
The city is full of wind and rain (滿城風雨)

The city is full of wind and rain (滿城風雨)


There was a famous poet in the Song Dynasty of China, his name was (Pan Dalin).

There is a story about him in history books.


He is from a poor family, but he is very optimistic and open-minded. 

Once, a good friend of his wrote to him.


Long time no see, how are you. I miss you very much.

I haven't read your poems for a long time. Have you written poems lately? If so, please send it to me.


He wrote back.

When autumn arrives, the city I live in becomes very beautiful.

I really want to write all the scenery I see into my poem. But my daily life is too cumbersome, so I have not been able to calm down and write poetry recently.


Yesterday morning, I was lying in bed. Hearing the sound of rain coming from outside the house, the sound of wind blowing through the woods sounded very bleak.

Suddenly I had inspiration at that time, and I immediately got up.


At the time of the Double Ninth Festival on September 9th, the city where I live is full of wind and rain.


After I finished writing these words, I heard a quick knock on the door.

I opened the door and saw the landlord standing at the door. He came early in the morning to collect the rent.

After I paid the rent, I returned to my desk and suddenly no longer had the urge to write poetry.


Do you want to read the poems I wrote? But I have only written these few words recently.

So I can only send you these words.


This idiom describes the weather is windy and rainy. It is also used to describe people in the whole city talking about an event.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever written a poem to record your feelings? How long have you not calmed down and read a poem well?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance(不修邊幅)

 He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance(不修邊幅)


During China's Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was a famous politician and writer whose name was (Yan Zhitui).


He wrote a book for his descendants. The title of this book is (The Family Instructions of Yan Family).


This book not only affects his descendants, but also affects many Chinese.


He wrote in the preface of this book why he wrote this book.


My parents have been paying attention to my education since I was young, and they always remind and guide me how to become a person who knows etiquette.


My father died when I was nine years old. The responsibility of supporting the whole family fell on my elder brother. My elder brother loved me very much, but he was too busy to correct my mistakes anytime and anywhere.


My teenage years were very rebellious, I indulged my desires and unbridled my words. I don't pay attention to my clothes and appearance. This situation continued until I was almost 20 years old.


I think back to the absurd life when I was young. At that time, I often deceived others. What was more serious was that I deceived myself. The good and evil in my heart often fought, but the result was usually malicious victory.


When I am an adult, I want to get rid of my shortcomings and make myself a better person, but because of long-term habits,

So my process of changing myself didn't go smoothly at the beginning.


Later, before going to bed every day, I would think back to my life that day and I must reflect on the mistakes of that day.

I remind myself that starting tomorrow, I cannot make the same mistake again.

It took me a long time to correct my many bad habits one by one.


I think of these past events, so I wrote this book to you. I hope you will not make the same mistakes like me.

I hope that you will not only read the admonitions in this book, but also take practical actions to practice them.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who does not pay attention to his clothes and appearance.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you pay attention to your own clothes and appearance? Have you worked hard to improve yourself as an adult?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



A big pond(萬頃之陂)


A big pond(萬頃之陂)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a celebrity who was named (Guo Linzong).


He once went to Runan to visit two famous local people.


The name of the first person he visited was (Yuan Fenggao).

After the two of them met, they talked for less than 30 minutes.

He said goodbye and left.


The name of the second person he visited was (Huang Shudu).

After the two of them met, they talked very happily. He stayed in Huang Shudu's house for two days and talked for two days before he left.


After he returned home, his friend asked him how he would evaluate the two men.


He said.

(Yuan Fenggao)'s knowledge and cultivation are like a small stream. The water in this stream is clean and easy to scoop.

After I talked with him for a while, I felt that I could leave.


(Huang Shudu)'s knowledge and cultivation are like a big lake. The water in this lake is very clean but deep. I kept scooping water, but the lake was still clear and did not become turbid.


I talked with him for two days, and I still feel that there is too little time.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person's profound knowledge and cultivation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Which of these two people do you think is more worthy of in-depth communication? Have you ever had the experience of feeling too happy and reluctant to leave when talking with others?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




Sustained forbearance is more valuable than gold(百忍成金)


Sustained forbearance is more valuable than gold(百忍成金)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous person whose name was (Zhang Gongyi).

There is a story about him in history books.


He experienced the Northern Qi Dynasty, Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty in his life.

His family is very prosperous, with many people. There are more than hundreds of people.


His whole family is very harmonious and concentric. Therefore, the kings of every dynasty respected him very much and praised him many times.


When he was old, the king of the Tang Dynasty specially visited him once.


The king asked during the conversation.

What is your secret to managing such a huge family?

Can you share it with me.


He smiled and said.

Okay, but this secret is very difficult. May I write it down and give it to you.


The king nodded happily.


He took out the pen and paper, and he wrote the first character, which is a character for forbearance.

He wrote the second and third words, both of which are also the word forbearance.


The king quietly watched him write more than 100 characters of forbearance in a row.


The king interrupted him to continue writing.

The king said to him with tears.

Thank you for sharing, this secret is really difficult, but I will always remember it in my heart.


This idiom means that forbearance is very precious.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you think a group can maintain harmony? What do you think should be the manifestation of love?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I have to prepare before it rains(未雨綢繆)


I have to prepare before it rains(未雨綢繆)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


This poem is very special. It was written from the standpoint of a bird.


That fierce owl, you have taken my baby bird, don't destroy my nest.

Creator, please grant me grace. This is my humble request.


I took advantage of the time it was not raining, and quickly used soil and tree bark to strengthen my bird's nest.

If I do this, that vicious owl and his men should not be able to bully me.


Because I keep picking branches to strengthen my nest, my claws have been severely damaged.

Because I kept picking up hay to repair my bird's nest, my beak was very tired.


I have worked so hard, but I still haven't made my home strong yet.


The feathers on my wings and tail fell off.

The wind and rain are getting stronger and stronger, while constantly shaking my bird's nest.

I was in fear, and I screamed sadly.


This idiom is used to remind us to take precautions before the storm comes.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What will you be frightened about? Will you face or avoid your fear?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



I should warn myself not to make the same mistake(懲前毖後)

 I should warn myself not to make the same mistake(懲前毖後)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


This idiom comes from a poem written by the king of the Zhou Dynasty.


I should learn from the lesson and avoid making the same mistake again.


I should be careful to avoid being stung by the grass, and I should be careful to avoid being stung by the bees.


I should remember a lot of offenses, at first it was like a cute bird in a bird's nest.

But when I didn't pay attention, this little bird had become a big bird that could only spread its wings and fly high.


Our kingdom is going through many tribulations, but I let our kingdom fall into the grass of suffering again.


I should learn from the lesson and avoid making the same mistake again.



This idiom is used to describe a person taking past mistakes as a lesson and being cautious not to make mistakes again.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you made any memorable mistakes? In what way do you remind yourself not to make the same mistake again?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




The sun is not a gong or a candle(扣槃捫燭)


The sun is not a gong or a candle(扣槃捫燭)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.


He wrote an article to a good friend of his.

The general idea of ​​this article is as follows.


There is a man who is born blind. He has never looked at the sun.

One day, he asked his two friends.


Can you tell me what the sun looks like? Can you take a specific object to let me feel the sun?


A friend handed him a gong and told him.

The sun is like a gong. The shape of the sun is round and its color is yellow.


He picked up the gong and knocked it. The gong made a loud sound.

He said.

It turns out that this is the sun, and the sound made by the sun is like this.


Another friend said.

The sun is like a candle, it emits light and emits heat.


He picked up the candle, touched it, and said. It turns out that this is the sun, and the shape of the sun is long and thin.


Su Shi went on to write in the article.

Why do I want to tell this story, because I think truth and knowledge are very abstract, and all people have different understandings of truth and knowledge.


We shouldn't just listen to what others say, and then treat the opinions of others as our own.

We should study hard by ourselves, and we should objectively understand truth and knowledge rather than subjectively imagine and guess.


When we learn any knowledge and truth, we should not talk about theories, but should practice and verify it by ourselves.


The meaning of this idiom reminds us that we cannot rely on one-sided understanding to recognize the truth.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Do you agree with him? Which one do you think is more important to practice the truth or to hear the truth?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



He stared attentively(目不轉睛)

 He stared attentively(目不轉睛)


There was a philosopher in the Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Yang Quan).


In a book he wrote, he recorded an interesting friend of his.


The name of this friend is (Lu Ziyi).


(Lu Ziyi) is a famous person, he insists on his own principles.

What he eats is very simple, he doesn't like luxurious dishes.


He visited his friends several times, and these friends enthusiastically prepared good wines and dishes to entertain him.


But he smiled and said to his friend.

I don't like to eat these things, so I prepared some food myself.


Then he took out some dry food he had prepared from his bag.


He said to his friend. You eat yours, I eat mine.

By the way, please give me a glass of boiled water.


Several of his good friends often visit him at his home.

Several times his friends came to visit him at his home, and his friend had to stay at his home that night because of some unexpected situations.


He would not sleep that night.

He would light a candle, stare at the candle, and then sit in a chair without moving all night.


This idiom means to describe the appearance of a person staring at something intently.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story?

Do you have any special habits? What is the most special quirk you have encountered?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



The bright moonlight is accompanied by the breeze(光風霽月)


The bright moonlight is accompanied by the breeze(光風霽月)


The Tang Dynasty in China was an era of poetry. Almost everyone wrote poetry, and almost everyone loved to read poetry.


According to statistics, more than 48,900 poems have been passed down from the Tang Dynasty, and more than 2,200 authors can be identified.


Some of these works cannot confirm who the author is, but these poems are also very well written.


This idiom comes from one of the poems.


I was standing on a tall building, and I looked around.


The rain is really heavy tonight. My surroundings seemed to be surrounded by a curtain made of water. The curtain is very heavy, and all the rain seems to be floating in the air.


I was standing on a tall building, and I looked around.


The torrential rain finally stopped. I feel the breeze blowing on me. I saw the white moon appear, and the sky and the earth were bright.


I looked at the mountains in the distance, and I thought of the famous poet of the ancient Chu Kingdom.

The poet has a noble personality. He lives in an unclear era, but he always believes that a good day will come.


I looked at the clouds in the distance. I thought that if the poet could see the current scenery, he would definitely feel cheerful and smile.



This idiom is used to describe the moment when the bright moonlight is accompanied by a breeze after heavy rain.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you like rainy days or sunny days? How long have you not written down your inner feelings with a pen?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He is sick but he refuses to seek medical attention(諱疾忌醫)


He is sick but he refuses to seek medical attention(諱疾忌醫)


There was a famous writer and philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty. His name is (Zhou Dunyi).


He combined the ideas of Taoism and Confucianism to develop his own unique philosophy.

There is a paragraph in the book he wrote as follows.


A friend asked.

If you see your friends behave well, what will you do.


He replied.

I will learn from his good behavior.


The friend asked.

If you see your friend behaving badly, what will you do?


He said.

I will advise him to change.


The friend asked.

Then if someone tells you, you have bad behavior. How do you remind yourself that you should humbly accept other people's advice?


He said.

I will use Confucius as a model to remind myself.

Confucius, when he heard others point out his mistakes, he would be very happy to say to this person, thank you for reminding me, this gave me a chance to improve.


Because of his behavior, many people in later generations respect him.


But now many people don't know this story, and most people get angry when they hear others point out his mistakes. I think this mentality is like a person who is already sick, but this person has been evading reality and not going to the doctor.


Such people are unwilling to face their own mistakes, so they never make progress.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person's unwillingness to listen to other people's advice, unwilling to face their own mistakes.



Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

How would you react if you heard someone point out your mistakes? How would you remind yourself to be humble?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




If there is a father, there must be a son. (有其父必有其子)

 If there is a father, there must be a son. (有其父必有其子)


During the Han Dynasty in China, one of the descendants of Confucius was named (Kong Fu). He wrote a book. This book records the words and deeds of some prominent and well-known figures in his family.


An interesting story is recorded in this book.


The name of Confucius' grandson is (Zi Si). He was talking to a friend of his once. This friend is a famous philosopher, his name is (Yin Wenzi).


(Yin Wenzi) said.

One thing has bothered me recently.


(Zi Si) asked.

What happened?


Yin Wenzi said.

My son does not look like me, and the point is that his personality, interests and preferences are completely different from mine. I suspect that he is not my biological son.

I suspect that I am cuckold so I want to divorce my wife.


Zisi said.

According to this logic, I think that several famous emperors in ancient times are all cuckold.


Yin Wenzi said.

This is impossible.


Zisi said.

If you look at the historical records, these emperors are very smart and capable, but their children are very mediocre. So I infer that these emperors are all cuckold.


Yin Wenzi was silent.


Zisi continued.

Because of the relationship between genetic inheritance and the environment, a child's appearance, personal interests and preferences are mostly similar to those of his father.


But we should remain humble, because the wonder of the Creator exceeds our imagination.

Every child's looks, personal interests and preferences are unique, so even if they are completely different from their father, this is not surprising.

We should respect God’s gifts for different children


Yin Wenzi said.

What you said is right, I can't refute it, I won't divorce my wife.


The meaning of this idiom is that if there is a father, there must be a son.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you respect the differences of each child? Do you require your child to be like you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




This girl has reached the age of wanting to marry(有女懷春)

This girl has reached the age of wanting to marry(有女懷春)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest compilation of poems in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.


These poems were written over 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poems from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poems used by the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


This idiom is derived from one of the poems.


There is a young girl who has reached marriageable age, and a man who likes her wants to pursue her.


The young man hunted a roe deer in the wild, then he chose the best piece of meat and wrapped it carefully.

He gave this gift to this beautiful girl.


The young man hunted a deer in the wild, then he chose the best piece of meat and wrapped it carefully.

He gave this gift to this pure girl.


The beautiful girl said to the brave young man.


I know you like me, but don't be so impatient.

You slow down your pace. I want to see if you are a good marriage partner.

If you want to force me, then you have to be careful. Because I will let my dog ​​bite you.


This idiom describes a girl who has reached marriageable age and hopes that the opposite sex will pursue it.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you behave when you like someone? When you fall in love, do you remind yourself to stay awake and respect women?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



I don’t know how to say something(有口難言)

 I don’t know how to say something(有口難言)


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.


His life began to experience many hardships continuously since his middle age.


Once, when he was walking on the road, he saw a drunk man sleeping on the side of the road.

He was touched by this scene so he wrote a poem.


I asked why you were drunk, and you said that because you find this path to the truth too difficult to walk.

I asked you why you were asleep, and you said that because you find the feelings and thoughts in your heart too hard to speak.


I saw you fall asleep in this pile of rocks because of drunkenness.

I think no one in this world can know how difficult you are and how sad your heart is.


This idiom means that I don’t know how to say something.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Do you think drinking can really solve all the problems encountered in life? How do you feel when you look back at the low ebb in your life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He must not be surprised(司空見慣)

 He must not be surprised(司空見慣)


There was a central government official in the Tang Dynasty of China. He later became the prime minister and his name was (Li Shen).


There is a story about him in history books.


He admired another famous poet at that time, his name was (Liu Yuxi).


(Liu Yuxi) is also one of the government officials, but his luck is not so good, he has not been assigned to important positions. He was assigned to a very remote city.


He was finally transferred back to the capital after he was 56 years old.


Not long after he was transferred back to the capital, (Li Shen) once invited him to dinner.


The dinner was very luxurious and grand. After eating this meal, he wrote a poem.


I attended a grand dinner where the singers wore wonderful makeup and dressed in beautiful clothes.

The singer's singing is so perfect.


I saw the host of the banquet listening to the performance quietly.

His expression is very natural, and he must often see such brilliant performances so he is not surprised.


But I am a low-level official who has finally returned to the capital. When I watched this performance, I thought of my hard and shabby life over the past few decades. I suddenly felt very sad.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe the meaning often seen in metaphors, which is not surprising.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you feel inferior because your own financial situation is not as good as other people's? Do you think that a person's wealth and poverty really depend on the individual's hard work?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Li Shen(李紳/公垂)


Li Shen (李紳) (772-846 AD)


His last name is (Li), his parents gave him the name (Shen), when he grew up, his friends called him (Gong Chui), and he was born in Anhui Province, China.


The meaning of plum tree. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of a gentleman.

The meaning of fairness is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of falling from top to bottom.


He was the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.


In his youth, he wrote two poems depicting the hard work of farmers.

The content of these two poems is as follows.


As long as you sow a seed in the spring, you can harvest a lot of grain in the fall.

I saw hard-working farmers farming everywhere, but why are these farmers still trapped in poverty?


At noon, I saw a farmer loosening the soil in the field with a hoe.

He then began to plant seeds, and I saw his sweat dripping in the fields.

Have you ever thought that every grain of rice you eat is the fruit of farmers hard work.


These two simple poems have brought many reflections and touches to future generations.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever wondered where the food you eat and the items you use come from? Do you cherish all the resources you have?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You have to pretend to be a fool or deaf(不痴不聾不作家翁)

You have to pretend to be a fool or deaf(不痴不聾不作家翁)


In the Tang Dynasty of China, one of the kings was (Li Yu).

History books record a story about him.


He was in-laws with a well-known general at the time, and the general's name was (Guo Ziyi).

His daughter is married to (Guo Ziyi)'s son.


One day, the princess suddenly came back to the palace.


he asks.

My dear girl, why are you coming back suddenly.

You look very angry, what happened.


Said the princess.

I quarreled with my husband, and he said something very hurtful.

I didn't want to see him, so I came back.


He said.

How did it happen?


Said the princess.

We had a dispute about one thing, and he didn't listen to my opinion.

I told him, you have to listen to me, because I am a princess.


he asks.

Then what.


Said the princess.

He said to me very viciously. What's so great about you being a princess.

Had it not been for my father to defend our kingdom, could your father sit securely on the king's throne?


My father's talent will not be lost to your father. If there is a chance, my dad is also qualified to be a king



He nodded and said to her daughter.

Okay, I get it. Don't be angry. Go back to your room and rest for a while.


Soon after the princess left, General Guo Ziyi also came to the palace.


He said to Guo Ziyi

You came to me because of our children, right?


Guo Ziyi said.

Yes, after I got home from get off work, I heard my wife tell me that my son was quarreling with the princess.

And because my son said something hurtful, the princess ran away from home.


I am very angry. I have ordered my subordinates to imprison my son.


May I ask the king, how do you punish him?


He said after hearing these words.

Their young couple quarreled. It shouldn't affect the relationship between the two of us.


There is a proverb.

When your daughter quarrels with her husband, you should not express an opinion immediately, you should pretend to be a fool and deaf.


He walked beside Guo Ziyi and took his hand and said.

Let's go, let's take this opportunity to have tea and chat, let them face and deal with their affairs.


This idiom means that as the elders of a family, one should maintain an objective and non-interfering stance on disputes between younger generations.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with his approach? If he quarrels with Guo Ziyi because of this, what do you think will be the result?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...