
Liu Gen(劉根)



Liu Gen(劉根)(AD?-AD?)


His surname is (Liu) and his parents gave him the name (Gen). He was born in Henan Province, China.


It originally meant a weapon such as an axe. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the roots of grass or trees.



He was a famous Taoist priest in the Han Dynasty and his story is recorded in history books.


He lived in seclusion on Songshan Mountain for a long time and had many disciples.

Because there were so many people studying with him, he attracted the attention of the local government.


After the local mayor sent soldiers to arrest him where he lived, he was brought before the mayor.

The mayor said to him

I think you are a liar.

You use your deception to make many people believe that you have mastered the method of becoming immortal.

I don't think you really have any special abilities. If you really have those special abilities, you can show them to me now, otherwise I will punish you according to the most severe law.


He said to the mayor with a smile.

I do have special abilities. I have the ability to summon spirits.


the mayor said to him.

Can you really summon ghosts? I don't think so, you're just talking big.


Liu Gen did not argue with the mayor. After a few seconds of silence, he turned his head, looked back and shouted.

Come out.


Several people suddenly appeared behind Liu Gen. Their hands were tied with ropes and they stood in a line. These people walked over to Liu Gen's side.


The mayor couldn't believe his eyes. After rubbing his eyes, the mayor saw that he knew all those people who suddenly appeared. These people who suddenly appeared were his dead relatives.

His parents, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles.


The ghost of the mayor's father came to Liu Gen and spoke to Liu Gen with great respect.

Please forgive my son's recklessness, he doesn't believe you.

I will ask him to apologise to you directly.



The ghost of the mayor's father then approached the mayor and spoke to him.

You are a foolish child.

Liu Gen's ability is very powerful, and he has great influence in the place where our spirits live. Your actions have caused trouble for those of us who have become dead.

I order you to admit your mistake to Liu Gen immediately.


The Mayor immediately knelt down in front of his father's ghost and Liu Gen. The Mayor spoke to his father's ghost and Liu Gen with a trembling voice.

I was wrong to doubt your abilities, please let my family be safe in the afterlife.

I will release you immediately.


After saying these words, the Mayor raised his head.

The Mayor was surprised to see Liu Gen and the ghosts disappear before his eyes.


Dear friend, what are your thoughts after listening to this story?

Do you believe that ghosts exist? If you could see the ghost of a dead person, who would you like to meet?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.







Huatu(華陀) (145 AD-208 AD)


His surname is (Hua) and his parents gave him the name (Tuo). When he was growing up, his friends called him (Yuanhua). He was born in Anhui Province, China.


It means flower. It means beautiful. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means tilted.

It means beginning. It means root. It is also a Chinese surname.

This word has many meanings, here are some important ones.

It means change.



He is one of the most famous Chinese doctors in Chinese history.

There is a story about him in the history books.


One of his students asked him.

I want to make my body healthier, can you teach me some methods?


he said to his student.

A person should be active often, but not too much.

If a person moves regularly, it can help to digest food and make the various circulatory systems in the body run more smoothly.

If a door is opened frequently, the hinge part of the door will rot.

You should think of this metaphor as you go in and out of your house each day, and you will remember to remind yourself to move frequently.


In ancient times, some people with good cultivation and a long life imitated the movements of animals to move their head, waist and various joints of the body. If you do these exercises regularly, you will get a good stretching effect.


the student asked, nodding in agreement.

So what do you usually do to stretch your body?


he replied with a smile.

I consulted many ancient books and invented a series of stretching exercises.

There are five series in my set. Each imitates the movements of five animals.

These five animals are tiger, deer, bear, monkey and bird.


Whether I feel comfortable or uncomfortable, I will continue to do this series of movements to stretch my body. If I have time, I'll do the whole series. If I'm busy, I'll use my free time to do one of the animal moves.


Every time I do these exercises, my body will sweat a little. Every time I do these exercises, my appetite will improve and my body will feel lighter.

Would you like to learn this move?


His student nodded vigorously and said.

I would like to learn this stretching method.


His exercise method has been passed down to this day, and the name of his exercise method is (Wu Qin Xi). A direct translation of the meaning of each word is a game imitating the five animals.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a habit of exercising every day? What are your favourite ways of exercising?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Guo Yu(郭玉)


Guo Yu(郭玉)(AD?-AD?)


His surname is (Guo) and his parents gave him the name (Yu). His birthplace is in Sichuan Province, China.


It means the outer city wall. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means jade. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous Chinese physician in the Han Dynasty.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


His medical skills were very good, so the king of Han Dynasty appointed him as a dedicated physician in the palace.

He had a good relationship with the king, and he was also close to some nobles and members of the royal family.


One morning, the king himself selected two people from the palace.

The first person is a male servant with very delicate skin on his hands, and the second person is a maid with very delicate skin on his hands.


said the king to the two men.

I want to play a joke with Guo Yu. I want you two to hide behind a curtain. The male servant will extend his right hand out of the curtain, and the maid will extend her left hand out of the curtain.


I will say this to Guo Yu. This person is sick. Please use the pulses of his two hands to confirm what illness he has. Then you can provide this person with some suggestions on diet and medication.


I want to see how Guo Yu will react when he finds out that you are two people.


That afternoon, Guo Yu came to the palace.

The king took Guo Yu to a room in the palace.

There is a large curtain in this room, and a pair of hands stretches out from the curtain.

There is a table and a chair in front of the curtain.


The king said to Guo Yu.

I want you to see this man, he is a member of the royal family

He had a strange disease that no other doctor could cure.

So I specially brought him here for your diagnosis and treatment.


Guo Yu nodded in agreement.


After Guo Yu sat down, he grabbed the two hands that stretched out the curtain with his own hands.

After about a minute, his expression became more and more serious.


Guo Yu said to the king.

In my experience, I feel that the pulses in these two hands are not the same.

The pulse of one of the two hands feels like a man's pulse, and the other hand feels like a woman's pulse.


Guo Yu paused and then looked at the king and said to the king.


I don't think it's the same person's pulse, so I can't make an accurate judgment.

The king laughed after hearing this.

The king said to Guo Yu.

You are awesome, I deliberately wanted to tease you, but I didn't expect you to find out so quickly that the left hand in these hands is the hand of a male servant and the right hand is the hand of a maid.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever experienced traditional Chinese medicine? Have you heard about the special methods that Chinese doctors use in treatment?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Fan Ying (樊英/季齊)



Fan Ying (樊英)(AD?-AD?)


His surname is (Fan) and his parents gave him the name (English). When he was growing up, his friends called him (Jiqi). He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means cage. It means fence. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means flower. It means essence. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the youngest of several brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means neat. It means complete.


He was a famous scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and he was also an expert on the Book of Changes.

There is a story about him in the history books.


The king at that time always wanted to appoint him as an official in the central government in the capital, but he refused the king's requests.


One day, the king said to the mayor of the city where Fan Ying lived.

I don't care what method you use, you must let (Fan Ying) come to the capital to see me. If you fail to do so, I will punish you in the most severe way.


After receiving the king's order, the mayor begged (Fan Ying).

A few weeks later, Fan Ying said to the mayor

Because of your request, I will go to the capital to see the king.


Fan Ying arrived in the capital and entered the palace.

When he saw the king, he did not bow to him, as was the custom at that time.


The king said to him.

Why are you so proud? Why don't you salute me?

Don't you know that I am the supreme leader of the Han Dynasty?

Your life and death are in my hands.

I can make you a person who is immediately respected by others, or I can make you a person who is despised by others. I can make you a very rich man in no time, or I can make you a very poor man in no time.

You should show me respect and awe.


He said to the king with a smile.

My life and death are not in your hands; my life and death are in God's hands. It was God's will that I should be born, and it would be God's will if you killed me.

I live in the countryside every day, I am an upright person, I have taught many students, and I have never been looked down upon by others.

I defend my own values and do not lose my principles because of threats from others, so the people around me respect me very much.

I rely on my ability to earn money to support myself and my family. I am very satisfied. Too much money means nothing to me.

I live a comfortable life every day. I think it is more important to follow my ideals than to buy expensive food. I never feel poor.


I really don't want to be a central government official. I agreed to come to the palace to see you because I want to tell you in person that we have different goals in life. Please don't force me any more.


After hearing his words, the king stopped forcing him to serve as a central government official.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were a king, how would you react after hearing these words? What are the most important values in your life?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is very determined(精衛填海)

 He is very determined(精衛填海)


In ancient China, there was a very strange book. This book is called (The Classic of Mountains and Seas).

This book records many folklore monsters and strange beasts, as well as many legends from ancient times.

This book records the observations and imaginations of the Chinese people in ancient times about the world. It is the oldest novel in China.


There is a story in this book.

In ancient China, there was a famous leader who invented fire. The people of that time called him (Emperor Yan).

He has a beautiful daughter, and her name is (Jingwei).


One day, (Jingwei) secretly ran to the beach to play without telling his father.

Unfortunately, a big wave rolled over and (Jingwei) drowned in the sea.

(Jingwei)'s unexpected death broke their father's heart.


(Jingwei's) soul floated in the air. Her soul saw her father crying, and she felt very guilty.

She felt regret and anger, and pushed the unexpected mistake out to sea.


Her soul spoke to the ocean.

Why do you want to make a big wave and drown me?

I don't want tragedies like mine to happen to others. I want to use my power to fill the sea.


Her soul turned into a bird that looked like a crow.

But unlike the crow, this bird has beautiful feathers on its head, its beak is white, and its claws are red.

The call of this bird is very special. Its cry is like a person constantly calling out the name (Jingwei).


After her soul was transformed into this bird, every day she took twigs and pebbles from the land in her mouth and flew to the sea to throw them into the sea.


She never loses heart. She believes that one day she will be able to fill the vast sea with her own strength.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is very determined and will never lose heart or give up.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you still have big dreams? Do you still hold on to your dreams?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Duan Yi(段翳/元章)

Duan Yi(段翳)(AD?-AD?)

His surname is (Duan) and his parents gave him the name (Yi). When he was growing up, his friends called him (Yuanzhang). He was born in Sichuan Province, China.


It means paragraph. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means to cover.

It means beginning. It means root. It is also a Chinese family name.

This word has many meanings, here are a few important ones.

It means chapter. It is also a Chinese surname.


He was a famous fortune teller in the Han Dynasty and an expert in the Book of Changes.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He can divine other people's names without any information.

He can also predict what will happen in the future through divination.

He was very good at fortune-telling. He lived in seclusion in the countryside and taught many young people how to learn the I Ching and divination.


Once, as he passed a jetty on a river near his home, he said to the man who guarded the jetty

Two people will be coming here in a week, each carrying a load.

I didn't know these two people, but I have learned through divination that they want to be my students.

They will ask you for my home address and ask you to take them to my home.


Another time a student said to him

I have been studying with you for almost a year. I have been able to use the divination techniques you have taught me very skilfully. I think I can become a qualified and excellent diviner.

I will go back to my hometown tomorrow and use my fortune-telling skills to serve the people in my hometown.


When his student left the next day, he took out a sealed bamboo jar and gave it to the student.

He said to the student.

This is a gift from me. If you are in a very urgent situation, you can open this sealed bamboo jar, and the contents of this bamboo jar can solve your problem.


A few days later, while the student and one of his servants were waiting for a boat at a pier, the student's servant got into an argument and a fight with several other people who were waiting to board the boat.

The student's servant was seriously injured in the fight.

The student's servant's wound was bleeding heavily and the situation was very urgent.


The student suddenly remembered the sealed bamboo jar. The student opened the bamboo jar.

The student saw a bottle of ointment in the bamboo jar and a note.

Some words were written on the note. If someone is seriously injured and the bleeding does not stop, these ointments can be applied.


About ten minutes after the student applied the ointment to his servant, the bleeding from the servant's wound stopped and the servant's vital signs slowly returned to normal.


After the servant recovered, the student returned to Duan Yi's house.

The student said to (Duan Yi)

Originally, I thought I had learned all of your knowledge, but now I realise that I was too proud and knew too little. You still have a lot of knowledge worth learning.

I hope to be your student again. Will you continue to teach me?


He nodded in agreement.

From that day on, the student learned from him with a very serious and humble attitude. After a few years, the student truly became an expert in divination.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who is your most revered teacher? What is the most important thing you have learnt from your most respected teacher?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Li Nan(李南/孝山)


Li Nan(李南) (AD?-AD?)


His surname is (Li) and his parents gave him the name (Nan). When he was growing up, his friends called him (Xiaoshan). He was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


It means plum tree. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means southern. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means filial piety. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means mountain. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous fortune teller in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was an expert in the Book of Changes and was good at predicting the future through changes in the wind.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


Once, the magistrate of the county where he lived was his good friend.

One day, the magistrate received an order from the king.

Because your performance in governing this county is poor, you will be punished.

The magistrate was very worried.


A few days after he received the order, he happened to meet the district magistrate.

As soon as he saw the district magistrate, he said to the district magistrate

First of all, I would like to congratulate you.


The district magistrate said to him.

Why do you want to congratulate me?

I just want to tell you that I'm in big trouble.

The King thinks that my work is not good, so I must be punished.

I think there is a good chance that I will be removed from my official position.


he told the district magistrate.

You needn't worry about this order from the king.

I noticed this morning that the wind is very special today. According to my professional fortune telling, something good will happen to you tomorrow.


At noon the next day, the king's second letter arrived.

The king had changed his mind and decided not to punish him for his poor governance.



His daughter had also seen him do fortune-telling for others since she was a child, so his daughter also learned this skill.

His daughter got married and lived with her husband's family.


One day, his daughter suddenly said to her mother-in-law.

I want to go and stay with my parents for a few days. I want to tell my parents something.


His daughter's mother-in-law thought it was strange and asked her daughter.

Why do you want to go back to your parents' house all of a sudden? There are no special holidays these days.


his daughter told her mother-in-law in tears.

After getting up this morning, I followed my usual routine and went to the backyard to carry water to the kitchen and prepare breakfast.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew against the well at the back of the house and the chimney of the house.


Since I was a child, my father had taught me how to predict the future by observing changes in the wind.

So I knew that this was a very bad omen.


Of all the people who live in this house, I am the one who uses the kitchen and the well the most.

I predict that my life is coming to an end.


That's why I want to go back to my home while I'm still alive. I want to see my mother and father again before I die.

The daughter's mother-in-law agreed to her daughter's request after hearing her daughter's words.


The daughter died a few months later.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were to die in a few days, who would you most want to see now? If you were to die in a few days, how would you spend the last few days of your life?

I hope this story has given you some new insights.




Yang You (楊由/哀侯)


Yang You (楊由)(AD?-AD?), given name Aihou


His surname is (Yang) and his parents gave him the name (Yu). When he was growing up, his friends called him (Aihou). He was born in Sichuan Province, China.


It means poplar tree. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means the original meaning. It means the meaning of origin. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means sad.

It means marquis. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous soothsayer in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was good at predicting the future by discovering hidden omens.

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


He was a government official in a county during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The county magistrate once said to him

In the past few nights, I have noticed a very strange phenomenon.

There are many very large geese flying onto the roof of our county hall after dark.

Do you think this is a sign?


He replied.

In my opinion, it means that there will soon be riots in our county.

But don't worry, this riot is small.


Twenty days after he said these words, some people in the county suddenly rioted, and the riot quickly subsided, as he had predicted.


Another time the county magistrate said to him

Yesterday afternoon a strong wind suddenly blew.

When I went for a walk in my yard after this strong wind, I noticed something strange.

I found a lot of bark on the ground, which I thought was caused by the strong wind.

What do you think this is a sign of?


He replied.

Don't worry, it's a good sign.

It means that someone will give you some very special fruit, yellow in colour.


The county magistrate said to him a few days after he had said this.

Your prediction is very accurate. Yesterday a good friend of mine came to see me and he brought a package of oranges as a gift.



Another time he went to a restaurant to drink and eat with his friends.

Halfway through the meal, he suddenly said to his friends.

I suddenly have something urgent, so I have to leave the restaurant first.


His servant asked him after he had left the restaurant.

Why did you suddenly leave the restaurant? As far as I know, you don't have any plans for later.

he said to his servant.

Just now, while I was eating in a restaurant, I saw two turtle doves fighting on a tree outside the restaurant.

According to my judgement, I think there will be a fight in this restaurant later. To avoid the danger, I must leave the restaurant first.


His prediction came true. Two groups of customers had a fight in the restaurant, and one of the customers was killed in the fight.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you believe that there are signs before something happens? Have you ever avoided disaster by suddenly changing your behaviour?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




This couple is very compatible(如鼓琴瑟)


This couple is very compatible(如鼓琴瑟)


(The Book of Songs) is China's earliest collection of poetry.

There are 305 poems in the book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.

The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is folk poetry from different parts of China at that time.

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty, which ruled China at that time.

The third category is the sacrificial poems used by the royal family and nobles of the Zhou dynasty.


Among them is a poem sung by the nobles of the Zhou dynasty when entertaining their brothers. The general idea of the secend paragraph of this song is as follows


When we get through these difficulties and emergencies, our lives return to peace and tranquillity.

I've noticed that as I've been spending more time with my friends lately, we've become less and less close to our brothers.


I feel very happy today, I got together with my brother today.

I prepared a lot of delicious food and we had a great time together.

I feel warm and happy.


I'm very happy today, I met my wife and my brother today.

My relationship with my wife is very good.

My wife and I are like two musical instruments, the Chinese guqin and the guther. We are very compatible.


I looked at my family who were happily eating with me. I was very happy that I was very friendly with my brother and that I was very harmonious with my wife and children.


The relationship between brothers is as important as the relationship between husband and wife. If one of them is missing, it will not be a perfect family relationship.

That's what I feel now, and I don't know if you agree with me.


This idiom means that the couple is very compatible.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a harmonious relationship with your family? Do you think that your family is happy?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...