chu and devalued the Kingdom of Qi.

After the king of Qi Kingdom heard my narration, he did not speak.

He must have been shocked by what I said so he didn't know how to respond.


(Wuyou) answered.

Contrary to your opinion, I think you are too stupid.

The borders of the Qi Kingdom are very wide, and the products are very rich. The border of the Qi Kingdom is close to the sea and has famous mountains. The quality of the people is also very high.


The king of the Qi Kingdom invites you to go hunting together. He hopes to understand the current situation of your Chu Kingdom through the process of dialogue with you.


Your words reveal that your king will only rely on abundant resources without focusing on how to improve the education and quality of the people.

Your narrative shows the extravagance and waste of your king.


If what you said is true, then you have exposed many of the problems and shortcomings of your kingdom.

If what you say is false, how do you think the king of Qi Kingdom would comment on your exaggerated words and arrogant mentality that doesn't care about others' feelings at all.


Do you really think that because he was shocked by your words, he didn't know how to answer you.

You are wrong. He has seen many secret messages clearly, so he smiled and didn't speak.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe things that are unreal and non-existent.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Do you think there is any difference between being confident and boasting? Do you think that overwhelming words can win the respect of the other person?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.




He has very few things in his house(家徒四壁)


He has very few things in his house(家徒四壁)


The Song Dynasty of China had an outstanding military general. He is also one of the most famous poets in Chinese history.


His name is (Xin Qiji).

He wrote a poem when he was old.

This poem records his life experiences and feelings during that period.


I can experience the feelings of my favorite poet (Qu Yuan) recently.


He is like a wild duck, he drifts everywhere with the river, he has no fixed dwelling place.

He is like a great horse, he is far away from those vulgar people, he lives alone.


If you walk into my house, you will see that my house is very small.

You will see that there is nothing but four walls inside.

My most important asset is only a few books.


I am moving recently.

My good friend borrowed a bullock cart for me.

This little bullock cart is more than enough for me.


I haven't sang or danced for a long time, and I don't even drink Chinese rice wine.


Only two or three friends will associate with me.


I speak to the white cranes in the mountains that come and go from time to time.


But I don't feel alone.

Every day at sunset, I see all the birds singing and returning to their nests.

I also returned contentedly to my little thatch.


This idiom means to describe that there is nothing in a person's home. It is also used to describe a person who is poor.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after listening to this poem.

Is the loneliest moment in your life during that period? Do you think that period of loneliness has any positive meaning for you?

I hope this poem will give you some new gains.




You are a big man so you are definitely a big-hearted person(宰相肚裡能撐船)

You are a big man so you are definitely a big-hearted person(宰相肚裡能撐船)


There was an official in the Ming Dynasty in China, and his name was (Ye Sheng).


He has written a book that records some interesting anecdotes at the time.

One of the stories is as follows.


There was an important official at that time, his name was (Wu Si'an).

His office was located by a lake. One day, when he was standing in the office, he saw a young man fishing for aquatic plants.


He approached the young man and asked him.

Why do you want to fish for aquatic plants.


The young man answered.

These aquatic plants are for pigs.


He said to the young man.

Your fishing for water plants will disturb me, so don't come here again.


After saying this, he returned to his office building.


Two days later, he received a letter.

This letter was written to him by another official close to him.


He opened the letter. It says in it.


I have heard a proverb. A big man must have a big heart.

You are a big man whom I respect very much.

If you use the analogy of a river, most people are a small stream, but your big heart is like a big river, a big river on which you can drive big boats.


The servant in my house met you the other day when he went to fish for aquatic plants.


You tell him that you can't go there to fish for aquatic plants in the future.


So I am writing this letter to you.

I beg you to allow my servant to go there again to fish for aquatic plants.

I believe you will agree to my request, because you are a big man and you have a big heart.


Moreover, this lake is not your personal asset. I think my servant has the freedom to go there to fish for aquatic plants.


This idiom is used to flatter a person, and flatter this person has a big heart.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were the master of this servant, how would you handle this matter? If you were (Wu Si'an), how would you respond to this letter?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He will blame fate and others when he is unsatisfactory(怨天尤人)


He will blame fate and others when he is unsatisfactory(怨天尤人)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


Confucius is having a conversation with his student, whose name is (Zigong).


Zi Gong asked.

I want to be understood and recognized by others. Do you have this desire too.


Confucius said.

I don't have this desire.


Zi Gong asked.

How did you do it.


Confucius said.

I think it is more important to be a person who knows oneself better and one who identifies with oneself more than eager to be understood and recognized by others.


Zi Gong asked.

What is your specific approach.


Confucius said.

I accept anything I have encountered, no matter good or bad, I will not complain about my bad destiny. Because I think I can use these things to understand myself better.


I accept any behavior of anyone I meet, good or bad, I will not blame these people. Because I think I can use these people to understand myself better.


I get experience from encountering everything and everyone in my daily life. I use these experiences to learn and reflect on myself to make my moral level higher.



The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who will blame fate and others when he encounters unsatisfactory things.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you desire to be understood by others? Do you understand and recognize yourself?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




He speaks incoherently(語無倫次)

 He speaks incoherently(語無倫次)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.

He compiled his life notes into a book.


One thing is recorded in this book.


After he was 57 years old, he was demoted and transferred to Guangdong Province, China.

He met a good friend who was a monk there, and his name was (Hui Cheng).


One day (Hui Cheng) said to him.

I am going to Zhejiang Province tomorrow to take care of something. Do you need me to help you do anything?


He was silent when he heard this question.

His memory was pulled back to when he was in his 30s.


He was young at that time. He was working in Zhejiang Province at that time. His political achievements were very good and his future was promising. .

But then he was almost sentenced to death because he was framed maliciously.

Although he was lucky not to die, he was demoted to some very desolate places in the past 20 years.


He replied a few minutes later.


I have a few old friends who are monks just like you. I met when I was in office there. If you have time, please help me to visit them.

If you see them, you can say hello to them for me.

If they ask me about my current situation, you can tell them about my life here.


After he said these words, he took out paper and pen and wrote a few letters to these good friends.


He recalled how he felt when he wrote the letter. He said.

When I wrote these letters, I was very emotional, so I drank several glasses of Chinese rice wine.

The ones from 20 years ago kept popping up in my mind, and I wanted to talk too much to these old friends.


Although I only drank a few glasses of wine, I felt that I was already drunk.


The content of the letters I wrote has no logical order at all, and I am not even sure what I wrote at the time.

I should have missed a lot of what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t rewrite these letters at the time.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person's words being unorganized, so others don't know what the person wants to express.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Have you ever had this kind of experience of getting drunk quickly because of a bad mood? Have you ever had memories or people who have made you unforgettable?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Do you drink poisonous alcohol to quench your thirst.(飲鴆止渴)

 Do you drink poisonous alcohol to quench your thirst.(飲鴆止渴)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Huoxu).

There is a story about him in history books.


His uncle is a governor.

His uncle was framed and sent to prison. All the family members are worried.


He was only 15 years old, and he wanted to help his uncle.

He wrote a letter to the chief of his uncle.


The main points of the letter are as follows.

My uncle has been in prison for a while now, so I took the liberty to write this letter to you.


Each of us has a different body and face.

Some people are tall, some are short, some are fat, some are thin, some are handsome and some are ugly.


But I think the part of human nature is the same. Everyone seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, and everyone is greedy for life and fear of death.


My uncle has a very good family background, and his career from his youth to the present has been very smooth.


He has achieved the position of governor. He has managed the state very well, and he has not made any serious mistakes.


So I think it is impossible for him to commit the crime of falsifying official documents, and doing this is completely useless to him.

This is the first unreasonable point I put forward.


If a person lives in a very comfortable life, he is not faced with the desperate situation of starvation and cold, how could he take poison because he is hungry, and drink poison when he is thirsty.

This is the second unreasonable point I put forward.


From the perspective of human nature, I put forward these two unreasonable points.


I ask you to find out the truth of the matter. I think you are a reasonable and fair person.

I think if you help an innocent person not to be persecuted, great blessings will surely come to you and your family.


Later the chief found out the truth of the matter. His uncle was released from prison.


This idiom is used to describe a person who only seeks to solve the immediate difficulties, regardless of the greater disaster in the future.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you listen to slander casually? Do you think about the rationality of anything you hear?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...