
The city is full of wind and rain (滿城風雨)

He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance(不修邊幅)

A big pond(萬頃之陂)

Sustained forbearance is more valuable than gold(百忍成金)

I have to prepare before it rains(未雨綢繆)

I should warn myself not to make the same mistake(懲前毖後)

The sun is not a gong or a candle(扣槃捫燭)

He stared attentively(目不轉睛)

The bright moonlight is accompanied by the breeze(光風霽月)

He is sick but he refuses to seek medical attention(諱疾忌醫)

If there is a father, there must be a son. (有其父必有其子)

This girl has reached the age of wanting to marry(有女懷春)

I don’t know how to say something(有口難言)

He must not be surprised(司空見慣)

Li Shen(李紳/公垂)

You have to pretend to be a fool or deaf(不痴不聾不作家翁)